Khaat noticed, as she was trying to regain her breath, how rattled everyone was now. She took Brian's hand, feeling embarressed. "I think she's going to live now," Brian laughed, to break the tension around the pool. He had seen Jess's fear of the water, clearly, but he wasn't going to call attention to it because he didn't want to embarress her. If she wanted to learn to swim, he'd be happy to teach her, but he wasn't going to purposely call her out on it.
"I guess I'll be givng Khaat some refresher swimming lessons, though." That even made her smile. "First lesson, Khaat, leave the water in the pool. If you're thirsty, I'll get you something better from the house."
"I'll remember that," she smiled, starting to get her breath back. "Sorry, everybody. Ne'Os must have taken my swimming skills too, either that or Abbey."
"Well, she does have that Labrador animagus. Maybe her inner puppy took the swimming gene," Brian laughed.
"I'm hoping she grows out of that animagus," Khaat sighed, trying to relax.
"Not very likely," Robert said. "But we'll see."