"Sounds like a good idea," Brian said. "I could use a work out myself. Angus? Belby? Are you two in?"
"Sure," Angus said. "I don't usually have anyone to work out with."
"No thank you," Marcus said, feeling his place was with Khaat.
"Belby," Edward said, "you are entirely too serious. When do you work out, exactly?"
"I don't get paid to work out," Marcus said. "I get paid to be with my client."
"You get paid to be in top shape as well," Edward replied. "I believe there are enough others that can keep her company for a hour or so until you return. The daybed will let her stay in the living room with us instead of being isolated upstairs."
"I'll be alright, Marcus," Khaat said, laying her fork aside.
"After dinner, then. Perhaps," Marcus said. unsure of leaving her. He was seeing that she had been up out of bed long enough. She was tiring. He wanted to make sure she was at least comfortable with a dose of potion, and on the daybed before he would even consider leaving her, not even to go downstairs.
"Come with us," Brian said to him. He looked at the others. "Can you lot manage to stay with her and also make sure the kids actually stay in bed tonight?" Making sure the kids stayed in bed on Christmas eve was, by far, the harder job, he figured.