[[Irl means In Real Life for future reference
here's my new and improved post]]
Sterling frowned. Well, they weren't exactly optimistic about it... they would go to work every day with valiant smiles to reassure the kids, but they were old and mature enough to see through them now. They were too afraid to change. Once again, he kept something trivial from Cat. She wasn't quite able to coax such embarrassing family information... yet.
"They enjoy it I believe..." he said uncertainly. He hoped she wouldn't press the topic, but she always saw right through him.
Gazing into her sapphire, irresistible eyes, he immediately felt guilty.
"I'm sorry, I lied. Forgive me? They hate it, but pretend to like it. But... I don't think I'm one to step in and tell them they need to find a better job you know?" he said, pleading for her to understand. But she would... she always did...
Sterling laced his arms around her neck gently as she kissed him. He rolled gently toward her and pressed himself against her, biting her bottom lip gently as she had been so greedily doing recently... tempting him to do the same... and now he finally could. It send stabs of fire through his body... wonderful, comfortable, electric fire that offered naught but comfort and ecstasy. He wouldn't let her stop... that wasn't allowed...