Bear with me because I'm writing on my phone but thanks to my insomnia I was sitting up thinking of a way to get people active again. Now I speak for myself as a new writer on PA, but the reason I enjoy writing so much is because of the endless possibilities of the magical and written world holds. As soon as the imagination is stifled you get bord and stop wanting to write. The main reason for someone's imagination to stop is repetition.
I take it the war with the death eaters, order, and now grindelwald has been going on for a very long time with the action being sluggish. Why don't we have fun game battle type scenarios that allow everyone to be active in a certain new thread and with specific rules.
Such as:
Setting- castle
Game type- capture the flag(person)
Side you are put on- random
People allowed to play- Everyone
Now the catch that makes the game fun is it is out of character in character as in not the main story line but still your character. If you die in the forum you are dead until a new battle arrises whenever but the winner / winners are crowned champions on the front page until the next battle.
Certain rules must be applied for both sides and the castle cannot not be impenetrable. One side must work together and infiltrate the building while the other must secure it. No labels either. Both sides are doing the right thing in their minds.