When she wasn't under the Imperius curse anymore, Miseria felt herself free and comfortable again. She hated when people could command her. She loved to do things her own way, no matter what the restult may be. It was just the way she liked and loved to live. Do her own things and risc on her own. “Oh thank god. Usually people Love to talk with me.“ She looked away. But she had to admit, even she was getting bored. Standing over there, all tied up with ropes that didn't allow her to breathe much – not so fun at all.
When the Death Eater backed up, Miseria looked at her, hazel eyes getting a darker shade. She was ready for the strike. She'd be an easy prey right now. Darla could just breake her neck, make the ropes disappear, and make the staircase normal again. People, who knew that Miseria was the magnet for the bad luck would've guessed that she just tripped and fell. Only Khaat and the smarter ones would probably inspect the whole case and learn the truth about her death.
When she heard an offer, she'd actually say yes. She didn't want to duel anyone but right now, she had no choise. Of course she knew that if she'd say no right now, she'd be tortured, and die a painful death. Or Darla would take her somewhere, where all the Death Eaters can torture her. And then, it would be like it happened to Khaat. If she'll be lucky, she'll be rescued. If not, she'll just die there in pain.
“You want some danger? Come and visit me when it's a full moon. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun playing with me, and I'm sure it's quite... Dangerous for You who wants to duel a child.“ She shrugged, though, it was hard to see. She was still tied up and the ropes didn't let her move much. “Oh, that's nice. I'll use my imagination. Hope you enjoy some fairytales, deary. I hate dueling with you guys.“ she paused and added after a moment:“Release me.“