"Chamomile is a wonderful tea to drink while you're pregnant. Helps you rest, helps you ease your anxiety. My father blends all sorts of teas with all kinds of herbs and all sorts of flavors. Please dont take this as an advertisement for him, but I do sell his teas at Sparks. You might find some there that you like. You'll find peppermint tea will help to relieve any nausea you might get." She opened one of the cabinets again and drew out a plastic jar with a black plastic lid. "Here. Try this one and see what you think. Its herbal and it has an orange/almond/cinnamon taste to it. Its one he blended when I got pregnant with my daughter. My mother named it Lady In Waiting. Its herbs to relieve stress and anxiety, to ease nausea, and to increase energy. Its all perfectly harmless. You'll have to either let me know at your next appointment if it helps you. Or, if you see that it does, send me an owl, and I'll send you some more. Now, you'll notice this isn't in teabags. But, the giftshop here sells a special Tea Spoon that is a spoon with a hinged cover on the bowl of the spoon so that you can put just the right amount of tea into the spoon and put it into your cup, no muss no fuss. And, the last I looked, the spoon cost all of one whole sickle. It might be worth your while to stop there before you go if you're uncomfortable with loose teas and making them for yourself.
"Hm..Other exercises. Well, stretching, some very light strength training if you're not used to it, but by far, the safest and most effective exercise is swimming, and I doubt you'll find that there. I'll try to include a request for permission for you to come regularly to use the fitness center.
"If you see that you have insomnia or any other symptoms that concern you, send me an owl. I'll see if its something you need to worry about. But for right now, I don't expect any trouble."