It was pure chaos. 11 kids at the table and, by count, at least 20 adults. They had enlarged the table to accomodate everyone. It was noisy and loud, completely disruptive, and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. Even Max and Mo seemed to be delighted by being home. Brian saw them trying to get outside to hunt, so he was about to let them out when Kate got up, reminded them of the rules and then then let them out and then returned to the table.
"I heard what they were planning," Kate laughed. "I'd prefer we not do that. And we're not discussing that at breakfast. Hunting is fine, but only on the grounds and they're not to bring prey home--dead or alive."
"You ruined half their fun, Kate," Robert laughed. "You know those two. Always leaving something on the doorstep."
"They think its a gift," Kate said. "They dont have any other way to give anything. I am workin with them on it, though. They don't understand how much we appreciate what they do with the girls. They still believe Abbey and Dakota are their kittens anyway. "
"Well, at least you stopped them from feeding kibbles to the kids, " Khaat said.
"Don't speak too soon," Edward said. "I caught Julia eating kibbles yesterday." Brian groaned.
"Not again," he said.
"'Afraid so. It seems Max decided she was hungry," Edward laughed.