Darren could tell Zoe wasn't enjoying this at all, of course she wasn't. He wasn't really liking any bit of it either, but at least he was seeing someone elses memories, not seeing his own again. In leglimency and occlumency, you usually happened to see the worst of memories, cause those were the hard ones to block out. Still, he didn't really feel any sympathy for her, his father had done this to him when he was much younger than her, and she deserved it anyways.
Darren glared back at her after she replied angrily. Sure he had been a little harsh, but that was no excuse for her behavior. He was teaching her right? He was wasting his time for her and she was acting like that. "I know you want to keep stuff private. But I can't control it, this is the only way we can practice on improving your occlumency. So don't get angry about that," he retorted. "If you want to quit, fine."
"Your not a weakling," he snapped, angry at her attitude. "And I don't think of you as one, so don't get all sensitive. I just said you'll have to improve, which you do." Wow, this wasn't going so well so far. It was probably because he was still a little angry about her act yesterday. Or maybe he was just not a great teacher, well he couldn't fix that.
Hearing her talk about her mom, Darren frowned, obviously Zoe didn't seem to have had a great childhood either. "Wow, what a great mother," he said sarcastically. It was just hard to believe someone could act that way, it seemed very cruel.
Darren groaned when she said she didn't really want to continue. Though she said she would, it still annoyed him. "You should want to continue, because you have to," he snapped. "You haven't done all that great that you can stop now. YOur nowhere near good enough to keep The Dark Lord out."
Without waiting any longer, he raised his wand and said "Leglimens!" Once again seeing into her memories.