Lily shrugged at the sense of disarray that the class seemed to be in before sighing heavily and pulling out her wand and casted a bubble head charm in an even tone before diving into the water, automatically feeling the warmth leave her. And her hair get soggy, god she was going to regret this later. At least though she could breathe. She gazed around trying to spot if the girl from earlier was in sight, but deciding that Abbey could check more thoroughly, seeing as Lily had a task to do.
She swam deeper into the water spotting a group of merpeople who were gaurding some objects. She knew that one of them was hers, so she held her wand as steadily as one could unwater and said, "Inscendio!" Almost sighing in relief when the magical fire came out of her wand.
Gazing at the objects she realized that one of them was her photo album, which had some really imortant photos of hers in it, ones of her parents at school even. She grabbed the book before swimming to the surface. Lily made her way to shore cursing the subject of DADA, thankful that the album wasn't damaged.
She attempted pitifully to arrange her hair so it wouldn't turn into a puffball once dry but gave up, knowing that it was a waste of time. She called out to Professor Wilson, "Sir, I didn't see her down there." Before slumping onto the grass and checking the album more carefully for damage.