The ship's crew set a large table on deck with a high chair between almost every adult chair. Angus served plates of scrambled eggs, strips of crispy bacon, fried potatoes, fresh fruit, and a new creation--cinnamon french toast sticks drizzled with maple sugar icing.
Abbey quickly decided she liked the french toast sticks because she could pick them up in her fingers and ea them. She liked eating everything with her fingers. Brian and Khaat didn't pick on her because she ate quietly and politely even though it was with her fingers. Dakota had seemed to settle a bit, and for that they were grateful. Julia wanted her Papa's grapes, and Robert, of course, didn't know how to deny her. He gladly gave them to her. The boys, Robert and Michael, decided they wanted hot dogs. Angus made them each a hot dog and cut it into slices. They ate the slices happily with their eggs and a few tiny wild strawberries. Khaat was surprised and pleased that there was no screaming or food throwing this morning. Everyone seemed to be unusually happy, except that they all wanted their mama's attention. Khaat was kept busy through the meal with nonstop requests from one child or another.