While her father slept, and while Cordel had been out in the barn, she changed to her black travelling clothes--black boots, black slacks, black sweater, with her long back cloak. She had to go back and make sure all the stones were there that she and her father had hidden. They had counted them so she knew exactly how many there were supposed to be. She used her powers, closing her eyes, and summoned her mother. She heard her returne at once into Khaat's sitting room.
"Your call was so strong," Katherine frowned. "What's wrong? " "Daddy's been hurt. Jett kicked him--his knee and his head. He was lucky he wasn't killed," Khaat said. "Guard Daddy. He's sleeping. Someone tried to kill someone here. Either him or you. I have to go. I have to go check the stones." "Nobody's going to hurt your father. Dazed or not, he can defend himself. And I am not that shabby with a wand either," Katherine said, her temper risen, her wand now drawn.
Khaat went back out into the living room. Her father's forehead, near his hairline was bruising badly, but the swelling was obeying Khaat's command. "Looks like you've done a fine job," Katherine told her quietly. "What set Jett off? That's not like him.'' "Someone buried a piece of hematite deep in his hoof,"Khaat said. "That would certainly do it. I'll talk to Jett. Maybe he can tell us who did this." "Good idea," Khaat agreed. "Find out all you can."