Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Li9olo10

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Whose Side Are You On?

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:00 am

Andrew listened to every word that Chase said, and still couldn't believe what happened still. It was proof that everything that happened there was just a mistake, but what was he still feeling like he enjoyed it?! Everything made sense to him, even though the concept seemed far from reality. He had two thoughts lingering on him now. Nerissa and what just happened now. And what he wanted. He wanted to just kiss Chase, forget about everything once more, and enjoy each others company, but he had Nerissa. And he didn't want to let go of her, while she was still around. He felt horible.

"No Chase," he said, truning his eyes towards her a slight smile on his face "I really enjoyed everything in the past few days. And I still want to be your friend. Yet, I don't know why what happened...happened. I mean...I wish I would've met you long ago...to see where this had gone, but now I have someone. And if that day ever happens, when we both seperate, I want to be faithful. But this doesn't mean everything is out of the question. I would still like to be friends and hang out."
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:08 pm

Chase listened hard, waiting for the harsh words, telling her to go, leave, don't look at him again. But it never happened. He was.. he actually enjoyed it? She felt her cheeks redden, and she stared at the water as it lapped against the beach, foam and a few pieces of driftwood washed up on the beach, pulled in and out in an almost hypnotic way. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, turning away from the ocean, away from Andrew.' I wish I would've met you long ago...to see where this had gone, but now I have someone.' His words sounded in her brain like a foghorn, and she looked at him quickly, her eyes wide.

He had someone, her mind was pretty much yelling at her, saying things like 'you idiot! You let him kiss you, then kissed him back.. three kisses! Three from a guy who you shouldn't even be this close to! Three from a guy who knows NOTHING about you... not that you know much about yourself anyway, but still... THREE' Chase hung her head and then quickly stood up. "We should go to Sophia's house.." She whispered, turning her head quickly, her hair fanning out behind her, even though it was still wet. She glanced at him, blushed, and started off down the beach to grab his jacket and her shoes.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:30 pm

Andrew looked at Chase, and nodded when she suggested they head to Sophias house. Maybe a distraction would be a good thing for the moment. He stood up, brushed sand off his legs and pants and used the hot air charm on them, to dry them off quickly. They looked wrinkled, but still dry nevertheless. He then walked over to where he had thrown his shirt, and dusted off the random sand particles that clung to it.

One arm at a time, he put his shirt back on and walked back over to Chase, staying a little farther away, just in case anything were to happen at all. Even after all that happened, he still saw her, and just wanted to kiss her without the regret that he had felt.But then he thought about Nerissa, and it almost immediatly went away. It was probably just build up or something, and he would have to think about it later.

"Alright," he said getting his shoes on, after brushing the sand off it as well "how far is the house from here?" He didn't know if he wanted to stay here with Chase a little while longer, or they should just get to Sophia's house immediatly. Maybe he wanted both at the same time.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:51 am

Chase watched him as he exaggerated his movements, his stomach muscles flexing, heat rose to her cheeks again. And she shivered, not from cold or fear, but more from the sure power of such a guy. Who had just kissed her.. three times.. "Ohhhh stop thinking about it Chase! Sure he's hot.. and nice.. and sweet, and you have like.. a million things in common.. BUT HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" She just couldn't stop looking though, staring at him until his shirt was all the way on and he was heading towards her. Her face going as red as her hair, she looked away quickly, hoping he hadn't caught her staring.

"It's quite a bit farther on the beach.." She said glancing down the long empty beach. "Dammit.. why couldn't he have apparated closer?" She glanced at him and looked away again. She started at a slow walk, his jacket still hung over one of her arms, like a butler holds a towel at those fancy restaurants. She felt a small giggle escape her lips, and she glanced at him again, hoping he didn't think she found the whole situation kind of funny, even though she did. "You don't have to walk all that way.. you could head back to England.." She said glancing at him and looking down again, her cheeks on fire.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:10 am

Andrew used the hot air charm to help dry out his damp hair, and it looked ruffled by the time he finished. If he had longer hair, it probably would've looked like an afro. He walked next to Chase, banishing each thought and each temptation tha invaded his mind. It was like a small war had been raging in his head, and there was no winner.

"I don't mind going with you," he said smiling, his head a little bit red around the edges. He fought a couple more thoughts, and said abruptly "I hope you don't hink this was any of your fault. I mean...I rather liked every second of it- I mean! God what the hell do I mean?" He couldn't believe what he was saying. "I hope those kisses don't mess anything up, or anything. It was rather nice." God he was weak!
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:30 am

Chase glanced at him and then giggled slightly. His hair was sticking up every which way, and normally she would have reached up and fixed it.. but under the circumstances, she thought it best to keep her hands to herself. She clasped her hands in front of her, and walked with her head bowed slightly, an awkward silence settling between them. Her mind replaying the feeling of a guys lips on hers. Sure she had kissed guys before, but most of those times, well they had been in a time she couldn't remember. So really.. it had almost been like she had first kissed someone.. for the first time. She blushed deeper.

Looking up startled when he spoke, she saw his eyes reflecting his contrasting emotions. Her eyes grew wider with each word he said, her mind buzzing with everything he said. He enjoyed it.. but.. his eyes showed everything, and she felt her head go farther down. Until suddenly she looked up at him, a twinkle in her eyes, a fake twinkle if anything, but at least it was there. "I know what you're feeling.." She said smiling. "You feel like.. you enjoyed it, but then a part of your head says you shouldn't of enjoyed it because of your girlfriend, but you can't deny it that you liked it.." She said her index finger pointing up, her eyes half closed because her smile was so big.

"It's okay, I understand completely, and no it doesn't change anything, I enjoyed it to, but you have a girlfriend, and there is no way anything could work out between us two, besides, I have way to much going on in my life to deal with a love interest." She said, her smile as big and happy as she could make it, even though her heart died a little more at each word that exited her lips.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:49 am

Andrew listened to each word and nodded at her explanation. It was odd, that he would kiss her at such a random moment, and still questioned on why he did it though. He knew that he had, but what he didn't know why. That question arose in his head so many times. Why. Even more oddly, he began to accept it. It was just the heat of the moment and it was a little kiss. It wasn't like they had done anything bad or anything. Just a couple of small kisses. He smiled and then nodded back at Chase.

Why was he wanting to do it again? It burned in his brain severely and it wanted to let itself out, but he held it in. Maybe a fourth one wouldn't be so bad... he thought, and grimaced at the thought. NO! he thought again, angry at himself for even considering. After a moment, he finally felt his thoughts begin to die down, and everything seemed quiet.

Now what would he say? He had already attempted to flirt with her and kissed her, so would anything sound right? He knew what he would haved to say now. "Nice weather eh?" he asked, now realizing how stupid that sounded. He was smooth alright. A smooth criminal.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:13 am

Chase looked down ashamed when she finished speaking. Her body and face showed everything she wanted it to. Happiness, a nice flushed pink now and then, but.. her mind was spinning. Boy she wanted to kiss him again.. but, but how could she? He would hate her, probably push her away and yell at her, apparate out, and never see her again unless he had to. A kiss.. that's all it was, a kiss, she let the fake smile spread back onto her face, and she looked around, wanting something to be in her hands besides the jacket, which she suddenly realized she just had.

"Oh.. I still have your jacket!" She said giggling and she held it out for him. "Here ya go, thanks so much, I really need to change my shirt." She said smiling at him. Her shirt, still torn to pieces, now hung oddly wrinkled on her back, her scar covered in places, but others it showed clearly, an odd puckered scar. She looked away again, and bit her lip, what else was there to say? And suddenly he said the one thing that just sounded.. perfect in that situation. He commented on the weather.

Chase felt a snort escape her before she could hold it back, and she was suddenly taken over by a fit of giggles. She bent over, unable to continue walking, her giggles so intense she had to take a few deep gulps, and quite a few hiccups later before she could speak again. "It is Hawaii." She giggled and then was overcome with giggles again. Wiping her eyes with her index finger she looked up at him. "I'm sorry! It was just so awkward!" She said laughing again, this time her loud, over the top laugh. "We just kissed and all, and then you commented on the weather.." She fell into a burst of giggles again. "Shouldn't the weather comment come before the kiss?" She asked her hand over her mouth, as though that would stop the giggles from escaping.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:25 am

Andrew laughed slightly and felt his heart clench again. She was making it difficult to resist the temptation, and in the end, couldn't fight it. He went over to Chase grabbed his jacket, and dropped it to the ground. He then wrapped his arms around Chases waist and kept his head close to hers. After a second, he pressed his lips against hers once more.

He kept himself there for a couple of seconds, kissing her deeply and pulled away a moment later. Sure, his heart nearly felt like splitting open, but it was just one more. One more that he would forget about in his later adventures. Hopefully, that would never happen again. "You make it hard to resist," he said letting go of her waist again.

[I have a feeling that we're going to lose round 5 of BvG, so once again, I'm putting this down for the later future xD]
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Whose Side Are You On? - Page 14 Empty Re: Whose Side Are You On?

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:37 am

[OOC: you know.. I think you just like it now XD ]

Chase froze when suddenly he was near her, and his arms wrapped around her waist. She stood frozen for a second, until his lips pressed against hers. And she felt her arms reach up and encircle his neck, pulling him a bit closer. Her mind was blissfully blank, almost like someone had cast imperio on her. She kissed him deeply, feeling her heart pounding in her chest so hard she was sure he could feel it, even though they weren't touching there.

When he stopped kissing her, she stayed there for a moment, her eyes shut tight, her arms around his neck. When he let go of her waist, she slowly moved her arms down and looked up into his eyes. "I'm sorry.." she breathed, her face heating up so quickly she was sure her head was going to explode from all the pressure. She backed away from him slowly, her eyes sparkling. "Why.." She felt herself said, but she closed her mouth, and turned away from him quickly, feeling her heart pounding so hard, she was afraid she would be sick. He just.. kept playing with her, messing around with her head, he kept kissing her, and she felt like she was going to cry soon. He had a girlfriend! They couldn't be doing this!
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

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