((Louis, 75 words... don't do it again))
Jess nodded, listening to them talk. "I want... no, i need to make something clear Andrew." he said firmly. "If i say to, you get out, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you don't head for that portal straight away, i will stun you myself and send you through the portal myself. Am i clear?" he asked, looking Andrew straight in the eyes. "I know heroism runs through your family, but hopefully you have some sense. I wont have anyone 'fighting to the end' here." He told Andrew.
"That goes for all of you," he added, looking at the other students, "Make sure you pass that one on," he told them. "Now, as for plans, i say we lure them in. Mrs Black can provide a distraction, they'll be sneaking in, once they're in the main stairway, past the hall we set off Mrs black, they'll turn around, and we will attack while their backs are turned. Once the main fight starts it'll be close quaters stuff, so we may have to draw them out, i want two main task forces, half our Order and half the PA forces in each, one will draw them upstairs into the drawing room, i've already fortified it with spells, and barricades to protect you. The other will go into the kitchen, this one will rely mainly on spells only. I've strengthened the roof, so it wont be collapsing on us anytime soon," he told them seriously
((Not whole plan, need to run