"No," she said slowly, "Not yet. Let me see if I can pinpoint where he is. It's good practice anyway." She closed her eyes to listen to the sound of his energy signal. "That's odd," she frowned. "Wait here," she said, "Something is not right."
She walked out of the house and down to the barn. He never sent for her here. Well, hardly ever. And his signature was not as strong as it should have been. She walked through the barn slowly, wand at the ready. Something just was not right. She could feel it.
Then she found him. He was lying on his back on the floor in the hippogryff stall. And by the looks of it, the hippogryff had had a temper tantrum and had kicked him, more than once. He was dazed and bleeding. "Daddy!" she flew to him.
"I lost my bloody wand," he winced, still dazed. Khaat looked for it. It was clear on the other side of the stall, under the hippogryff. "Be careful, Khaat. He's in a foul mood today for some reason. I have a notion to turn him into a teacup."
"Accio!" Khaat summoned her father's wand, and the hippogryff attempted to chase the wand and charge at her for taking it. "Back! You foul beast!" she stood firm between the hippogryff and her father. She was sorely tempted now as well to turn him into a teacup. She listened to his angry squawkings and watched his behavior. He was fully preparing to charge her. She didn't know if her Petrificus spell could actually petrify a full grown hippogryff or not. But she feared she was about to find out.