"Well," Lizzie said, sighing, "So we're back to that, are we? The last time she did it, it was because she was entirely overworking herself and because she was grieving losing Rob so badly." She motioned him to follow her into the kitchen. "What is it this time? Grief overwork, or stress? That's usually at the core of it for her. I only know of a couple things that will bribe her when this happens, and its not all that healthy. But--if Robert sent you to me, he doesn't bloody well care what she eats. He only cares that she eats."
She got out a large dark chocolate fudge cheesecake and sliced it and put the whole cheesecake in a box. "This works, no matter what," Lizzie said. Then she got out a bowl from the cooler of a fresh raspberry sauce for on top. "This bit is more nutritious than it looks. And I'll send a thermos of our French Roast. It at least will give her some fluids. I'll send her some fruit salad at lunch, but, truthfully, she likes Angus's fruit salad better. You'd do better with having him either send some or bring some in at lunch time. He makes better champagne dressing than I do, and I don't know how he does it. If you want her to eat dinner, Michael's your man. He'll cook for her and then downright bribe her. Don't be disappointed if she leaves a lot of meals untouched. Its just the way it is." She finished boxing up the cheesecake, raspberry sauce and coffee.
"Try that," Lizzie said. "If it doesn't work, then let me know because it sounds like Robert and I will need to talk. Tell him I'll put it on his tab."