Kate stood and stretched, feeling like she had been too far from Khaat for too long.
"I'm going downstairs," Kate said to Jess and Marcus. "Its a mom thing. I just need to see she's okay. Feeling a bit restless I guess."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Marcus asked.
"No, no," Kate said. "I'm just going down one floor. You go back to sleep while Jess's spell lasts. Get some rest." She went downstairs and when she got within a few feet of Khaat's room, she smelled Turkish cologne.
She didn't feel alarmed. She didn't feel danger. She presumed it was just perhaps his watchful presence. She went into Khaat's room, noticing the smell went with her.
She checked on Khaat and was relieved to find her asleep. She had overheard a bit of Jack and Brian's conversation about babies.
"Don't question your blessings, Brian," Kate said softly, brushing Khaat's hair. "In our lives, we never know if we're going to be here today or not. Today was just another reminder of that. If you were to ask her, she'd be the first to tell you that if she had the choice and if she knew her life might be cut short, she would choose to give you every single child she could give you."
"Yeah," Brian said. "I know."
"Its tempting to be overprotective when things like this happen," Kate said. "I know that very well, but you really do need to hold back and try to keep it in perspective with what is reasonable for our family."
"I just want her safe, Kate," he said.
"As so we all," Kate said, noticing the cologne smell was a bit thick around Khaat. "Apparently its well in hand. I think Remus is here just checking on her. If it were important, he'd have awakened her, but he hasn't done that. Perhaps you need to see that as a good thing and relax just a wee bit. Besides, you were up last night and tonight both. I'd say she's in better hands with Jack for protection purposes. I really dont' think anyone's going to get past him tonight. Doze here if you like, but you need a bit of sleep yourself."