That's exactly how I'm seeing it Nikki, as more and more people make characters, not to have a fulfilling character, but to fulfill someone else's wants, or to fill a hole in a plot, that character is lifeless, and it's leeching the energy of the creator from more meaningful characters, so as a whole the site begins to suffer.
My prime example would be me going out with Mari, for reasons unknown to myself, my house was robbed, and I had to move in with her while I was dealing with it, which sparked our relationship.
Not one PM, and not one cbox or MSN conversation was used for organisation, it came solely from our characters, and from us, the most there might have been was an OOC comment or two in the RP. Because of that simple, random occurrence in a completely unstructured RP, we ended up in an IC relationship, which branched to a great OOC friendship, which then lasted for a good year, before I became a touch inactive (Whoops)
And that's what I think too, if it's not the sole reason, it's definitely a big part of it, isn't it?
Keith, I'm not sure "Banning" would be the best motive, some things are best done without interruptions, but I think that a very strong discouragement would be best, allow it for strong circumstances, but for the most part leave it like that.
And that idea you had, was how it used to happen, but again, the open topics disappeared, and that ceased to exist. I would love it if that started to happen