Andrian looked around the tents for a bit, he looked through every tent but found nothing but an empty tent. To his dismay he heard a familiar voice screaming and ringing in his ears. He looked up and got off his knee, running to the sorce of her voice and found her half naked laying on the ground with a DE on top of her ready to make love with her or whatever he was doing. A werewolf-like growl escaped his lips. The DE heard hims and quickly turned his head to the Masked Marauder, he gasped and tried to reach for his wand. A fist slammed through the DE face causing him to stumble backwands for a bit. The Death Eater yelped with pain and was about to call out for help but before he could. Andrian kicked his acrossed the face, knocking him out, he quickly scurried his way to the DE unconcious body and tied him with ropes, stripping him off his clothes so that he could get Samantha a disguise to get out. The thought of Samantha made his turn around and saw her half naked body. His eyes were bewilded, he felt weird at the moment. He ignored it and started to walk over to her and pulled her over his shoulder. "I told you to stay put," his voice was deep and filled with frustration.