Khaat's anger flaired, and felt that outrage rising in her that, when it happened, caused the green flecks in her eyes to light up like sparks and made people sometimes intimidated by her. She tried to reel in her rage and tried to speak with diplomacy.
"With all due respect, Minister," she said quietly,"You have a good many skills indeed, but I do not feel comfortable that you have the degree and the proper training to properly diagnose anyone as to whether they are a sociopath or not. Have you, in point of fact, been trained in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health? If not, then, please, can we stick to the evidence before us and not manufacture our own version of the facts?
" The fact still remains this young man is a Hogwarts student, and it would seem to remain the responsibility of Headmaster Shacklebolt as to whether his staff is trained to handle the magical and intellectual skills this student posesses. I am quiet certain that if he needs additional assistance from the ministry, Headmaster Shacklebolt will ask for it.
" I maintain my position. You know my family's history. You know I have good reason to not like anyone participating in the dark arts. However, I will also not rush past judgement to conviction. I still maintain that we are adults. We are wizards, and we are well trained to keep this boy, as the muggles say, 'on a very short leash.' If he turns out to be the evil wizard you believe he is, then, yes, I would support a sentence to Azkaban. I do maintain, though, that time has not yet come.
"We have, between us, countless offensive and defensive abilities and can bind his powers very effectively if we need to. Let us not, either, underestimate the vileness of Azkaban itself. If grown, seasoned wizards and witches can emerge certifiably insane from Azkaban, then I hardly see how this will provide him any rehabilitation but will only feed the anger he already clearly has. Furthermore, do you honestly think you can send him there and have him learn far worse and far more terrible things than he already knows now? Then, not only will you, basically, have a weapon on your hands, but a loaded one at that. No, Minister, your idea of sending him to Azkaban is illconceived, illadvised, and far more dangerous than leaving him, for now at Hogwarts.
" As for the elder wand, why should he keep it? It is not some important historical relec. It is nothing more than a murder weapon that should be reposessed by the ministry and destroyed immediately. It should have been done decades ago. The longer it exists, it remains a symbol of the beliefs of the followers of the dark arts that Voldemort will rise again to destroy our world. I must insist that this symbol not be allowed to exist in order for their forces to rally behind. Confiscate that wand and destroy it at once."