A Birth day - Page 90
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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:50 pm

"I agree," Angus said. "Thanks, Ru. I've said our door is always open for friends, and I suppose creatures in trouble sort of fall into that category too. I have to say I am rather surprised it ever attempted to bite. You'll read on what they eat, won't you? I presume it eventually will want to eat something." He wanted to take a couple steps, but his legs gave out. Marcus had expected it and caught him.

"Enough fooling around. Back to bed. You let Ruby play with the bugs."

"It's not a bug," Angus frowned. "It's a magical creature, like a lot of other small living things."

"Nevertheless, it's her bug...or whatever you want to call it. You let her have at it. here. Sit." He lowered Angus to the bed. Ginger and Anise cleaned up the dessert dishes and they headed to shower. Just after they headed to the shower, they all heard some loud explosions out in the yard. Angus used wandless magic to accio his wand, and he apparated outside to the yard.

"I'm gonna kill him myself," Marcus groaned apparating outside with him.

When Angus got there, he saw a man in what looked like a muggle grunge look--ripped jeans, raggedy jeans jacket, leather ankle boots, and he had some friends with him. He had two with him but Angus could see the outline of a few more in the trees.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Angus shouted.

"Give us Angus Donohue, and you wont' get hurt," the man shouted. Angus frowned. Obviously, this doofus didn't even know what Angus looked like.

"And if I don't?" Angus asked. The man threw something at Angus, and foul green smoke rose up from the ground right in front of him. Marcus clutched tight to Angus and apparated him away from the smoke, moving him several feet back. As the grounds crew started to run to the area to handle things, Marcus shouted.

"Don't come near the green smoke. It's poison," Marcus shouted to them, aiming his wand at the man who had launched the smoke, not wanting him to get away.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:59 pm

Ruby chuckled as Marcus and Angus spoke of the doxy Marcus calling it a bug. It was now she saw Angus port out and placed the doxy in the cage on the table and accioed her wand seeing Jack she called him over " Jack" she called and he came running .

"stay inside Ruby." Jack called as he ran, reaching Marcus side with several grounds men then formed a barrier in front of Angus and Marcus " get of this property, you are trespassing on private property." he called out as Lucian joined them his badge clearly on display and his wand out but held at his side.

" or don't, by the order of the ministry I temporarily deputise all the ground men here and Jack" he said as Jack nodded but Lucian looked back at the men " now you are facing ministry Aurors, attack us and you attack the ministry and will be considered outlaws and wanted criminals." Lucian told them not expecting them to listen to his words at all.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 12:10 am

"Move back, Angus!" one of the grounds crew shouted at Angus.

"That's him! Get him!" the intruders shouted at each other.

"Well, shit," Marcus sighed. At that moment, all four of the kids--Anise, Ginger, Victor and Sam, all in their pajamas--apparated outside in front of Jack and the grounds crew, and Anise went after them, firing her wand just like she had seen Angus do at least a hundred times before, running right towards the intruders, and she had the rest of the kids right behind her.

"Anise! No!" Angus shouted. He shook Marcus loose and apparated out to where Anise was heading, and he started his own rapid firing, trying to distract the intruders from going after the kids.

"Jesus, they're crazy blighters," one of the intruders said. "I'm out." He apparated out, leaving the others on their own.

"I'm still gonna kill him," Marcus grumbled, apparating to join Angus. "And now I'm gonna kill all these minions out here too--every one of 'em."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 12:17 am

Lucian and Jack heard Anise , Ginger,Victor and even Sam come running. Jack looked at Lucian " protect the kids" he ordered as he fired his wand towards the men seeing one aperate out he looked to Jack who frowned and looked to the grounds crew he saw one of them standing off to the side not firing then turning he disappeared into the forest.

" I should have known" Jack said as he fired a Petrificus at one man sending him like stone to the floor. " think they are crazy , try us on for size" he said in a low voice as he fired his wand. Joseph joined them " get Angus out of here" Jack said " the kids are doing good" my men will finish this, or Edward will" he said catching a glint of something shiny and assumed it was Edwards Axe.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 12:40 am

Angus's legs were giving out now over and over anyway, and Marcus was trying to keep him on his feet.

"We're done here," Marcus said, apparating Angus back inside.

"The kids..." Angus wasn't happy with Marcus taking him back inside.

"Jack's got them," Marcus said. "Trust me. They'll be fine. You can't help them any more. You're not strong enough yet to do that. You're no help to them if I have to hold you up to try to defend them. You're out of energy. You have to go back to bed." He took him back to bed whether he wanted it or not.

"I am not going to let whoever this is go after my kids," Angus said angrily. "Whoever it is can come for me, but I'm not letting them touch my kids."

"They're not going to get the chance to get your kids," Marcus said. "You want security tightened around your family, we'll do it. It just can't be you this time. Let's let Jack handle this, and if we decide the kids aren't safe, we'll come up with a backup plan. Give it a little..."

"We might not have a little. Look what they tried to do to Ruby and me..."

"Calm," Marcus said, understanding the catacombs was entirely too fresh for Angus. He was still trying to sort his head out, and someone was striking again. This had him afraid for his family, and it rattled Angus twice as much as usual since he couldn't protect his family this time. "Angus, you're not alone. You have a huge team here, and we'll get this solved. Calm. We can sort this out."

The figure that Jack had seen came out from where it had been standing. It was Michael. His wand was drawn, and he was leveling it at some of the men who had intruded onto the estate.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 12:47 am

Jack saw Michael and breathed out not who he was expecting but was glad of the back up " welcome to the fray Michael, want to take out the trash?" he said firing again watching two more men aperate out " seems your losing men" he called to the leader " I'll say this again leave. these. grounds." he said stepping forward as he fired Lucian stayed level with the teens as did Ruby.

Aria stayed at the door watching and saw Marcus port back with Angus . she turned back and watched " kids are doing good , not one has been hit " she informed them both. " Ruby's doing well too" she said smirking. " oops, he just lost two more men, hes down to three" wishing she could go and help but she knew some one had to stay close for the babies and Angus sake even with Marcus being his guard , right now she was the babies last line of defence and protection and she was going to make sure nothing happened to them..
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 8:38 pm

"Watch this," Michael said. He flicked his wand at the intruders and in a moment, the intruders were transfigured into three empty coffee mugs. He looked at Lucian. "Empty heads into empty cups. Problem solved. I get tired of uninvited guests, and I figure this batch will be easier to transport that way."

"What'd you do that for?" Victor asked Michael. "We almost had 'em."

"Look, Youngsters," Michael told them. "I could pull rank on you, but I won't--this time. As it stands, I happen to like Angus, and I have no desire to watch him hurt himself even further by trying to get to his feet to protect you lot."

"Well, he didn't need to. We had them," Sam replied.

"And this one here?" Michael said to Jack, pointing at Anise. "If she keeps copying her dad like that, with that rapidfire slashing stuff, she's going to be one little bag of trouble."

"That's exactly my plan," Anise said. "If anyone comes for my dad again, they'll have to get past me first."

"See what I mean? That one's trouble already." He looked at Anise. "Look, Trouble, your dad's not even on his feet but he apparated out here, nearly naked and in his bare feet to fight off whatever he found out here to protect you four. Otherwise, he'd have left it to us. He has no trouble leaving a skirmish to us--except if you lot try to jump in. You need to give that just a wee bit of thought."

"I will never ever not defend my family, and you can't ask me not to," Anise said.

"I can ask you not to. When Robert and Kate are not available, I am your commanding officer. Understand me?" Michael replied firmly. "Do you even know who you were firing at?" Anise looked at Michael and then at the former intruders.

"Three coffee cups," she replied. Michael rolled his eyes at her. "And since Dad is the one on the bench, isn't he the one you should be chewing out and not us?"

"I am going to say this just one time. I know my job, and I know every detail of every agreement that every member of the organization has signed. You don't. Your fighting was good--all four of you. However, if you enter a fight again without permission from us or a first stringer, I'll suspend the lot of you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes. Sorry, Michael," Victor said.

"We just wanted to protect Dad," Ginger said. "Sorry."

"Apologies accepted. Now, since you're all in your pajamas, go home," Michael told them. They turned around and headed home.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 8:48 pm

Jack stood and watched as Michael turned the remaining men onto tea cups. Lucian laughed and walked over to them as his men gathered the tree " okay we got them now, hum maybe a cycle threw the dish washer will make then have a cleaner attitude" Lucian said then saw Jack looking at him " I kid" he added and chuckled " maybe" he added quietly.

Jack walke dover to where Michael was telling of the teens he said nothing and folded his arms. " its admirable that you want to keep you dad and family safe but we are here to keep you and them safe too, just let us do our job, we're paid to fight, your not, not yet" he said as Joseph walked over to them both.

" all charms strengthened and re established " he informed them as he handed Jack a charm he had found that had been blocking the barrier to allow them inside. " found this in that bush where those guys came threw" he added placing it in Jacks hand.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5384

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Yesterday at 9:05 pm

"Well, well," Michael said. "Look at that. Could I see that a moment, please?" Michael took the charm and cast a revelio spell on it. The revelio spell made the charm transform to its normal form. It was a St. Mungos' nursing badge--one issued for Dora, and the badge was stained with blood--blood that had a greenish glow to it. "Look here. You should recognize this, Jack. It's a nursing badge. You've undoubtedly seen a St. Mungos' badge frequently.

"This happens to be Dora's nursing badge, " Michael explained, "and it's been charmed with a dark arts charm. I'll wager you a pint that the blood is the key. I bet its werewolf blood, and its the key to how James' charms worked that allowed him and his pack onto the grounds. I think James enchanted his charms with werewolf blood, and it was that charmed blood that allowed him to find the estate time and time again. Either this means he's still alive or someone else in his pack knows that charm now and is making new charms. I think Dora probably paid big bucks to have some werewolf from James' pack enchant her badge for her so she could get access to the estate to get to Angus and Ruby. I think this badge was the whole key for her. And--I think that means that the leader of these coffee cups either is a werewolf or is Dora's boyfriend or both. I think he came here because he was pissed at Angus for Dora ending up in Azkaban. Well done, Joseph.

"Tomorrow, do grab Finn, would you?" Michael asked Jack and Joseph. "Let him sniff the badge here, and then make sure someone takes him and we search every single inch of the grounds for any more markers. And I do mean every inch. Now, let's not kid ourselves. We have a lot of acres of ground, so to search every single inch, its either going to take us several days, or I need to get us a couple more dogs to help with the search. Your senses are fine, but you're in human form now, so that sense of smell has to be a bit diminished. Some actual canines would be very helpful, I should think. What do you think, Jack? Or do you know some of the area wizards that have tracking dogs we could borrow?"

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23854
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 90 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Yesterday at 9:13 pm

Jack and Joseph looked as Michael cast revelio and they saw the greenish blood making Joseph step back from it. Jack looked down at it and nodded " yeah I'm familiar, Jess use to wear one " he said then listened to Michael talk about what he thought it was used for. " logical" Jack said as he called Finn over " I'll do that, Joseph make sure all area are locked down" he said as Joseph nodded then smiled as Michael complimented him.

"Just doing my job" he said to Michael " I'll get on that right away Jack" he said and took off in the opposite direction of the duplex. Jack heard Michael continue and shook his head " na, with his sniffer and mine we should cover a lot of ground" he said as Finn sat next to him and wagged his tail " ain't that right boy" Jack said patting Finns head as he sat next to him.

Aria saw every one leaving once Michael had transfigured the men to tea cups and she chuckled " oh nicely done" she said " Michael turned them to tea cups." she said chuckling, "and Lucians taking them away." she added then walked over to Marcus " Joseph found the item they used , Michael has it, it looks like a badge" she said softly to him.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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