Amelia had been eating dinner in the Great Hall when a commotion started to build from the entrance hall. At first, she tried to ignore the noise and bustle, intent on finishing what was left of her salad, but that soon became impossible as one of the professors rushed into the Great Hall and created havoc.
The door he had created would serve as an appropriate exit for the masses of students gathered in the Great Hall, but in Amelia's opinion, he could have gone about it in a more calm, less havoc-inducing way. By screaming nothing but "Run!" the Professor Potter had done nothing except cause students to mill around in a panic, with no semblance of order or rationality.
Amelia sighed as the students around her began to run amok, clearing not giving any thought to the further problems they might be causing by trying to trample one another on the way to the door. Instead of joining in the mayhem, Amelia set down her fork, more annoyed than anything else as she lifted herself from the table and moved in the opposite direction of the flow of students.
Her way became clearer as she got to the doors of the Great Hall, most of the students having already fled this area, and she had no trouble getting through the doors and looking upon the scene before her.
As far as she could tell, it was Matt and Khaat versus a mysterious cloaked figure, who stood ominously next to a blonde girl bound in ropes. Amelia suspected that he had been the source of the initial problems, though she hadn't the foggiest idea who he was or what his motivation could have been.
"What is going on here?" Amelia asked, standing just to the side of Professor Lupin, her annoyance hardly hidden by her stern voice.