A Birth day - Page 91
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A Birth day - Page 91 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 9:35 pm

Michael sighed, and, not saying a word, he turned around to head back to the house. The kids saw Michael heading home, and they went back inside. Sam headed back to Jack and Jess's.

"Very well could be a badge," Marcus said, helping Angus back to bed. "That would answer a lot." Angus was drained. It took him a moment or two to catch his breath. "You need to give it a few days," Marcus told Angus. "You had major surgery, and that does take a toll on the body. You know how it goes. If you give it just a few days, you'll have your energy back. You push it like this, and it'll take twice as long because you'll just keep draining it off as quick as you build it."

"Yeah, I know, but I had my reasons," Angus said.

"I know all about your reasons. Next time, I'll go instead of you, alright? Aria can keep an eye on those of you in the house."

"I hope they dont' recur for a little," Angus said.

"Well, if Robert isn't willing to change them back to human form, it very well could be quiet for a few days until someone can twist his arm to change them back."

"Just remember some of those bug jars and teacups have been in his collection for years," Angus said. "Just saying."

"True. I'd forgotten that, but you're right."

"You three need to soon head to bed. You all have to get up early," Angus told the kids. "Thanks for helping tonight. I know the bosses won't be pleased, but I can't blame you for trying." Anise came over and gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead.

"Sorry," she told him. "I just wasn't going to let anyone hurt you or anyone else in this family. I'm faster than them, and I know it."

"You are indeed," Angus said. "Now, you need to learn how and when to use it and when not to. We'll get it settled. For now, get some sleep."

"Okay," she sighed, heading downstairs. Marcus went to start locking things up. He looked outside to see Michael heading out of the house with his shoulder bag and apparating out as he did.

"Looks like Michael's leaving," Marcus said. "Has his bag with him."

"Nothing to be concerned about. He's probably going home to Hogsmeade for a few days to tend to his dogs, his garden, the house, all of that," Angus said, yawning. "He can live with us for awhile, and then, when he gets fed up with so many people here, he buggars out for a few days at home to enjoy some solitude or to have Daniella over for awhile. If we need him, he'll come...." He was interrupted by Caprice shouting and screeching and crying in her playpen, and that seemed to disturb Amari.

"Hm...she was sleeping, wasn't she?" Angus asked.

"Not anymore," Marcus said. "I know that look, though. She's had her first nightmare. She probably wants her mum."

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 9:42 pm

Aria looked at Marcus and nodded as he spoke to her. It was now Ruby returned and heard Caprice crying " well that's a first" he said softly a she walked over and picked Caprice up gently rocking her in her arms to sooth her. " what woke her?" Ruby asked " she was sound asleep when I left or was it the mean men" she said in a baby voice as she moved back and forth gently.

Aria refreshed Angus water bottle and made a coffee for Marcus. Walking out she placed both down. " fresh water for Angus and coffee for you, and yes I can watch them while you go and fight" she said smiling to him. Aria moved back to the kitchen and brought out her own cup and sat down.

Ruby took Caprice up to the nursery and changed her settling her in her bed as Aria brought up Amari who was still sleeping. Once changed Ruby sat on the bed and read a short story to Caprice until she was sure she had fallen back to sleep again.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 10:18 pm

"Nah," Marcus said. "She's just at the right age to start having some of her first nightmares. When it happened to Zane, I was so convinced something was amiss, and I jumped to conclusions, believing my kids had inherited some of their mother's madness. But the family healer told us it starts right around 28 months, and he reassured us that it happens, and it doesn't have to mean anything. We just tend to read into it more when we're around so many seers. I wouldn't sweat it."

While Ruby and Aria took the babies upstairs, Edward took Elwood up to bed, and Marcus helped Angus wash up for the night, and then did the security check on both the upstairs and downstairs of Edward's side. The Fae came in and took their posts for the night, and Marcus made a check of the rest of the duplex.

"We're all clear for one night," Marcus told Angus.

"That's good. You heading home tonight?" Angus asked him.

"Not tonight, no," Marcus said. "Not this soon after a security breach. No, you're stuck with me tonight."

"Marcus, you can't go without sleep forever," Angus said.

"I'm not," Marcus said. "I've slept right here on the sofa, right beside you. I'm fine. If I get overly tired, I'll let you know or I'll work something out. I will not compromise your safety. You above all people should know that."

"Marcus?" Robert's voice came through the floo.

"Here," Marcus replied.

"Status report."

"Nighttime security check complete. We're clear. Everyone's fine, no injuries of any kind."

"Good. I'm just reading Michaels' note. How's Angus after all that activity?"

"Fine," Angus said. "Tired, but I'm fine."

"Any bleeding?"

"Not that I see," Marcus said.

"Check the dressing, and if he's bleeding, notifiy me at once."

"I will," Marcus said.

"And the kids are okay?"

"Irked but they're okay. They intend to defend Angus, no matter what," Marcus said.

"I'll talk to them as soon as I can, but it wont' be tonight," Robert said. "Don't stress it. It's common for new recruits. I'll reel them in if I can. If you're alright over there, you all should get some sleep, and I'll come over in the morning. Oh, and Sam talked to me tonight. He wants to move back home."

"We're fine here. If Sam wants to move home, he knows what he needs to do. Thanks, Robert. Goodnight," Marcus said.

"Goodnight," Robert said, turning off the floo.

"He almost sounds like he trusts you," Angus teased.

"He does. You know, after the injury to your magical system a couple years ago, he told me he wanted me to take EMT training so that I could be a bigger help to you. He brought it up again after your surgery a couple days ago."

"I hope we are not going to permanently need an EMT in our house," Angus said. "Even if it is you."

"Agreed," Marcus laughed.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 10:35 pm

Aria and Ruby snuck out of the nursery as Finn walked in and settled right between the beds and they headed down to the living room Ruby smiled seeing Angus now settled in his bed . " thank you Marcus " she said quietly so not to disturb Angus as he slept. Aria looked at Marcus .

"I'll stay in the guest room tonight again" she said " and what would be wrong with having an onsite EMT?" she asked " be another hat to you many" she added with a chuckle " plus you can teach me too" Ruby smiled and nodded but knew he'd do what he wanted .

"if you want to become our EMT , you know we'll help you study, with many many accidents and fights" she added with a smile. " anyway night guys" she said as she waved to Aria and Marcus as she then headed up the stairs to her room. Aria sat down next to Marcus and lent against him .

"what a day" she said softly " the teens did really well, if impetuous in their actions" she added " but they did keep the men at bay."
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 10:54 pm

"You know, quite honestly, EMT training here in the magical realm is considerably different than in muggle medicine. It is a great deal like healer training. A lot of it happens by apprenticing under a healer. You might be right that I very likely could pick up a lot of experience right here on the grounds. Robert has offered to pay for it and also offered me a very hefty salary increase if I do the training and add EMT to my job duties because that would put a medical person on the missions since the medical folks we have usually don't want to fight anymore, except for Robert, and he just doesn't always have the time.

"I don't honestly need the money he's offering, though, not really. Still, what has me even halfway considering it was when we got to Angus in the catacombs and there was not a damned thing I could do for him. I've seen those kinds of injuries often enough that I knew what was wrong, but I didn't have any ability to help him. Robert seemed to think I could have my certification by March or April. Sounds foolish not to pick it up. Maybe it's worth at least giving some thought to. I don't know."

He yawned. "You really should get some sleep, you know. You had a really early day, and it will probably be early again tomorrow."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 10:57 pm

Aria sat and let him talk about why he had thought about being an EMT " you should and as you said we don't need the money, but experience is good, and as you said you have seen injuries like Angus before , with the EMT training you can help and treat them too" she said and gave a yawn as he said she should get some sleep " yeah , your right" she smiled as she lent over and kissed him " see you in the morning" she said standing and heading to the guest room at Edwards. As she lay her head down she was out like a light once she set her alarm to wake her so she could make breakfast for every one
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 11:36 pm

Marcus was the last one to doze off, and he dreamed about being an EMT. Unfortunately, it wasn't so soothing. He dreamed that he buggared up an emergency medical treatment of Angus and had let him bleed out and die. It woke him briefly. He had gone back to sleep and had picked up the same darned dream right where he had left off. He woke up, finding it was four am. Aria would be up in less than an hour. He got up and put on fresh coffee and tea, letting everyone else sleep. He went upstairs and showered and shaved and got fresh clothes, came down and put the last couple days of dirty laundry in the wash.

He went to the door to get the papers, and he saw Robert just finishing a run. Robert came over, and Marcus closed the door to not have any noise of his conversation with Robert disturb anyone.

"You're up early," Marcus told him.

"Always," Robert said. "I have to be if I want to get a run in. I wanted to have a word with you. I talked briefly with Michael overnight, and he told me they found Dora's St. Mungo's badge. Michael found some enchanted blood hidden on it, and, in short, he thinks it is highly possible its connected to the markers that James has hidden here in the past."

"Possibly," Marcus shrugged.

"At any rate, Michael wants every single inch of the grounds searched, and he wanted to get some additional dogs to help with the search because its a lot of ground to cover, but Jack thinks he and Finn can do it all by themselves."

"Sounds like Jack," Marcus said. "Way overly ambitious. He must not have taken Michael seriously about wanting every single inch of the grounds covered. He's also not remembering there are hundreds of acres here. I don't see how he thinks he's going to cover every inch of hundreds of acres by himself. It'll take days and days to walk all that by himself. I think Michael wanted it done quicker."

"He did. He's not happy with the potential security risk it potentially puts Angus in," Robert said. "Still, Michael did give Jack a lot of wiggle room in it. He asked Jack's opinion and did not give him a direct instruction, so I need to let Jack handle it as he sees fit. However,..."

"Don't worry," Marcus said. "I'll stick to Angus like a sticking charm. I won't let anything get past me. I'll talk to Angus and get him to understand we just can't afford any shenanigans right now. He does try to listen generally."

"Good. You read my mind. As for Michael, so you know, he's going to take a few days' holiday with Daniella. He could use the break. It's been much too long since he's had any time off of any kind, so you'll need to reach me or Kate or Brian if you have an issue."


"Good. I'm going to shower. I'll be over in awhile to check on Angus."

"Okay," Marcus said, opening the door, and feeling Finn push past him to dash out the door.

"Where is he off to in such a hurry?"

"Probably to hunt bullfrogs. Robert, off the top of your head, do you know what doxys eat?"

"Doxys? Billywigs, why?"

"Does Kate stock any?"

"She doesnt' but I do. I've got a big jar of them upstairs in the workroom. Why? Edward need some?"

"No, we do. Angus and Ruby have decided to nurse an injured doxy back to health."

"Oh for all the...Well, fine. I'll bring over some when I come."


"Never a dull moment in that house, is there?"

"Nope," Marcus laughed, going back inside as Robert waved as he headed back to the main house.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 11:46 pm

Aria woke and showered dressing she headed down to see Robert and Marcus talking, heading to the kitchen she made a mug of coffee for herself and walked into the living room. Sitting down she looked over Angus as she sat on the couch.

Ruby woke and lay in bed for a moment then after a wash she dressed and headed down to the kitchen. " morning Aria" she said and Aria raised her mug .

"morning" she replied softly and motioned to Angus still sleeping.

"just going to start breakfast" she said softly and Aria put up a thumbs up. " I see Roberts talking to Marcus" she said and Aria nodded as she sipped her coffee.

Ruby went to the kitchen and started breakfast a simple fruit salad with portage and American pancakes and a tray of Peanut butter-stuffed French toast for those who wanted it.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Today at 12:12 am

Marcus came back inside, and he warmed up his coffee.

"Breakfast smells good," he told Ruby. "The dog is out, probably bullfrog hunting again. He dashed out when I stepped out to talk to Robert." He added food and water to Finn's bowls, giving the dog extra today since Jack planned to have Finn out all day. He opened the paper, found nothing of note in the headlines and laid the paper aside on the coffee table, already bored with it. He started to hear apparating sounds outside. He went to the door and looked out and then closed the door again. "The pack is arriving. I don't imagine there's anything we need to do for them. They know the way..."

Angus woke with a jolt, hearing the apparating.

"Calm," Marcus said. "Just Fenrir's pack arriving." Angus got up and went to the door, yawning. He opened the door, and the crisp morning air hit him in the face. With nothing on but some pajama bottoms, it made him shiver. One of the females pointed Angus out to Fenrir who turned around and looked. When he saw Angus all bandaged and bruised, he walked a couple steps towards the porch.

"Tangle with an acromantula or something?"

"Crazy human female. Pretty much the same as the acromantula, I figure," Angus cast him an amused grin. Fenrir grinned and nodded.

"You've got that right," Fenrir said.

"Welcome back," Angus said. "We're glad you're here. The longhouses are all ready for you. If you're missing anything, let me know, and I'll have it here immediately."

"I appreciate that. Our female's cub is heavy for her now. We normally handle our own issues but if we need a healer..."

"If you need one, you'll have one. You have my word."

"The pack trusts that. Thank you," Fenrir said. "If you'll excuse us, we'll get her to the longhouse now."

"Certainly." Angus waved to the pack members. "Welcome home, Friends," he told them. They waved to him, smiling. They seemed to warm up to being welcomed anywhere. He went back inside.

"That was nice of you to welcome them. I dont think they get much positive attention," Marcus said.

"I doubt they get any," Angus said, as Marcus went to help him to sit. He sat him back on the bed and brought him a mug of coffee.

"Here. Fuel," Marcus said.

"Thanks," Angus said, smelling the coffee.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 91 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Today at 12:17 am

Ruby smiled as she looked up from breakfast prep " oh I found out what Doxies eat, Billywigs" she said " I'll ask Robert if he has any, if not Jack might know where I can get some" she said as she placed the tray on the side board and went back for a jug of orange juice for those who liked a drink with their breakfast.

Jack heard aperating form the yard, With Joseph joining him they walked over to the pack and greeted them. Once Fenrir had spoken to Angus Jack walked with the pack to the long houses showing them everything they needed was there and ready along with if they needed anything that wasn't they could ask ether Joseph or himself.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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