"Yes," Robert replied. "Michael is going to be surly and angry for a few days. He doesn't like not being in control. And he is a poor patient. He's very impatient and testy. He will try to behave himself, but the chances of us keeping him here until he's completely well are almost nil.
"Khaat is more than likely to just be silent. Once she gets done being rattled, she'll be less reclusive and less clingy on Michael and Brian. She may go through a couple of days where she gets clingy with me as she tries to not overburden them. And then it will wear off. Its not like we haven't seen it before. Her voice will come back on its own. It always does. When Barker had her, she learne that to shorten his tortures or the time he even kept her was totally dependent on how much of a reaction she gave him. If she screamed or made any noise, it prolonged his pain. If she stayed silent, she bored him and he gave up. She has learned to stay silent in these things and then it takes awhile for it to wear off. She'll be fine, in time."
Angus was in the kitchen preparing asimple chicken stock in order to prepare a large kettle of soup for lunch. When Cassidy came in, he said, "I'm just going to make some soup for lunch, maybe a salad, put some slices of crusty bread with it, and I don't know what I"ll do for some sort of a dessert. I don't remember if I have any homemade ice cream or sorbet in the freezer or not. And I haven't even thought about what to serve for dinner later tonight. I think I need to get through lunch first."