They met two of Lee's largest and strongest aurors who were heading out as they were all heading in.
"So Lee worried about us, huh?" Robert asked.
"Yes Sir," the auror asked. "Sir--where did we miss it?"
"Stand down, Son," Robert said. "You didnt miss anything. Not unless you can control the wildlife around here. Its just part of living in the woods. It happens. We're used to it."
"The wolf...just sortof went nuts," Brian said, having to concentrate to push through his own pain. "Knocked me down the hill."
"He chewed the daylighs out of you," Robert said. "We need to clean those bite wounds and disinfect them and make sure that he wasn't diseased."
"And that will be so easy when you got rid of him," Brian said sarcastically.
"Not without a sample, I didn't," he smiled, drawing out a conjured test tube with a tissue sample in it.
"When did you get that?"
"You had other things on your mind when I got this," Robert said as they arrived back at the house. "Do try to keep Khaat from having a meltdown, won't you?"
"She's used to it," Brian shrugged.