''There is no reason for quarreling children. We have a guest, a very... pompous guest and it would only be polite to give our attention to her'', he commented. ''Khaat will do her task without any major problems, as she did with her classes a while back. I have proven that her potion is what she said it is, which means we do not have reason not to trust her'', he added. ''Regarding Potter here, I do not know what numbers he is speaking about, I really don't, but I doubt, now that these flies have infiltrated the castle (looking at Sandra) that he will have the numbers to defeat anyone. Majority of the students left, the staff is staying neutral in this, our main job is to keep the children safe, not solve your bloody problems'', he started. ''Which is why I do not see the numbers he is talking about, but it could be from the blow on the head. Khaat will heal him, I suppose Vincent, and please, do keep him safe here, not well cared of, just safe... it would be devastating for these old walls if another gunfight at the O.K. Corral would break out just because there are some careless idiots roaming around'', he finished, looking at both Sandra and Jess.