Jess snorted and shook his head, trust Brian to immediately assume the worst of him. He walked into the tent's kitchen area and lit the stove, before plunging his hand, nay, his arm into his pocket, fishing about for around half a minute before retrieving a slab of wrapped up lamb mince. He waved his wand, cursed silently and pulled a frying pan out from the little cupboard, before oiling it up and whacking the lamb on it, adding some of Brian's chopped onions as he worked.
"I still have a few surprises left in me, Brian," Jess replied, patting his pocket and laughing. It occurred to him then just how ridiculous the scene must have looked from the outside - four adults out in the middle of one of the most uninhabitable places on earth camping out in a tent drinking tea and cooking shepherd's pie... only magical folk could do such a stupid thing.
Still, he was happy... happier than he'd been in quite awhile, in fact, because he was there with his friends, doing things he'd enjoyed as a younger child... or, at least liked the idea of (he'd never really gotten much of a chance to do the whole camping thing)