"Your just...pretty" Matthew explained, a crease forming on top of his head as he smiled at her, happily. He looked around his surrounding and saw that they were disturbing a lot of people, most of them did no appriecate it by the look of it. He geustered an apologizing guesture then looked back at Veronica who was telling him that the summoning charms would probably tear down a compartment door on the way. "Hmm, good point" he laughed, scratching his nose with the back of his thumb on his nail then watched her carefully place the wand on top of her open palm then muttering the charm as it whizzed around then halted to a stop, both of them following its direction with concentration. "No problem" he grinned at her, following the line of direction the wand was pointing at. And, when they were at the compartment where her trunk was he placed a hand on the door of the compartment to his left and helped her pushed the door open not noticing his arm was on top of her, touching her lightly. He walked into the compartment, watching her take a seat on the seat too lazy to heave it down for herself so he smirked at her and rolled his eyes at her as he heaved her luggage down but on the way he stumbled and fell backwards on the seat next to her, the luggage hitting his on the nose.