James Wake would have been scarce at the ceremony. But Ace was there. He had to be there. He did not bring a bouquet, or anything of the sort. Just a single black rose. Kingsley was a madman. His employer, of course, but not worthy anything beyond a single black rose. A symbol. He was never the lackey of anybody. Still, the old man deserved some respect. It was kind of sad that Kingsley died, but at least his secrets died with him. He adjusted his mask, and pulled his hood lower over his "face." He patiently waited by the entrance of the graveyard. He watched the procession. What fools. Had they known that they were merely tools in Kingsley's hand? Pawns to push Majere into a checkmate?
It didn't matter. With the last battle and Ace's continuous service for the new Headmaster, Majere was still in checkmate. Kingsley's death would make everything harder though. Much, much harder. It was rash decision. Shacklebolt should have at least gotten Alan's approval with the plan. Alan was no doubt upset. He had even forwarded his funeral invitation to James, along with a note saying "Only fools deserve funerals." James slightly scoffed beneath his mask.