"Thank you for taking over the cooking, Ronata," Khaata said, helping herself to breakfast, along with Brian. "Breakfast is good. I'm supposed to be teaching you, but it seems you're learning to find your way around the kitchen without me. That's a good thing. Sorry I haven't been much help lately. And I'm sure that Daddy will enjoy having a homecooked meal for a change. He should be down in a minute. He's taking advantage of having a hot shower available to him and some fresh clothes. How did you get him to get some sleep last night, Brian?"
"I told him I would watch over you so he could sleep. That's all it took," Brian said. "Well, that and conjuring him a place to sleep that wasn't more than three steps away from you."
"This really is not a situation I've ever seen him in before," Khaat said.
"Well, I've seen things close to this, but not exactly like this. I'm starting to think that he is deliberately thinking out of the box for some reason. I suggest we just continue to follow his lead. I need to go into town today. Anyone want to go with me?" he asked.
"I'll go," Khaat said. "I could use some fresh air. Where are you going?"
"To the market, for one thing. Maybe the fishmongers. I'm not sure. We need some more groceries. The thing about shopping in Italy is that it isn't like America where you hit a big mega supermarket and shop for a week. You pretty much need to shop every day here for the best and the freshest. You want me to do a glamour spell for you, Khaat, to hide your bruises for the muggles?"
"Please?" she asked.
"Muggles?" Robert asked, coming down into the kitchen.
"Have some breakfast, Robert," Brian said. "Ronata made it, and its very good."
"Thank you. I believe I will, and then I do have to go. But thanks for the hospitality. I needed the sleep and the food and being able to refresh myself a bit. Look, I know I was exceptionally hard on everyone last night, especially you, Ronata. And I know none of you understand. I wish I could tell you more, but there is far, far too much at stake right now. I hope we can sit, soon, over a meal and that I can fill you all in. But I can tell you nothing until its all overwith. All you need to know right now is that Khaat is, apparently, being used to get my full attention. She's a pawn in a much larger scale game. She didn't ask for this. I need you to recognize that whoever this is, is trying to get to me through her. And I cannot let that happen. Does that make anything any clearer at all?"
He fixed himself a plate, refilled his coffee and sat down with everyone else. "I'm not trying to be evasive or difficult. But that's just the way it is for right now."