"Sure," Khaat said. "Thank you. Did you smell that tobacco? It does smell like fine brandy. Michael has those custom made in Italy. He got me a box last year to give to Eli for Christmas, and Eli loved them." Khaat tucked the ring box into her robe pocket. Khaat suddenly picked up an odor of a potion gone wrong.
"Jess," she said, "You've had some experience with potions. Since I can't help Daddy, would you look and see if you can help him downstairs? Clearly, the experimental potions hasn't worked out the way he'd hoped, and every time I've smelled that odor, he's caused a bit of a cloud of smoke in the potions lab. Hopefully, he hasn't burned himself.
"Khaat," Angus said. "Would you like me to pack for you and Brian?"
"I think I'll have Brian do that, but if you would pack the girls? And, if I could get someone to pack the triplets, please?" She looked at the clock. Brian had been gone almost 2 hours. She was getting a trifle worried. She had no reason to think there was trouble, but she still was concerned. She didn't figure she'd feel better until he got back.