"Marcus's," Brian said. He glanced over at Robert. "Are these legal movies?" Robert simply put his hand over his eyes.
"Let me translate that," Michael said, laughing "And I quote: 'What movies?'" They laughed.
"Is this honestly what muggles consider good entertainment nowdays?" Escobar asked.
"It is," Kate said. "What did you consider entertainment?"
"When I was mortal?" he asked.
"Yes," Kate replied.
"Sex," he answered bluntly. She looked at him for a moment. "It was the 14th century," he shrugged. "What else was there to do?"
"Riding, swordfighting, swimming, dueling, feasting, theater,...." Kate said.
"How very British of you," he laughed. "I'm Latin. We had other very romantic and passionate interests."
"Oh, brother," Marcus rolled his eyes.
"This from a man who sees seduction as sport," Escobar said. "I know your type. I prefer to see it as art."
"As in the art of survival?" he asked.
"Partly. But art nonetheless,..." he said. He frowned, looking at the screen, trying to turn his head upside down. "How is he getting his leg over that....wait a minute. Do they really think vampires can do that?"
They all burst into laughter, and Kate nodded.
"Oh, you have no idea what they think you can do," Kate teased. She was considering resurrecting an old 1970's disco comedy about vampires she'd seen once just to see what Escobar would think about disco dancing.