"Jack, you're full of crap, and you know it," Khaat said seriously. She believed Jess needed to train. Jack couldn't be home for her all the time, and Jess needed to not only know how to fight but also to be in shape enough to do it--without getting hurt or killed. Keeping her out of shape just was a condemnation for Jess and idiotic risk taking.
"Khaat's right," Brian said, moving to smooth sunscreen down both of her long, tanned silky legs. He was pleased and how well tone and muscular she had become. A deeply tanned Italian young man with dark hair stopped and wolf whistled at the women and asked Brian if he couldn't take over for him with the sunscreen. He seemed to not want to risk taking Jack on by asking about Jess.
Brian looked up and smiled, and told him in Italian, "Thank you, no. My wife prefers I do this little task myself." Khaat didn't even look up at him but she heard the young man sigh. Then it got quiet. After a moment, she heard Brian laugh. "He's gone," Brian laughed. "He was clearly disappointed at finding out you were married,"
"Oh well,"Khaat said, not bothered by Brian's dismissal at all.