End of Summer Party - Page 6
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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Li9olo10

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End of Summer Party

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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:09 am

Chase laughed when he pulled her to the ground. "I think you've got it Andrew, except for the whole falling bit!" She laughed happily, and smiled down at him, her hands on either side of his head. "But you are a very good dancer.. It's not a hard dance, but maybe one time I'll teach you how to waltz, or tango or something, though the tango is REALLY hard, I love the waltz, it's so much fun.. so light and quick." She smiled at him and kissed him lightly before rolling off of him and struggling to get her dress back in order, hoping it was presentable.

"You did great Andrew, now.. are you ready to go out THERE, and show the world this side of Andrew Thompson, the boy who will be a future leader or Europe?" She giggled at him and fell into an extremely low curtsy, as though she were in front of royalty, and she usually reserved this curtsy for royalty. Her head bowed and her knees almost touching the ground, flawless, and beautiful. She rose back to her feet and smiled at him. "Come on Andrew.. I know you can do it, lets go dance." She said holding out her hand to him.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:22 am

"One dance at a time!" he said laughing lightly as she began to explain all the different dance routines. He pushed himself up back to his feet and turned his body towards Chase, his body shaking slightly due to the adrenaline. He felt good, being able to dance and all. Hopefully he wouldn't look like some sort of bafoon on the dance floor. "Do I have any grass on my back?" he asked, turning his body around to show his back to her "I feel like I have something on the jacket."

"We'll talk about being the leader of Europe and all!" he said his smile showing a bit of teeth "but yeah, I'll defintely go and dance with ya if that's what you mean!" He grabbed onto Chase's hand, suddenly having a slight flashback of Sophias party. Nerissa. He shook his head rapidly, trying to remove the thoughts from his head. "Alright!" he said smiling again "let's go!"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:25 am

Chase grinned and help pat the grass off the back of his jacket, her hands moving a bit farther down then there was grass, but she grinned as she patted as though there were grass on his butt. She laughed and smiled at him, brushing some grass out of his hair. "Alright." She said smiling happily. "No more grass on you.. what about me?" She asked doing a small spin, and getting most of the grass off anyway, except for some in her hair and a few stubborn pieces clinging to her back.

"Lets go dance!" She said almost giddy with joy. "I can't wait to teach you more, like the fox trot.." Chase went off on a full length description of a few dances as they made their way back to the dance floor. Then she grinned and did a small spin before turning to face Andrew. "Now, just do what you were doing before okay?" She asked grinning up at him and carefully taking his hand, her other moving up to his shoulder. Somewhere far off there was a commotion and a lot of oos and ahhs, people laughing and someone was sniffling loudly, but Chase was only looking at Andrew, only smiling into his eyes, as though nothing else existed.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:00 am

Andrew looked down Chase's figure, searching for any green grass on her. He saw a fewand he started to pat her on the back, almost imitating what she had done for him. Even after getting all of the grass off her, he continued to pat all over her back, brushing really, and laughed. "Yup they are all gone!" he said, his grin wide, his face a slight shade of red. Hopefully no one saw that.

He followed Chase back to the dance floor, listening to her descriptions of pretty much every dance move known to man. After taking in all of the information, he felt like he had learned enough for the rest of his life. When they both were back, he wrapped his arm around her like before and put his hand onto hers. He then began to retry what he had done before, minus falling over onto himself. "I think...I'm doing it..." he said, speaking slowly so that way he could concentrate on his footing.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Chastity Moor Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:06 am

Chase giggled and smiled at him. "Now look at me, not your feet, you're doing fine Andrew, all you have to do is sway and listen to the music, you barely have to look at your feet, come on, look up." She said trying to find his gaze. Her eyes met his and she smiled at him. "I love dancing, reminds me of when I was a little girl, I used to listen to muggle music, and rock out in my room, socks on, gliding on floors.. playing the guitar as I grew older.. ballet lessons.." She smiled. "I was a bit to clumsy for the ballet, but I love the guitar.." She smiled lightly and flicked her hair back out of her face.

"I draw too, I haven't for a long time, even before I met you, I used to draw at Hogwarts a lot though.." She grinned and swayed to the music, her eyes locked on his. "And then I just kinda stopped, lost the interest for it I guess.. but I think it would be fun to draw you.." She said glancing him up and down before finding his eyes again. "Against a tree, or with your wand in your hand." She smiled lightly and brushed her lips against his before resuming her slow movement, even though the song was over and it was a faster song, she still stood staring into his eyes. "I'd like that.." She said softly, smiling at him.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Andrew Thompson Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:21 am

Andrew had a tough time trying to keep his eyes away from his feet, yet was able to once Chase said he was doing alright. He sighed and nodded his head, trying to keep his moves as close to perfection as possible. Hopefully Jack had not seen them like that...it would've been hard to explain after what she would see. Even then, they already looked like a couple. "You should take up ballet again!" he said a peppiness in his voice "I would help...mostly just be the person that would cheer from the sidelines though!"

When she began to explain that had drawn, he smiled again. He had not known she had been so artistically obtuse...what with dancing drawing and guitar. He held her close, the entire area almost seeming to melt away at that point. Only Chase was in his sight, and he loved every second of it. When she brushed her lips on his, he felt reality return, hearing the music turningto a fster tempo and seeing people dancing a lot faster. He smiled and pulled him and her away from the crowd. Once they were on the sidelines, he pressed his lips onto hers and smiled. "I think we'd have to both be in the picture however...it'd fit my description perfectly. Me always being with you."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Lucas Montez Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:28 am

It was the end of summer and Lucas was invited to a party where he knew Sophia would be. He wondered if his sister would come, but most likely not as she wasn't a real out-goer since well, ever. He arrived at the party and saw that there were lots of people and wasn't sure if he was going to find Sophia in the crowd.

It'd been a little while since he saw her, but he had other things to do, dealing stuff with his family and sister as well as work. Although, Sophia could've contacted him...Maybe she was waiting for him to contact her.

Lucas wore a simple outfit. A white t-shirt with light blue jeans and black Italian shoes with a bit of cologne and his hair all gelled up. Nothing much, but he wasn't sure what to wear, whether this was casual or formal.

Lucas walked around a bit, looking around, searching. He saw Sophia, in the arms of another guy, dancing. Lucas' heart sunk. He gulped, frowned and looked down and shook his head. He then looked up and sniffled and resist the urge to cry.

He was so confused now. Was Sophia and him just a fling? Did it mean nothing? Lucas' eyes turned from red, which meant anger to his normal brown eyes, and was now quite sad and hurt. Then again, it's not like either of them asked eachother out. Lucas just thought they had something special. He left it too long, that's why, he thought. He should've asked her out, but didn't because he didn't want to ruin anything but he's left it too long and now she's moved on.

With a sigh, Lucas walked over to the table where drinks and food were being served and got himself a cup of punch. He drank a bit and smacked his lips with his tongue and then turned around and watched Sophia dance with another guy.

Lucas Montez
Lucas Montez

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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Amelia Lyons Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:08 pm

Amelia’s anxiety not being calmed by the wait, she had taken to fidgeting with the ring on her right hand. It felt out of place there, for Amelia never wore rings, but it had been of her mother’s design. Rings interfered with playing piano, with writing, and with a whole host of other activities Amelia found more productive than parading wealth, which was probably the intent of the ring. If she had had pockets, Amelia was certain she would have removed the offending piece of jewelry, but silk dresses did not often come equipped with such practicalities.

What if he doesn’t show? Antoinette will never let you live it down, not to mention the emotional scarring it will probably give you. As if he hasn’t done enough damage already. You were foolish to accept the invitation at all. You’re just giving him another opportunity to let you down.

Her mind was reeling, as it usually was in these types of situations, but just as she was beginning to grow nervous enough to have to remove herself from the immediate area of the dance floor, Amelia was approached by a girl she recognized by reputation, but not by direct introduction. She knew the girl to be in Slytherin, and it took her only a few seconds to identify her as Suzannah Malfoy. The girl’s reputation preceded her, but Amelia was not overtly fond in placing much stock in reputation. Having been a victim of the rumor mill more than once in her life – though she certainly brought the “Ice Queen” business on herself – Amelia was able to mirror the girl’s smile, though not failing to notice that Suzanna’s smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Amelia Lyons” the redhead echoed her name, grateful that she had enough social training to at least manage this much, even in spite of her nerves. Perhaps having a conversation would be enough to distract her thoughts from wandering off to Elijah again, on whom they had already spent far too much time.

The compliment on her dress was unexpected, but then again, flattery was part of the social process at events such as this one. Amelia wanted to return the accolade, but as her eyes swept down Suzannah’s choice of attire for the evening, she could not find the appropriate adjective to choose. The dress she wore was definitely dramatic, made with black lace in varying degrees of transparency. Amelia knew with the utmost certainty that she would never be bold enough to wear anything like that, so when she could find no words to repay the compliment, she merely nodded politely in thanks.

Curse this inability to focus… Amelia thought to herself when she came up short of words to prolong this conversation with Suzannah. Amelia had never been particularly good at making conversation, and when she was able to, it took every bit of her concentration. That concentration, try as she might to direct it, seemed to keep wandering off on her, right up until the subject of such wanderings appeared behind her, unbeknownst to Amelia until she heard the telltale tones of his voice.

Amelia nearly jumped in surprise at Elijah’s voice, but was able to keep her feet planted firmly on the ground, though her physical reaction was not completely hidden. Her eyes widened as she processed the greeting she knew had come from the Slytherin boy behind her, but she was not yet able to get her feet to turn herself around to face him. Her heart was skipping in her chest, which was completely empty save for that organ, or at least it seemed that way with the way the beats echoed in her ears.

She had visually stiffened at the sound of his voice, but she was not so taken by surprise that she did not hear the next words he offered to Suzannah. At this, Amelia’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it took her a few seconds to recognize the feeling that had just bubbled momentarily inside her: jealousy. It was not typical of Amelia to feel such an emotion, nor to be unable to quash it with a single thought. The Ravenclaw girl was still reeling from seemingly being overlooked when, without warning, she felt Elijah’s breath on her neck and his words in her ear.

The heat of his breath was nothing compared to the heat which rose to her cheeks at his words, and it was only these that managed to change Amelia’s legs from stone to moving limbs as she turned on the spot to face him. She had intentionally pulled slightly away from Elijah in the hopes that she might be able to organize her thoughts better at a distance, but this plan seemed to have been thwarted the moment her eyes took him in.

To say he looked handsome would have been, in Amelia’s opinion, an inadequate use of adjective. For a moment, her cupid’s-bow lips fell open slightly as her eyes moved over him, impressed as she always was at his ability to dress so casually and yet still leave such an impression on her. He had layered a light grey jacket over a plain white, long-sleeved shirt, and had opted for jeans. Although he might have been considered under-dressed compared to the other men in attendance, his carriage more than made up for his opt to go casual. His hair was slightly shorter than it had been a few days earlier, but it still fell away from his angular face in such a way that made her chest feel like someone was intentionally pushing on it.

After a few seconds of staring, Amelia’s subconcious was able to force itself through the fog that had infiltrated her mind, it’s first instruction being to close her mouth and stop looking like a codfish. Upon completing this task, Amelia swallowed hard, lost for words and blushing a deeper crimson now than she had been at Elijah’s initial flattery. Seeing as he still had full function of his eyes, Amelia was certain he would not have missed her once-over of him, though Amelia still clung to a desperate hope that he hadn’t noticed. She had come here determined not to show Elijah the effect he had on her, wanting to keep her composure and maintain that nothing remained between them, but, as usual, Elijah had thwarted even her best laid plans.

“Thank you,” Amelia finally managed, pulling the only coherent words she could think of from the recesses of her mind. “For the compliment, I mean,” she added hurriedly afterward, realizing belatedly that Elijah might interpret her thanks in a different way – like as an appreciation of letting her undress him with her eyes, for example – and she nervously tucked a few strands of hair behind her right ear as a distraction from her own thoughts, which were getting dangerously rebellious considering her rationale’s attempts to reign them in.

Stop acting like an idiot. Say something that might even stand a chance at making him think this relationship is platonic. And for Merlin’s sake, stop ogling him!

“I… ah…” Amelia began, stopping to compose her thoughts again midsentence, for she seemed to have lost her train of thought again in the midst of her mind’s accusations.

“You look nice as well,” Amelia said too quickly, revealing only a fraction of her true thoughts on Elijah’s appearance, and mostly managing to keep her voice level and appropriate for a small-talk-esque conversation that she might have had with anyone, and not the one she was currently having with the boy who unfairly dominated her thoughts whenever she let her guard down even slightly.

“I see you already know Suzannah,” Amelia added awkwardly, turning slightly to allow Suzannah into the lopsided triangle the three of them were now making. She had nearly forgotten about the other girl until just a moment earlier, as in her desperation of something semi-normal to say, her eyes had fallen on the Slytherin girl’s shoes. It was a pity that there were no introductions to do, for Amelia was out of ideas already, and instead stood inelegantly between the pair of Slytherins, focusing an inordinate amount of energy on not letting her eyes wander over to Elijah any more than was socially acceptable.
Amelia Lyons
Amelia Lyons
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

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End of Summer Party - Page 6 Empty Re: End of Summer Party

Post by Guest Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:21 pm

Placing one heel-clad foot in front of the other created movement but the movement was slow in this instance. The heels were pressing the blades of grass that had been standing at attention a moment prior to being squished but a few seconds were being kept before another foot was moved forward and occasionally one of the feet would slip in the shoe or wobble for a few moments. When the texture underfoot changed slightly and the ground grew flat, the wobbling ceased and the feet were moving forward with a new spring of confidence. Yet they still held some hesitance and the lily-white legs they were attached to were rigid, as if bracing themselves for an impending fall. This was characteristic of Aimee who was the owner of the milky legs and the heel-clad feet that were moving slowly, calculating each move for a long while before finally making a step. The last thing that she wanted to do was have a spell of clumsiness. Any other occasion was fine, birthdays especially, but not tonight.

Brushing the invisible lint off of the skirt of her dress, Aimee looked around the area that had been sectioned off for the party. She clasped her hands together and the redhead sought out a familiar face in the crowd. When she didn’t find the person she was looking for her happiness depleted a little. She tugged on her earlobe nervously and brushed some of her hair away from her face. She’d curled it tonight and left it to flow down her back like a mane of fire. Now it sort of felt as if her efforts were going to waist. Spencer wasn’t there from what she could see and her stomach plummeted at the realisation. With a sigh, Aimee curled a stray bit of hair behind her ear and placed one foot in front of the other, beginning to walk once more.

She wandered over to the table with the drinks and stopped before it. She picked up a glass and carefully clawed her eyes over the labels on the bottles, idly tapping the rim of the glass against her collar bone as she did so. Finally, Aimee picked up a bottle of Rum and unscrewed the cap. She put the cap on the table and poured a small amount into the glass before screwing the cap back on and moving her hand to the Coca-Cola. She topped the rest of it up with the fizzy drink and dropped a few cubes of ice into the glass. She then moved to one of the tables where she took out a chair and sat down, glass in hand.

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