Let us run wild and free! - Page 14
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Li9olo10

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Let us run wild and free!

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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Tyler Lockwood Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:22 am

Katie looked at Eva and crossed her arms. " You know, you don't lie very well. " said Katie softly but honestly. " I'm your best friend, I know you better than anyone almost! "said Katie honestly. " Now spill, what's wrong? "Katie asked her softly but curiously. By the looks of it, she seemed shook up by the story that she just told her. Katie didn't blame her, seeing how she watched her sister die.

Katie would never know how it felt to lose a love one, although Tyler's grandfather was hers as well, she never knew or met him before. But Katie wouldn't know how to act if she lost anyone, she doesn't know how Tyler and Eva did it. She knew that it had to be hard for them, but here they were being so strong. Katie admired them, she really did even if she was a b! tch to them and hated them at times. Only reason why she hated them at times, was because what they had.

Katie wanted to roll her eyes at her comment, but she just looked at her and sighed. " It's not easy for me seeing you to like this ok?"Katie asked her softly. " How would you feel if the first boy you truly liked just left without saying good bye or anything? "Katie asked her softly. " Just forget I said that, it doesn't matter anymore, he's gone. " said Katie honestly. " Although I miss him, I miss him a lot. " said Katie softly but honestly.

Katie sighed. " I know that I have, and I have no reason to be. " said Katie softly but honestly. " I know that you can't forgive me, what I said can't be erase. " said Katie honestly before looking down at her french vanilla cappuccino. " That's why I'm thinking of leaving, I can't stay here knowing that this trip is going to be awkward for me. " said Katie softly but honestly. " I'm leaving tomorrow Evy, don't try to stop me we both know it's for the best. "said Katie softly but honestly. Seeing it starting to rain, Katie sighed before looking at the rain as it poured down from the sky.

Tyler was at the park playing with Polar bear as it started raining. Shrugging at a little bit at a little bit of rain, he kept playing with Polar bear as it started pouring raining. Running with Polar bear, he ran back towards the street and whistled for a taxi cab but none of them stopped. " Oh bloody hell! Tyler thought to himself as he looked at the map seeing that he wasn't that far from the hotel. Taking off running as fast as he could to get out of the rain.

After a few minutes of running, Tyler seen a coffee shop before walking into it. Drenched in rain from head to toe, Tyler shook his hair out, before heading towards the counter to get a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm him up. " May I have a hot chocolate please? "Tyler asked softly as the man nodded. As the man set his drink down, Tyler paid before taking his hot chocolate and looked for a place to sit. Seeing Eva and Katie he smiled before heading towards them. " Hey Evy and Kat!"said Tyler softly before letting out a small shiver.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler Lockwood
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Eva DeLuca Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:46 am

“No, don’t worry about it.” Eva replied looking at Katie, “Nothing that I haven’t dealt with before.” She really didn’t want to about what was getting to her, although Katie could have probably figured it out fairly easily. She couldn’t help but still wonder if she could have helped had she not frozen up like she had, but she didn’t want to make Katie or Tyler worry about her at all.

Eva dealt with her sister’s death because she had been given no other choice. She wasn’t a coward by anymeans although she would have been lying to have said that she hadn’t thought about taking her own life at least once or twice. What was hard for her was to understand how Katie didn’t understand everything that had been going on. She ran her hand through hair as Katie rolled her eyes at her.

“I wouldn’t know.” She said looking at her. “You have to remember I didn’t really even get the chance to really know Ty before we were told we were paired up and had to get married or go to jail. That kind of puts a damper on any romantic situation don’t you think?”

She let Katie finish what she was saying before she decided to speak. Her eyes got wide when she said she was leaving. “Katie you can’t leave.” She said looking at her as Tyler walked up to them soaking wet. Eva jumped up from her seat seeing him shivering. She looked outside and noticed that it was pouring down rain. “Ty, you’re drenched!” she exclaimed before looking down and seeing that Polar Bear was too. She looked over at Katie, “I think we need to get them up to the room and changed before Tyler decides he’s going to get the flu.”
Eva DeLuca
Eva DeLuca
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Tyler Lockwood Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:42 am

Katie looked at Eva and gave her a small but weak smile. " It's for the best Evy! "said Katie softly but honestly. " Besides after all done, I don't deserve to be here! "said Katie honestly. " I don't even deserve to be friends with you! "said Katie softly but honestly. " Evy I basically called you a slut, you should be hating me saying that you don't want to see me again!"exclaimed Katie. " I'm leaving and that's final. " said Katie softly but simply.

Seeing Tyler drenched in rain, she shook her head and chuckled. " Ty there's a thing called a taxi cab, this place is packed with them! "said Katie smirking at him. " Try telling it to the bloody drivers, they didn't see me or heard me whistle so I ran back here! "said Tyler annoyed. " I'm fine! "said Tyler softly before letting out a small cough. " You don't lie very well Tyler Riker. " said Katie honestly. "Lets go, he's starting to get sick! "said Katie honestly.

" Oh come on, I'm fine I don't need some soup or anything! "said Tyler honestly crossing his arms as he sat in his and Eva's bed with his sweats on that Katie made him change into. " Ok...I'll take this hot chocolate back then! "said Katie shrugging. " No! not the hot chocolate, you can leave the hot chocolate! "said Tyler. Katie looked at him and raised her eyebrows at him as he sneezed. " What? It's just a sneeze, I'm fine honestly!"said Tyler groaning. " Ok. ..if you say so, here play the song you wrote Evy! "said Katie handing him guitar that was in the corner of the room.

"Sure easy! "said Tyler rolling his eyes at her as he started playing it and singing it. As it came to the high notes Katie nodded. " Yup he's getting sick, he's could hit those high notes perfectly without any problem."said Katie honestly. " Damn it! I hate when you do that Katie! "said Tyler giving her a annoyed look. "It's how I know if you're sick or not. "said Katie simply before smirking at him before taking his guitar from him.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler Lockwood
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Eva DeLuca Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:01 am

Eva couldn’t help but frown when Katie had said that there was no changing her mind. She knew better than to push the issue further than she had already. After yesterday she really didn’t want to push the limits with Katie. She had dealt with enough and now Tyler was coughing so they had that to worry about now. There isn’t such a thing as a normal vacation in this family is there? she wondered to herself as she and Katie forced Tyler up to their room, taking their drinks with them.

“Don’t even start that Ty because I see it too.” She said looking at him. “How long were you out in the rain anyway?” she asked, “Because if you’re getting sick I think you have to stay in bed all day and rest. With Katie leaving, you can’t get sick on me. I don’t think you want me wondering around in a foreign country all by myself do you?” she asked pointedly as he sat down on the bed. “Besides, now you’re sneezing so you can’t say you aren’t getting sick at all.”

Eva crossed her arms across her chest as Katie handed him his guitar. She couldn’t help but to laugh as his voice cracked proving Katie and herself right. “You don’t have to tell me I saw him shivering down in the coffee shop.” She said looking between the two of them taking the guitar and putting it back in the corner of the room. “Though Katie, if you’re going home will you watch Ali Baba for me?” she asked curiously. She didn’t want him to stay here, he had been acting a little weird being in a new country and she hadn’t been paying him as much attention as she was normally able to in the last few days. It honestly made her feel bad, but she knew Katie would take care of him if she took him back with her.

“I’m serious to Tyler.” She said placing her hands on her hips. “You are to get in that bed and stay there until one of us tells you that you can come out. Do you understand?” she asked looking at him curiously.
Eva DeLuca
Eva DeLuca
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Tyler Lockwood Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:01 am

Tyler sighed. " Ugh. ..this is stupid,  I'm fine I just have a little cough and sneeze,  no big deal! "said Tyler softly but honestly.  Tyler shrugged.  " Well...it started raining I thought nothing of it,  I kept playing with Polar bear,  so maybe an hour or so."said Tyler smiling sheepishly at her.   He had a feeling that she wasn't going to be happy with that reply.  " Tyler Riker you're an idiot, you know that? "Katie asked him shaking her head.  " It wasn't raining that bad until a few minutes ago and it started pouring in buckets! "said Tyler honestly.

" Tyler even when it starts raining, you get out of it!"said Katie sighing at him.   " For the last time I'm fine,  and I'm not sitting in bed all day! "said Tyler stubbornly.   " What a minute what,  Katie you're leaving? "Tyler asked her shocked before coughing.   Katie nodded.  " Yeah it's for the best Ty."said Katie softly but honestly giving him a weak smile.  " Get some rest Ty, you need it. " said Katie as Tyler groaned.

Katie giggled.  " See Ty you lose,  it's two against one so you're staying in that bed!"said Katie crossing her arms.   " Bull crap I am!"said Tyler getting out as Katie gave him the death look.  "Tyler don't make me get Aunt Stormie's medicine,  I swear I will! Katie threatened him as Tyler's eyes widened.   " Ugh. ..fine,  I'll stay in the bloody bed! "said Tyler groaning.   " Although you're getting Aunt Stormie's  medicine anyways.  

" Oh hell no,  there's no way I'm having that nasty stuff in my mouth! "said Tyler simply.  " Ok... I guess we'll just have to do this the hard way!"said Katie smirking at him.   " I'll be right back,  I'm going to find some rope. " said Katie as Tyler's eyes widened.   " You wouldn't dare! "said Tyler glaring at her.  " Oh I would,  I done it before! "said Katie crossing her arms.  " I don't care what you do,  I still won't take it! "said Tyler stubbornly crossing his arms.

Turning to Eva she whispered in her ear.  " I got an idea how to give him this,  but you may have to kiss him. " Katie whispered to her.   " I think it's the only way he'll take it! "Katie whispered to her before turning to Tyler and shrugged.  " Ok. ..if you say so, no point in fighting you. " said Katie simply.  She opened Eva knew this was part of the plan she had.  " By the way Evy,  I'll take Ali Babba back with me."said Katie softly but honestly.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler Lockwood
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Eva DeLuca Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:34 am

Eva glared at Tyler, losing her patience with him as he said he wasn’t going to stay in the bed. She looked over at Katie saying she knew how she could get him to take the medicine and Eva stepped up to the bed, “Tyler, you either take that medicine or I’m going to drag you kicking and screaming into the nearest emergency room do you understand me?!” she said angrily towards him. She didn’t want him getting sick while they were there on their trip and have to cut it short. She had seen enough excitement yesterday to last her a good long time.

“And do you want to know what they are going to do the second you go in there?” she asked, her hands on her hips. “They are going to give you shots and if you don’t want those they will tie you down on the bed. And don’t tell me you won’t go because there are two of us here that can and will drag you kicking and screaming all the way there.”

Eva was honestly tired of the fight between him and Katie over something as silly as either resting or taking a little bit of medicine to make him feel better. “So you can either stay in bed, take the medicine or go to the hospital. You have three choices and I imagine if you hate needles as bad as you say you’ll pick one of the first two, but either way you are doing one of them. I am done trying to reason.” Eva didn’t even think about how much like her mother she had sounded when she ranted like she just had. All she could think about was the fact that Tyler had been stubborn enough to stay out in the rain as long as he had. Even Eva, who loved to run around in rain knew better than to stay out in it for long periods of time.

“And the two of you are going to stop fighting like you’re brother and sisters trying to kill each other!” she continued, “It was cute at first, but it’s really getting old watching you two push the other’ s buttons so you are both going to apologize to one another!”
Eva DeLuca
Eva DeLuca
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Tyler Lockwood Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:23 am

Tyler shook his head. " There's no way in hell that I'm going to a hospital, I hate hospitals! "said Tyler softly but honestly. Tyler knew that Eva was using his fears against him, Tyler now regrets telling her that he didn't like Hospitals due to a bad experience he had when he was little. No one knew that but his parents, Katie and now Eva. " This is so stupid! "said Tyler groaning in defeat. " We're only trying to help you get better!"said Katie softly but honestly as Tyler rolled his.

" You know Evy, you're only using that against me cause you know that I'm terrified of needles! "said Tyler softly but honestly. " A bit of a unfair advantage don't you think? "Tyler asked her glaring at her as he seen Katie come towards him with his mother medicine. " Ugh. ..Katie where's the spoon she always has with it? "Tyler asked her softly but curiously. " Right here. " said Katie softly as she handed it to Tyler. Pouring the liquid on the spoon, he wrinkled his nose before he put the spoon in his mouth.

" Take it all Ty, and swallow it! "said Katie softly as she seen him wince and swallow it. " There, are you two happy now? "Tyler asked him crossing his arms before he let out a small sneeze. Katie ran towards the bathroom before handing him a box of tissues. " Watch he'll be out in a few minutes to an hour. " Katie whispered to her smirking. " Katie you don't have to whispered, I know it's going to knock me out! "said Tyler honestly before sighing.

" I'm sorry Kat. " said Tyler softly as he let out a cough as Katie nodded. " I'm sorry to, but I just wanted you to get back feeling better! "said Katie softly but honestly as Tyler nodded. " It's ok."said Tyler softly but honestly before letting out a yawn. " The medicine kicking your butt Ty? "Katie asked him smirking at him. " Yeah it is, you know better than I do that you can't fight it off!"said Tyler softly but honestly.

" Can I at least watch some TV please? "Tyler asked them softly as Katie nodded. Turning on the TV Katie seen Scooby Doo was on before settling on that channel. Letting out another cough as he laughed, he wrapped himself under the blankets watching Scooby Doo. After a few minutes of watching Scooby Doo, Tyler was fast asleep.
Tyler Lockwood
Tyler Lockwood
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Eva DeLuca Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:31 am

“Then I guess you’ll take the damned medicine.” Eva replied looking at him with her hands still on her hips. If Katie had looked really closely she could tell just how much Eva looked like her mother at that moment. “You know you’re only making it harder on yourself just prolonging it. And you probably should have thought about that possibility before you told me. It can’t be that bad.”

“And its not unfair to use what you know Tyler.” She added as Katie brought Tyler the medicine. She couldn’t help but to laugh at Tyler winced, swallowing the medicine. “You know you don’t have to snap at us either Tyler. We’re only trying to help before you actually get really sick. I would think you’d actually be grateful for that instead of being pigheaded.”

Eva walked over to Tyler and kissed him on the forehead, “And yes, I’m very happy that you decided to take it, but I would have honestly been happy if you had just laid in bed and taken a nap.” Eva moved to pick up Tyler’s wet clothes off of the floor and hang them up in the bathroom to dry off. “I’m gonna at least take a shower if you’re in here Katie.” She said as she came out and grabbed some clothes.

Eva had to admit she herself was exhausted after yesterday. She couldn’t remember even falling asleep and she really felt like she hadn’t slept well. Every time Katie had moved in her sleep Eva was awake checking on her. Closing the door behind her, Eva quickly showered and changed into a pair of jeans and a tank top before walking out while brushing her hair. Seeing Tyler asleep she looked up at Katie, “Take it he hasn’t been out long?” she asked curiously raising an eyebrow as she sat down on the bed.

“Guess if you’re planning on leaving then you and I should go do something together.” She added, “After all, you are the one who invited me, not Tyler.”
Eva DeLuca
Eva DeLuca
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Tyler Lockwood Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:38 am

Tyler winced at the nasty taste in mouth. " Ugh. ..that stuff is so gross!"said Tyler softly but honestly. " Although you can drink all those nasty drinks, but you can't take some medicine that tastes like grape?"Katie asked him smirking. " That doesn't taste or smell like grape! "said Tyler honestly. " That's true, it doesn't. " said Katie softly but honestly. " See I'm not lying. " said Tyler softly.

Tyler looked at Eva and pouted. " Oh believe me, you'll get that wish soon! "said Tyler softly but honestly. " Evy I love you, but you're worrying to much! "said Tyler in a sleepy voice. " I promise to be a good boy. " said Tyler softly before kissing the top of her head. Seeing her go to the bathroom to take a nap, he turned to Katie. " You know we don't want you to go Katie, Evy is clearly sad that you're leaving. " said Tyler softly but honestly

"Not you to Ty!"said Katie groaning before her head hit the headboard. " Ty after what I said to Evy I'm not even sure that I can look at her without feeling guilty for what I said! "said Katie softly but honestly. " Well...you should, what you said was completely uncalled for, it wasn't like we planned any of this! "said Tyler honestly. " Really Ty, you didn't think about it? " Katie asked him curiously smirking. " Ok. ..I admit that I did, but I didn't want to make Evy do anything that she wasn't ready for! I feel bad that we lost our v cards due to having sex drunk bit I'm kind of glad. " said Tyler softly but honestly.

Katie raised her eyebrows at him. " Really why, if may ask. " said Katie softly. " Well...They say that the first time hurts, but we were so drunk that we didn't feel anything. "said Tyler softly but honestly before blushing. " Ah...I see, at least the next time for you two won't be so bad. " said Katie honestly. " Katie! "said Tyler turning a deep red before hiding his face in his hands. "What? It's true isn't it? "said Katie honestly. " Yeah but I don't think that won't be until awhile, and Katie don't go please. " said Tyler softly as he closed his eyes.

" Ok...Ty I won't go. " said Katie softly as Tyler smiled sleeply at her. " Good. " said Tyler as he snuggled into the blankets. Chuckling to herself she kept watching Scooby Doo. Seeing Eva come out a few minutes later she smiled as Eva looked at Tyler. " He fell asleep shortly after you went into the shower. " said Katie honestly.

" I don't mind spending all day out seeing how Ty is going to be sleeping off and on, but I'm not leaving Evy! "said Katie honestly. " Tyler and you asked me to say, so I'm saying. " said Katie honestly before smiling at her.

Tyler Lockwood
Tyler Lockwood
Fifth Year Slytherin
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Let us run wild and free! - Page 14 Empty Re: Let us run wild and free!

Post by Eva DeLuca Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:54 am

“Oh?” Eva asked looking at her friend. “What changed your mind?” she pondered curiously. “I mean you were dead set on leaving a few minutes ago and nothing I said was going to change your mind.” Eva was slightly confused at Katie, one minute she wanted to go home and had been making arrangements to do so and the next she was staying. Not that Eva minded, she really didn’t want Katie to leave, but she just wanted to know why the sudden change of heart.

She was glad that she would have some time to spend with Katie. After all she had been the one to invite her on this trip and she had done nothing but spend time with Tyler since they had left the airport. She had still yet to remember anything that had really happened, but she couldn’t help but to assume that was probably a good thing. She didn’t know if she even wanted to remember how drunk they had been.

“So what did you have in mind to do today?” she asked curiously, reaching for a pair of sandals. “Keep in mind I don’t feel like getting into trouble for a while. I think I’ve had all I can handle for a bit after the other night and you last night. I swear I could sleep for the rest of this trip and I’d be perfectly happy.” She added. It had been true. She was still exhausted after all the excitement the last few days. She hoped that Katie didn’t have anything crazy in mind.

Eva stood up pulling her hair back into a pony tail, letting it fall down the middle of her back. “I’m ready whenever you are.” She said with a smile before glancing back at Tyler. He had worried her coming back from the park coughing and sneezing and she was glad that she knew how to get him to take the medicine so he wouldn’t get worse and he could sleep it off.
Eva DeLuca
Eva DeLuca
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