A Birth day - Page 63
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A Birth day - Page 63 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:07 pm

Angus took a moment and praised Anise, made sure she had something cold to drink and made sure to ask her about her eyesight, her knee and her pain. She was holding up just fine. Angus saw that she seemed to honestly be enjoying the dueling. She was largely trying to ignore the crowd and keep her head in the game.

Madame Maxime came in and came over to her.

"My dear girl," she gave her a hug, "I don't know where you got all your training, but I cannot tell you how pleased that your professors and I all are of you. Well done. How are you holding up? Are you feeling alright?"

"Thank you. I'm fine," Anise said.

"The duelist that is in first place at the moment is the young man from Hogwarts," she said. "He has won four matches so far, and he has lost two. You have now won three. If you win the next match, you two will be tied. With Durmstrang out of the competition and now, apparently also Koldovstoretz, that means you each have to contend with seven possible opponents. If you win your match with him, you will win the entire championship because he will not be able to tie or win more matches than you. I fully expect they may call you to duel him next in a sort of sudden death showdown. Can you do that?"

"I will give it my best," she told Madame Maxime.

"Good. I will remain here with you and your father until we see how this will play out."

Up in the booth, Robert was following it all very closely, as closely as Madame Maxime was.

"Heads up, All," Robert said. "I look very much for Anise to be called to dual the Hogwart's lad next. If she wins, she will take the entire tournament and will earn the title of Supreme Dueller. And, just so you know, that title has not gone to a woman since 1397."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:14 pm

Ruby and Aria both turned when Robert spoke and then looked at the arena when Robert said Anise was to go against a Hogwarts guy " well lets hope things change" Ruby said as she glanced back at Robert. Aria chuckled as she moved to look into the arena.

"I for one am rooting for Anise to win" she said " Angus has taught her well and shes won her last three rounds" Aria now stood waiting for it to start having a feeling things will change. Jess looked at Sam and Jack as Robert had spoken and smiled .

"she'll do well" she said " shes confident and focused" she added as Jack smiled and nodded.

"I have no doughty in that she has Angus at her side and Robert in her corner for healing" Jack said and looked over at him and gave a small wave to him. " hows our champion doing?" he called out to him while Jess shook her head and chuckled.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:48 pm

Angus took a moment to massage her shoulders and her back just a little bit and to tend to her to make sure she was in prime shape. She was beginning now to ache, much as she was denying it to Madame Maxime. Angus went to her bag and looked in it and saw that Marcus had tucked a small bottle of pain potion in the bag. He used just a bit of slight of hand to not alarm Madame Maxime and he brought Anise a glass of ice water that he had put just a very tiny half dose of pain potion in for her and he gave her the drink she didn't even question it. She just drank the water, feeling thirsty. He noticed straight away that she looked a little better to him because she wasn't hurting.

And then the call came. She was to battle the Hogwarts champion, just as Madame Maxime had thought. Angus walked with her as far as he could, and she turned and gave him a huge hug.

"You've got this. It's just like every other sparring match you've ever done," he told her. He kissed her forehead, and she walked out to the center field. The Hogwarts student was dressed in a black robe with green trim and what looked to Anise like a crest with a snake on it. When she got close enough to shake hands, she was able to see it was indeed a snake. They shook hands, the tournament officials recited the rules again, and began the match.

Everything about this young man gave Anise the impression that he believed he was undefeatable, and she also got the feeling right from the moment she shook his hand that he believed in foul play, not fair play. She was not about to stoop to his level, regardless. The minute they both turned, he was firing a mammoth incendio at her. She saw the huge blast of flame leave his wand, and she felt Angus's panic. She immediately threw up a shield spell to protect herself, and then her own survival instincts took over, and she defaulted to what she knew, what the organization and Angus had taught her. She began to fire spells at him in the same rapidfire fashion that Angus had done. The crowd seemed to be surprised and delighted at her change of dueling style.

Her opponent blasted her wand out of her hand and kept firing, giving her no chance to accio her wand back to her. She was angry now at running into a man who was as close as it came to cheating without actually crossing the line. She summoned her energies and began forming a ball of white light energy in both hands. Unable to stay in the locker room, Angus came out and stood on the sidelines not far from the locker room entrance. He fully expected this to go entirely off the rails right here. Marcus glanced at the people in the box and he saw Fenrir was on his feet, looking deadly serious. Something had potential of going deadly wrong, and the advanced wizards did not believe this was within Anise's ability to control. Even tournament officials were starting to gather on the sidelines, prepared to respond in an instant.

"Be careful, my girl," Robert said softly, on the edge of his seat, fully expecting that if Anise's opponent didnt hurt her, she would end up hurting herself by trying to do this truly advanced little bit of magic.

"Robert Thomas Lupin!" Kate hissed softly into his ear, infuriated with her. "She's a child! How dare you teach her that spell! And two of them? What were you thinking!"

"I admit I just might have taught her one, but I never taught her two," Robert said.

"She's not ready to try to make and control two!" Kate said.

"Well, clearly, she's trying," Robert said matter of factly.

"You're going to sleeping on a sofa for the rest of your life," Kate hissed at him.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:54 pm

Ruby stepped up to the window and looked down her hand touching the glass a she watched Anise start to battle then the underhanded Slytherin attack her. Now seeing the white light Anise was producing she looked back at Robert who was sat on the edge of his seat " what will happen?" she asked " will she be okay?" Ruby asked him after she had heard Kate talk to Robert. Aria placed a hand on Ruby and looked at her.

"He knows she can control it or he would be down there stopping her" Aria told her Ruby looked at Robert and then walked back to the window watching what was going on below now praying to whom ever that this went in Anises favor.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Oct 06, 2024 12:19 am

"You know what I'm going to do when this is over, right?" Victor told Ginger softly.

"Yeah. You're going to ambush his little green arse, and wrap him in a Fiendfyre or something," Ginger replied.

"Pretty much," Victor said. "He knows better. This is not what they're taught. Underhanded cheeky little bastard."

Anise heard the Hogwarts student who wore the snake on his robes now laughing at her. She was simply dodging his fire spells as she worked on the balls of white light in each hand. They were drawing more and more of her power, and getting brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger.

"Let them go, Anise," Robert was saying softly. "They're big enough. Let them go."

Anise saw her opponent was just starting to change tactics. She appreciated Angus teaching her to observe and anticipate more than ever right now. When Robert saw the change in the Hogwarts student, he was on his feet, expecting disaster, believing it was imminent now.

Anise saw he was casting, of all things, a huge fiendfyre. She held her white light balls for a moment, now, waiting, waiting, waiting for the right moment. And then he did it. He released his fiendfyre right at her. Diving for the ground, allowing herself to fall on her knees to dodge the flames, she hurled the white light ball in her right hand first, flinging it right at the fiendfyre as the massive ball of flame filled the air on the center court.

Her first ball of white light exploded as a massive ball of lightning, causing a massive explosion. She had, literally, fought fire with fire. When the lightning hit the flames and exploded, it put out the fiendfyre instantly. The Hogwarts student was desperate to try to think of a counter move of some sort, but Anise wasn't finished.

She hurled the second ball towards her opponent, careful to purposely land it short of him to avoid hurting him. The ball of lightning exploded in front of him, the lightning missing him but the force ofit blew him backwards by at least 25 feet. When he landed, he didn't move, clearly knocked unconscious by her spell. She got to her feet and stood motionless as flames burned all around the court. For a moment, it didn't seem like anyone in the stadium moved or breathed, and the only sound was the crackle of flames.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the announcer finally said, "it seems we have a winner. Beauxbatons is awarded the Supreme Dueller today." The crowd burst into cheering and deafening applause, all on their feet.

"Thank God," Robert breathed, glad she had somehow managed to cast not one lightning ball but two. He didn't know how she managed it, but he was grateful she had. It was taking everything that Angus had not to rush out onto the field to get to her, but this was her moment, and he wanted her to not have it ruined by him.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Oct 06, 2024 12:34 am

Ruby was on pins and needles as she watched what was happening below. when the guy was pushed back and lay still on the ground Ruby rested her head on the glass and breathed out seeing Anise stand up on her feet surrounded by lightning but on her feet . It was after a moment the announcer spoke and Ruby smiled as Anise was announced as the new Supreme Dueller and winner " yes!" Ruby said and chuckled as did Aria who glanced at Robert.

"nice call" she said to him with a smile " she defiantly deserves that cake and party now" Aria added and chuckled as she looked into the arena again wondering if she still had more of it that was it for the tournament.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:11 am

"Please allow us a few minutes to clear the field, and then we will present the trophy to the winners," the announcer said.

Anise flew from the field to Angus, and she flung her arms around him. He folded her close in a huge hug and kissed her cheek.

"I am so proud of you," he said to her. "I didn't have a doubt in my mind."

"Not once? Really?" she asked, looking at him.

"Not for a moment," he told her. "I admit, I worried that little Slytherin knothead might hurt you, but you, I never doubted you. I believed you were going to win it."

"I must look a mess," she told him.

"You look like a winner," he told her. He looked behind him, knowing Marcus was out of sight somewhere. "Let's have Marcus refresh your looks a little. Come on, just for a minute." He led her back into the locker room out of sight and he had Marcus cast a glamour spell to spruce you up for the cameras, shall we? Marcus? Can you..."

"My pleasure, Madam Supreme Dueller," Marcus smiled. He cast a couple glamour spells to refresh her hair and makeup and her uniform. "Oh, much better. Good as new," he said.

"Thank you," she said. As they walked back towards the exit back onto the field, Madame Maxime came in.

"Congratulations, my dear, dear Anise. You are our hero today. I am so, so proud. Well done, my sweet girl. Come with me now, and receive your award. They're ready," she said. "Give us a moment, Mr. Donohue, please."

"Of course," Angus said. He walked out well behind Madame Maxime and Anise, and walked a bit to the side to be able to watch the awards being given. Marcus went to stand with him. Standing at the center of the center field was the President of the Tournament, and standing with him was Daniella. The president of the tournament spoke for a moment about the long history of the tournament, and he talked about what extraordinary skills and poise and sportsmanship Anise had shown. He also talked about the last time a woman had been awarded the title of Supreme Dueller, Elizabeth Smudgling, in 1379. He was delighted today to award it again, this time to Anise Hawthorne from Beauxbatons. He explained that there were duplicate trophies, one for Anise, and one for Beauxbatons' as the school who provided her such obviously wonderful education. The tournament first gave the school's trophy to Madame Maxime. And then, to the delight of the entire stadium, they gave Anise the Supreme Dueller trophy and then a Supreme Dueller medal that was cast in gold and hung on a beautiful blue satin ribbon. They hung the medal around her neck and handed her the trophy.

That formally concluded the tournament. Guests were instructed on how to leave the stadium, and the tournament officials brought out some folding directors style chairs for Madame Maxime and Anise to be able to meet for a little for photographs and statements to reporters.

"Madame Maxime said that, if Anise won, we would be allowed to go down on the field and just be close to her while she deals with the press for a bit," Robert told everyone. "For those of you who want to come, its this way. For the rest of you, please, please do head back to the estate because she does not know we are hosting a surprise celebration supper for her, and we'll be heading there as soon as we finish here. You're all welcome, of course, and we do sincerely hope you all come." Robert headed down to the field so that anyone who wanted to come could follow him and find their way there.

Last edited by Khaat Lupin on Sun Oct 06, 2024 10:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Oct 06, 2024 1:24 am

Ruby heard the announcement and watched the award of trophy's she smiled down to Anise hearing Robert say they could go down she quickly made her way down but stopped and looked to Aria who nodded. " I'll go and get it set up" Aria said as every one who needed and wanted ported back to the estate as did Aria. Ruby headed down to the arena and over to Anise hugging her.

"you were wonderful Anise well done, we're so proud of you" she said smiling to her as she hugged her. Once she had let go she walked over to Angus and placed her hands on his cheeks as she kissed him . "you are the best dueling trainer " she said and smiled to him before taking his hand in her own and standing next to him with a proud smile on her face.

Aria ported to the place they were having the after tournament celebration and went to a table uncovering a light blue and gold cake she smiled as she placed a small cup on top of it similar to what Anise had won. " perfect" she said as she waved her hand and a banner went up onto the wall that read 'congratulations Supreme Dueller Anise'. stepping back she saw the caterers putting out the food and she nodded " they will be here soon , this all looks good thankyou" she told them.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Oct 06, 2024 8:13 pm

Anise and Madame Maxime were inundated by reporters and photographers from all over the wizarding world, and then some of the reporters and photographers began to want comments and pictures of Daniella and Robert as ministry officials from England and Italy. It was going rather smoothly until an official from the French ministry, without permission from Daniella, made a bold offer to hire Anise immediately as an auror if she would start work immediately, and then similar offers from other employers of all sorts began being shouted at her. In a moment, it was chaotic and overwhelming. That instantly drew Robert's and Angus's attentions. Anise was flabbergasted, and she didn't know how to answer. Robert separated himself from the reporters he'd been speaking with and went over to her.

"Would you like a little help?" he asked her.

"Please?" she asked. He walked over to her and laid his hand on her shoulder purposely to show his protection of her.

"Ruby," Marcus said very softly to Ruby, "can you go get her bag please? We don't want to have to wait when Anise decides she's had enough. If we have her things, we can go home the minute she says she's done here. And do make sure that you get the carrying case with her trophy in it. I don't mind carrying them, but you might find Jack or someone who would be glad to transport them home for her if you fetch them from the locker room. Maybe you and Aria can find a place on the sideboard in the shellterhouse so everyone can get a close look at it while we're celebrating."

"Gentlemen, I am quite sure that Miss Hawthorn is flattered by your offer," Robert said to draw their attention, "however, I am privileged to be a close friend of the family and of Anise's, and I know her very well. With that in mind, I can tell you quite clearly for the record that Anise has already made her choice of an employer. She already works part time for me, and her contract includes advancing to full time status when she finishes school. As talented as she is, she fully intends to spend this academic year attending Beauxbatons and graduating from there in May. She appreciates all your offers, but she declines."

There were protests and people asking her if that was really her own choice, and Anise nodded, grateful to have him there to help. Anise was tiring of all of this. She had enjoyed the dueling but it had been a long day. And she didn't enjoy the attention from the press at all. She was just starting to get a headache, and she was definitely hungry. She glanced at Angus, hoping he would rescue her. Angus didn't need a second signal. He walked over to her and looked at the reporters and photographers.

"Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen," Angus said, not hesitating to rescue her, "but Miss Hawthorn has had a very, very long day, and we need to be going." He reached for her hand to signal her to get up and come with him. As she was standing up, she heard lots of reporters asking Angus who he was. A couple other reporters said, "That's Angus Donohue--he's related to THAT Donohue."

"You're related to Edward Donohue?" someone asked.

"He's my granddad," Angus said. "My wife and I are Anise's legal guardians."

"He's my dad," Anise said, taking Angus's hand and shying close against him. Robert glanced at Marcus and gave him a look that told Marcus instantly he wanted Marcus to get Angus, Ruby and Anise home. Marcus turned and looked at Jack and nodded slightly, knowing Jack could silently command the rest that it was time to go too. Robert was issuing an instruction that it was time for all the rest to exit too.

Angus was fine with Ruby going with whoever she wanted to go home with, but he hesitated only long enough to let Ruby choose to either go with him and Anise or Marcus or whoever she wanted to leave with. He just didn't want to leave with her still there. He wanted to know she was safely on the way home.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 63 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Sun Oct 06, 2024 8:23 pm

Ruby glanced at Marcus and heard him make his suggestions , silently she nodded and headed down to the locker room taking out Anises bag she made sure she gathered everything they had brought and the trophy case with trophy inside shrinking her bag she saw Jack walk down and pick up the heavy case " I'll get this to where it should be and the guests. " he said smiling as Ruby nodded.

Moving to the arena area Ruby heard the commotion and stepped out to see Angus with Anise holding him. Walking over she nodded to Angus she too was ready to head back and took hold of his hand "I'm ready to head home, i can see Anise is ready too, lets go home" she said smiling to Angus.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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