Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Whose Side Are You On?

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:31 pm

"True," he said as they walked down the small trail. He examined the trees and smiled, as sunlight began to penetrate through the tree leaves, and leave small trails of light on the ground. He couldn't tell what time it was, but he could see that it was starting to become afternoon. He looked back towards the trail and continued forward.

Andrew laughed slightly as Chase told him to shut up and smiled brightly. That was one way to tell that they were friends, at least to the other person. He jogged up towards Chase, once she saw the Shrieking Shack and he shrugged. "I guess it's historical or something," he said calmly, examing the rotten corpse of a house "so they want to leave it the way it is or something."

He turned around, and looked back towards, Hogsmeade, which seemed pretty far away, in his eyes. He blinked a couple of times and turned his head back towards Chase. "I could ask the same question though about Hogsmeade. At least add a pay phone or something!"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:26 am

Chase looked up at the trees they passed, and lifted her hands into the air. "Mm.." She said smiling, a very relaxed smile on her face. "I guess I did sleep in pretty late though." She said after a moment of complete silence. "It's already almost the afternoon.." She looked at him and grinned happily. It was pretty amazing, how quickly they had become friends. Meet one day, and hang out all the rest of the day. She already knew what his favourite music was.. She spun towards him and walked backwards. "What's your favourite food?" She asked looking him directly in the eyes.

Still blushing, Chase looked out at the Shrieking Shack and smiled. "Yeah.. I guess, I don't see why people do that though, they should fix things up, it looks so dirty and weird.." She said picking at the peeling paint on the fence she was leaning on. Glancing at him, she saw he was looking back at Hogsmeade, that already seemed so far away. She stood up a bit straighter and then laughed. "Yeah, well, it probably wouldn't work now would it? Most Wizards don't use electricity!" She giggled and pulled out her cell phone. "Even this far away, my phone is freaking out.." She muttered hitting a button and the screen went blank. She muttered something under her breath and stuck it back into her pocket, turning to look at Andrew again.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:40 am

Andrew laughed slightly and said "It's steak. But that was really random," he joked. He looked up, and saw that the sun was almost directly above them. It seemed really weird to Andrew, but couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed being out during the daytime, almost as much as he did for the night. It was a whole new experience, being out at night.

Andrew grinned at her comment and said "Well, Muggles have gotten so far up in life without the need for magic." A slight breeze then flew through the air, nearly chilling Andrew for some reason. "Imagine where wizards would be now, if they had actually decided to use electricity or technology. It would be awesome, wouldn't you think?"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:45 am

Chase blushed and looked at him. "Sorry! I was just thinking, you know we know what music each other likes, but we don't know what kind of foods." She said smiling at him. "Mmm steak.. Now I want some." She laughed and leaned back against the fence, her elbows resting on the wood behind her, striking a figure for him without really realizing it. "I like... Rice, and stir fry, and miso soup... my favorite place to vacation is Japan.. so I guess that makes sense." She said giggling. "I'm an expert with chop sticks if you can believe it." She giggled and lost her balance, almost falling over if she hadn't of saved herself by catching hold of the fence with her right hand.

"Wow.. I can just imagine.." She said softly and let her mind wander. Imaging Hogwarts in the winter time, heaters in every hallway, Christmas lights dangling from the banisters, though the live fairies were cool, sometimes she thought that wasn't very nice for the fairies, she wouldn't like having to be hung from a banister for weeks at a time. She giggled and looked at him, then shivered. "Odd.. it's so warm, but what a cool breeze." She said standing up straight and looking into the woods. She rubbed her bare arms and looked at him. She was only dressed in short shorts and a tank top, so she wasn't very.. covered for cooler weather, and the breeze was giving her goosebumps.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:58 am

"I understand," he said smiling and chuckled "you don't have to worry. I'm just messing with you most of the time." he then smirked and leaned against the fence, hearing a sudden snapping sound, which instantly made him stand up straight again. "Japan is pretty crowded," he said, remembering that he appearated there a month ago "it is like New York. Never sleeps, and never lets you sleep as well."

"Yeah," he said calmly, examining the forest again, and the trees made a slight rustiling noie due to the wind. He looked back at Chase and said "Maybe we should head back, and get you a jacket or something." He scrathced his arm again, wondering what made it itch so much. He then figured it was probably just his jacket that he had on or something.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:04 am

Chase grinned and nodded at him. "Yeah.. I've noticed I think.. I have to learn to catch onto the jokes sooner though.. I tend to just think you're being serious, and then I get all embarrassed afterward!" She laughed and ran a hand through her hair absentmindedly. Chase watched him carefully, he was suddenly very jumpy, and it made her tense up. He obviously felt something she didn't, because she felt nothing weird at the moment at all. "Yeah.. it's pretty crowded, but I like crowded places, little towns like this are okay I guess, since a lot of people come and go, but I love living in New York over the summer, or heading to Japan.. I have a vacation home over there still, I think you should come over sometime, it's by the beach, and it's really nice in the summer, I just love Japanese architecture, like with the little courtyard in the middle, it's beautiful." She rambled on, playing with a strand of hair.

Chase looked at him and then nodded. "Sure.. It's cold." She said and started off down the road, chatting without really saying anything in particular. Her mind was so far off what she was doing, even she didn't know what she was talking about anymore. "We went there last summer you know, we had a blast, even the butler came, it was so much fun, Mary made her cookies, and we would sit on the beach for hours and just drink lemonade.." She smiled at the happy thought. She went on and on, still chatting about nothing not really realizing he probably wasn't even paying attention.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:39 am

"A summer home?" he asked his mind now astounded. Her...well she was really rich. "I'd be glad to get a house. I still have an apartment, but I like it. It can be pretty welcoming at points...except for my neighbor Gerald. I hate him. But yeah, we should defeniatly visit each other later on. I've only got my place in New York soooo. Yeah."

Andrew nodded and walked alongside Chase, thinking about what Hogsmeade would look like if Muggles ever got there. It would probably just look like some small city, and wondered if the change would be good or not. When Chase began to talk again, he asked in a friendly tone "We are still talking about that home in Japan right?"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:58 am

Chase shrugged and nodded. "We have one in Australia, and Florida, and I think we might even have one in Iceland, but I've never been there before." She said laughing heartily. "They are beautiful homes, I love them to death, the one in Australia is so fun! Kangaroos come right up to your window, but you have to be careful about scorpions, they crawl in your shoes." She said shuddering. "Good thing I wear flip flops.." She glanced down at her flip flop laden feet and giggled.

Looking at him her eyes wide she shrugged. "I think I got off subject." She giggled. Suddenly something snapped behind them. She spun around and stared at the woods. "Did you hear that? I think we're being followed." She muttered pulling out her wand slowly from the waist band of her shorts. Her eyes narrowed as she stared into the woods, the cold wind flowing over her again, making her shiver and goosebumps flew along her exposed skin. She looked at Andrew and took a few steps back. "We should get back to Hogsmeade quickly.." She whispered and started back down the slope, glancing over her shoulder every now and then.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:08 pm

"It must be fun to be rich huh?" he asked, a smile strecthed out onto his face. He had recently gotten a lot of money, but his childhood had consisted of being on a budget and always watching out for what they had to spend on. It wasn't nice at points, but he always enjoyed a small house.

Andrew chuckled and turned his head back, hearing the twig snap. Not taking a chance, Andrew put his hands into his pocket, and pulled out what appeared to be 2 gloves. He never wanted to take a chance, so he always had those out, when the worst happened. "Yeah, we better hurry," he said, quickening his pace. Could something had really been following them?

Andrew heard another abnormal twig snapping and immediatly changed his gloves into 2 silver gauntlets in a flash of light. He wasn't going to be ambushed by some Death Eater out in the forest. If he was going to die at one point in his life, he would go down fighting. "Did you hear that?" he asked, trying to confirm if she heard the other twig snap.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 8 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:35 pm

Chase shrugged. "It's not all the glamor you think it is." She said glancing up at him. "Imagine.. every day of your life you have to hide.. because someone with a camera might snap a picture of you, and post it all over in the internet.." She said, taking a deep breath. "It's not fun.. having your picture taken everywhere you go, and having to sign people's autographs.. sure I can buy what I want... and go where I want to go, but there is no escape from the fame.." She said with a large sigh. "And these days, that's the only way to make money.." She took a really deep breath and glanced up at him again, hoping he didn't hate her for having money.

Chase frowned at the gloves he pulled out. She had at least suspected a wand or something, but he pulled out.. gloves? She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him again, her body shivering. If it was a Death Eater... She let a small growl escape her lips and she looked up at Andrew. "Yeah.." She said taking a small step backwards, and then hearing another twig snap. Her whole body went tense when the second one snapped and she looked up at him. Seeing he was no longer wearing the gloves, but silver gauntlets. Her eyes widened and she looked back at the trees behind them. Something was.. moving in there. She gasped and took a step closer to Andrew. "Did you see that?" She whispered pointing at the trees.

A snap came from behind them, and then from either side of them, whatever was there, there were multiple of them, and they had formed a ring around them. It didn't look like people though, more like.. wolves or really big bears. "Do you think.. it's an animal?" She whispered her head twisting every which way, trying to keep all of the moving figures just beyond their site, well in site. "or are they animagus'.. or.." Her body tensed when there was a rustling noise ahead of them, and something stepped out of the bushes.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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