"Voices?" Khaat asked. "So you're a leglimens, then? What were the voices saying? Maybe we can figure out who you were hearing. And I do know what you mean. My nonmagical side is a lot stronger right now than my magical side. It really is very frustrating. I guess I didn't realize how dependent on my magic I had become until I had Abbey. Now I feel completely helpless to take care of her or protect her without my magic. Silly, isn't it? Muggles have children that they raise without any magic at all and they do just fine.
"I'd be grateful if you would feed Abbey for me," Khaat told Sophia. "With one hand in a cast, it isn't as easy to take care of Abbey as i'd like. Daddy says the cast should be able to come off tomorrow. He accellerated the healing in the little broken bones in my hand so that it heals in just a couple days." She helped move Abbey over to Sophia's lap.
"I wouldn't worry about being temporarily behind in school. My real education as a healer didn't begin until I finished in Hogwarts. And it seems to me that Daddy had similar experiences with his healing abilities. As for his potions abilities, well, he was pretty much the geeky kid who was glued to his textbooks. He did learn a lot of his potions skills in Hogwarts, but certainly not all of it. And, as Daddy tells me, he'd be more than happy to take you underwing as a new healer. It seems to me we have a coiuple openings for healers at St. Mungos. If healing is what you really want to do, you need to get your application for St. Mungos onto my desk so that Daddy and I can consider putting you on there when you graduate. We might even be able to take you on before you graduate, once your powers come back, so long as its alright with your parents. I'm sure you'd find you could learn a lot from being at St. Mungos. But that choice is yours."