"And I'm being a supervisor," Brian sighed.
"Brian," Kate went to him, and put her arm around him. "I love you, Boy. You know that, but it just might be that you don't have to feel responsible for every choice one of your employees make. If you're going to make a remark like that, you need to explain it."
"No. He gets it," Brian said, hearing one of the babies cry. He went over and found Julia was fussy. He picked her up.and began to just walk the floor with her.
"Steven," Kate said, "He believed he had to let Cassidy go before because he knew her heart wasn't into the job then. And he feels completely responsible for her going to Stevens. But that was Cassidy's own fault She had other options. She had friends, and she never used them. Brian feels that he didnt do a good job training her. He believes if he had trained her better--mind, body and spirit, that she might have not been in this sort of boat now. You're a law man. You know its not that easy. We still have our own choices, and what haunts Brian is his memories of the suffering that he and Khaat have both endured and how much he doesn't want that for another living soul. He sees her struggling and it brings back his own pain for him that he tries to train past. Khaat helps him be happy, maybe for the first time in his life. The kids, Khaat--its all given him meaning, but he would gladly die to keep even one more teardrop off her face. And I think sometimes when he sees Cassidy not coping, it makes him believe its his fault."