A Birth day - Page 49
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A Birth day - Page 49 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:12 pm

"Since it's my job to look out for Angus," Marcus said, his close friendship with Angus motivating him at the moment more than his bodyguarding duty, "I don't think Sam should be making any more trouble and pain for his family. I think he definitely needs to stay elsewhere until he decides whether he wants to follow his dad's rules or not. Guard tower, wizarding tent, bedroll on the ground, I really don't care. If he wants to be so grown up, he can make those choices for himself. Thanks, Jack. Good luck with whatever you want your life to be, Sam. Goodnight, Jack." Marcus turned and went back in the house, leaving Sam looking wide eyed and abandoned.

"Little git," Marcus mumbled, coming back into the house.

"He's just been really, really bugged about wanting his own place," Ginger sighed. "Victor knows it takes time and a lot of planning and doing it right. Sam want his place, and he wants it right now. And--he wants Anise there with him right from the outset."

"I am not interested in moving out right now," Anise said. "I keep telling him someday but not until next summer sometime at the soonest, but if he keeps acting like this, I'm not going to be interested in moving in with him at all.'

"Stand your ground, my girl," Marcus told her. "Don't do it until you know it's right and until you know he's put this side of him far, far away for good."

"Well, I'm not taking him back until he stops being stupid," she said,

"Good girl," Marcus said. "Proud of you."

"I'm not happy about it, but I'm far more unhappy with him right now," she said.

"Well, I think you should put him aside and focus on you. Is there anything else we can do for you before we need to take you to St. Mungo's?"

"I don't know what to expect. Is it going to be scary? Or painful?"

"No. It won't be either of those things," Marcus said. He sat down close to her and explained to her, in depth, what she could expect, and he put the emphasis on the fact that she would be in Robert's hands. He also told her that,, if Angus wanted it, Marcus could go into the operating room with her and be with her every moment. Nervous, she nodded.

"That would help. I'd like that," she said.

"Then your dad needs to be good without me for a little bit, but Ruby will be with him, so I'm sure it'll be fine. You need to soon change into your fleece outfit because Robert will be here soon. If you wear it to go there, you won't need to take anything else with you. You'll change for surgery, but you can change back into your fleece outfit to come home in."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:31 pm

Jack looked at Sam and listened to Marcus nodding with a growl " right, guard house it is after our patrol." he growled and walked with Sam away. Ruby had heard Marcus and nodded but looked at Ginger when she spoke about how obsessed Sam was to be in his own place.

"being in your own place isn't all its cut out to be, when I had no choice but to find my own place after I was kicked out, I stayed on the streets before I found some one willing to give me a home, well a room in their apartment and then I got a job, being with Friends and family is better, having some one smile when you return is to me perfect, but Sam needs to learn rushing things only gets trouble and not what he wants, as the muggles say, good things come to he who waits." she said smiling to Anise as she spoke.

" I agree with Marcus, we'll be there when you go in and when you wake, angus and I and I'm sure Robert will make sure your well taken care of and comfortable, and when you get home we'll do anything to make you comfortable and pain free, maybe Angus will make some of his wonderful peach sorbet for you." she said softly with a smile.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:51 pm

Anise nodded.

"Can someone apparate us upstairs or downstairs so I can help her change?" Ginger asked.

"Certainly," Marcus said. He apparated Anise upstairs to the master bedroom, and while they changed, Marcus went over and updated Elwood on Anise's injury and the need to take her for surgery. Elwood wanted to come downstairs to help Aria protect the house. Marcus had no reason to refuse Elwood, and Elwood wanted to be of purpose. Marcus helped Elwood put his beautiful plush burgundy colored robe on over his pajamas and helped him into his wheelchair and took him downstairs.

"I have your partner for the evening right here," Marcus told Aria.

"I can still fire a wand, and since I don't sleep so well anyway, I can sit up with you," Elwood told her.

"Be sure you play a round of chess with her and that you skunk her," Marcus teased.

"My board is upstairs, though," Elwood said.

"I can fix that," Marcus said. He got out Angus's travel sized chess board and levitated it in front of Elwood. "Problem solved."

"What a clever little board," Elwood said.

"It comes in a kit of small little games that Angus takes along when we go on a distance mission. It's quite a nice thing to have to pass the time on a train or whatever other down time we might have. The board sometimes goes on more missions than Angus does."

"I can see why. It's quite a clever idea," Elwood said. He looked at Aria. "Do you even play?"

"I'll go get Arian and bring her back downstairs," Marcus said. He went up, got Anise and apparated her back downstairs and back to the sofa. "Your fleece outfit fits her just fine," Marcus told Ginger. "It looks great on her, and it'll keep the draft off her that she might pick up in the apparating there and back. I think it was a perfect idea, Ginger. Well done."

"And its comfortable. I might have to order some more if they get some of the other colors back in stock," Anise said. "They'll be warm and comfortable for hanging out in, in the winter."

"Absolutely," Marcus said. "I'll go see if your dad has gotten enough nicotine in his system yet that he'll be ready to go." He went out to the back deck to check on Angus.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:57 pm

Aria smiled and was about to offer but Marcus stepped in and aperated Anise up to the master bedroom while Ruby waited downstairs. When Marcus reappeared with Elwood Aria chuckled " hey I'm not that bad , but a total novice where chess is concerned" she said to Elwood " but the company is most appreciated" she added with a smile to him.

Ruby heard Marcus talk of Angus smoking and nodded as she watched Angus through the window as he stood outside on the back porch. She also caught sight of the fae and Minos making their way inside to start their shift " evening Minos" she greeted him as he fluttered past her.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:15 pm

Minos smiled and waved as the Fae all fluttered in and took their posts. He fluttered over to Anise and laid his hand on her forehead for only a second or two. When he did, she immediately felt significantly calmer. She was grateful.

"Thank you," she told him, and he smiled at her. Angus followed Marcus back into the house, just as Robert arrived. He knocked and came in.

"I know I'm early," Robert said, "but believe me I heard about little Mr. Donohue's attack on one of the trees outside. He's lucky Kate didn't fry certain anatomical parts. It might have altered the course of his plans for a family."

"I'll do my best to reel him in, Robert," Angus sighed.

"No, no," Robert said. "You let Jack deal with him for the moment. It is not the first time we've had a young recruit get too big for his britches. We'll have him in hand in a day or two if you leave it to us. I am sorry he hurled insults at you, though. Kate told me. Look, you've always done your best to be a good father. This is just his way of saying he doesn't like being told no. he might as well get used to that, though. He's not a first stringer, and as long as he is on the outs with his family, he won't get one ounce more promotion here. So, it's time to put Sam aside for a bit." He went over and checked her knee. "Oh, good. The ice took some of the swelling out. Good job. That is definitely a good sign. Shall we go? Are you letting her use your wheelchair, Angus?"

"I considered it, but apparating a wheelchair is a pain in the butt," Angus said. "I think we should do it old school." He went over to the sofa and just picked her up. She was perfectly content to curl into him, feeling safe and comforted by being with him.

"I think he's got it under control," Marcus said. "Shall we?"
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:21 pm

Ruby smiled seeing Minos then Robert arrive she nodded to him " he is a really good father and I agree with Robert leave Sam to Jack as he pointed out he is his boss, besides he can give back anything Sam throws at him, fireballs included. " she said smiling to Angus. Watching him walk over to Anise and pick her up Ruby chuckled as she walked over to them both taking Angus arm as she waited for him to port them all to St Mungo's.

Waiting in the reception area Jess made sure that a gurney was waiting for Anise and a private room was ready so she would have privacy, and she had arranged for an OR to be sterilized and set up for Robert's personal use.. She turned and looked at the large clock while she waited and realized she was slightly early but she also knew Robert and had a feeling he would want to get there and check all was ready.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:40 pm

When they arrived, Angus carried her inside, and he asked Ruby to go see to the paperwork for her. Robert was used to the efficient way Jess set things up, and he saw the gurney that Jess had set aside for Anise.

"Over here, Angus," Robert told him, pointing to the gurney. "Ruby, that nurse over there --Eileen--at that desk has your paperwork." He pointed to a nurse at the desk, and she waved, to get Ruby's attention. Angus put Anise on the gurney, and Anise reached out quickly and clutched tight to Angus's hand, now clearly frightened.

"We're here," Angus reassured her. "We're not leaving, and Marcus will be with you every moment that we can't be. It'll be fine."

"It smells funny," she said softly.

"Disinfectant," he told her. "And just between us, I don't like the smell either." One of the nurses came to take the gurney to a room so Anise could get changed, and Anise clamped down tight and hard on Angus's hand, so hard it was painful for Angus.

"No, he's my dad. He can't go. He has to be with me," she said. "I'm not going without him."

"It's just to change..." Angus began.

"Nope. If you can't come, I'm not going," she said.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:47 pm

Ruby entered with Angus and watched as they placed Anise on the gurney she nodded when Robert directed her to the nurse at the admin desk, " all right I'll get those done" she said and walke dover " you have our paperwork?" shea sked and the nurse smiled to her handing her a clip board.

"just fill these out and hand them back " she said Ruby nodded and took a pen sitting down she filled them out best she could glancing at Anise and Angus seeing the slight panicked look on her face. Now done with the paperwork she walked back to the nurse " here you go" she aid handing it over and walking over to Angus and Anise.

"Anise breath" Ruby said gently to her a she lightly brushed some hair off her face, " we're right here and are not leaving" she spoke softly and calmly to her with a warm smile.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:58 pm

The nurse took the gurney to a room, and she tried again to get Anise to let go of Angus so she could change. Anise wasn't having it.

"I have an idea," Angus said. "Ruby will stay with you while you change, and Marcus and I won't be far. Watch." He went over to the door, walked out, let the door close with him on the outside of the room, but he purposely left his arm in the door so that she could see for herself that he was only a few steps away. He waved and made a few funny little charades, and it made her laugh a little. It would give her the privacy she needed to change but it would let her see that he was as close as he could be for just a few minutes.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 49 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:06 pm

Ruby smiled as they were wheeled to a private room. again Angus tried to make Anise relax a little and made made his suggestion of waiting outside the door . She could not help chuckle at his antics as she took the paper hospital gown and quickly changed her into it then covered her with a blanket. " okay you can come back in dear" she called out to Angus and Marcus.

" both of us will be right next to you all the way" she said holding Anises hand too. She heard Angus return and moved to one side to let him slid in next to her.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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