A Birth day - Page 57
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A Birth day - Page 57 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:24 am

(i decided that perhaps we could move to saturday to the dueling competition. there's nothing happening between now and then, and perhaps moving the plot along is a better thing, gives us more to work with.)

"Thanks, Ruby," Anise smiled. "I really appreciate all you and Angus do for us."

Angus laughed when Aria said the noodle wouldn't hold up as a garrotte.

"Well, I tend to agree with you, unless the noodle was bewitched in some way," he said. "I guess i'll find out--maybe."

"Unless its just a crappy plot," Marcus laughed, seeing Minos and his crew coming in to take over for the night.

"I hope not," Angus grinned. "We'll know it might be worth it if I get through the first chapter. He heard Edward and Simone arrive back home. "They're home pretty early."

"They are, but if Guy is here for work, diplomatic meetings often start early in the morning, so he might not be able to afford to stay out late. Still, Simone doesn't get to see Guy very often because Guy is stationed in Cape Town, so the distance prohibits them from getting together often," Marcus said.

"I hope they had a good time," Angus said.

"Yeah, me too. I think you're all locked up and safe for the night, and I see Minos and the Fae are here for the night. So if you're good with it, I think I'll head home. I have a stack of letters from my kids, and I'd like to respond to them before bed."

"By all means," Angus said. "Go ahead and go, and i'll see you sometime tomorrow."

"Thanks," Marcus said. "Aria, you take your time and come along whenever you like. Bring your book with you when you come. I have five letters to write tonight, so I'm heading home."

Saturday morning came quickly, and everyone on the estate seemed to be up early, preparing to either go to Dartmoor. Angus woke Ruby when he got up to prepare breakfast, knowing that Ruby and Aria wanted to decorate the shelter house in blue and white before they went to Dartmoor. The October air was crisp and cool, so the Beauxbaton sweatshirts were going to be welcome. Angus had chosen jeans, sneakers, one of the Beauxbaton hoodie sweatshirts, and a denim jacket to wear over the sweatshirt. In the kangaroo pocket of his hoodie, he had the gift wrapped necklace that he had had made for her.

He was downstairs in the kitchen deciding on a somewhat French themed breakfast, feeling it was appropriate. He had designed a Banoffee eggy bread as an entree, individual ramekins holding eggs en cocette, some savory crepes that held sausage, cheese, julianned carmelized onions and a bit of ricotta cheese, and as a special treat, he had made a showstoppingly beautiful pumpkin clafoutis. He had made coffee and tea, and he had set up the sideboard, adding two large bottles of perfectly chilled champagne, opening both bottles so they could breathe a bit before breakfast.

Marcus had arrived extra early, and he had taken care of Finn, and he arranged for Shannon and Nicky to tend to the babies and also to take care of Finn. Angus had packed a baby bag the night before with everything the babies would need for a day at the main house.

Robert had come over last night, removed Anise's stitches from her surgery and had applied sports tape to add support to her knee. He had had her up and on her leg and moving about. He had applied a bit of a pain spell, and after he had done that, she had been able to go outside and spar a bit with him to test how her leg would hold up. Robert was pleased with how well she did and fully believed that she could participate in the tournament. He believed she was ready.

Simone had bought her a beautiful nail polish in a perfect shade of Beauxbaton blue, and she had done Anise's nails for her. Marcus had made sure her uniforms and her hat were all well fitting and impeccably cleaned, pressed and tailored for her, along with perfectly polished shoes. He had gotten out a messenger bag and had packed one of the uniforms that he had neatly folded and put in a dress box for her. He had shrunken the unform to fit in the messenger bag and had helped her decided on what else she wanted to pack, some toiletries for freshening up, a change of comfortable clothes to change into if she wanted after the tournament, including jeans and her own Beauxbaton's sweatshirt, and he and Angus had talked to Ollivanders about a duplicate wand for her, just in case something happened to her own, reliable wand. Anise's bag was now sitting near the front door of the duplex.

As Angus set up the sideboard, Marcus heard a knock on the door. He went to answer it and, at first, didn't see anyone. Then he looked down to see a package lying on the floor right outside the front door. Marcus picked up the package and saw it was addressed to Anise from Beauxbatons. Because Angus knew that Anise was going to feel stressed enough, Angus opened the package to find two pair of slacks in official Beauxbaton blue, with a note from Madame Maxime that since it was expected to be cold, she had decided to give Anise the rare privilege of being permitted to wear dress slacks to the tournament if she so chose.

"Perfect," Marcus smiled. "She's been anxious about that. Madame Maxime came through for her just in time. She can wear a pair and pack a pair as a backup. This will give her far more of a confidence boost than Madame Maxime can possibly know."

"Yes. I think that will be just the boost that Anise has needed," Angus agreed.

"I'll take them downstairs so I can fit them for her," Marcus said.

"Thanks," Angus said. He finished laying breakfast on the sideboard, casting warming spells to keep the food warm for everyone. He had put both bottles of champagne in ice buckets to keep it cold. Then he poured himself coffee and picked up the papers, seeing articles on the front page of both the quibbler and the prophet about the tournament today. The articles both mentioned that Anise was representing Beauxbatons and also talked about the Hogwarts duelist that was going and had included school photographs of both Anise and the Hogwarts student.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:35 pm

Ruby and Anise both went to the shelter house while Angus and Marcus were looking after Anise before the tournament , each set up the tables and wall decertations in white and light blue balloons and table covers. She also had light blue flowers as table centrepieces with the Beauxbaton crest in the center.

Once done they ported back to the duplex " we're done the room looks wonderful" Ruby said to Angus quietly so Anise would not over hear there plan. Seeing the quibbler she smiled " is Anise in there?" she asked as Aria brought her a cup of tea and a cup of coffee for herself.

"oh that's a nice picture, should put it in a scarp book" she said smiling as she sat now wearing a tee with Beauxbaton crest on it .
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:22 pm

"Nicky and Zoe will take care of the cooking and the rest of it at the shelter house," Angus told Ruby. "We should run the babies over to them before too long. I have the baby bag packed for them already. As for a scrapbook, I will leave that entirely to you."

Marcus came back upstairs with Anise's light blue midi length winter coat. He freshened it for her and laid it out to take along.

"It is going to be cold today in Dartmoor. People may well want jackets for at least part of the day. It will feel colder for us because we will be outside and sitting in the shade all day. Our champion is going to need her coat. Those uniforms are not designed to be worn in cold weather without anything warmer over top," Marcus said. "And, by the way, she is elated by the arrival of those dress slacks. I changed some of the sports tape on her knee because some of it was working loose. I trust that Robert may well check it himself before the tournament begins. The girls will be up in a minute."

Victor came downstairs wearing jeans and his Beauxbatons hoodie, and he was bringing a tan suede bomber jacket. He laid it close to Anise's coat

"Breakfast smells great," he said.

"It's ready. Come fix your plate," Angus said. "We have a a Banoffee eggy bread, eggs en cocette, some savory crepes, and a pumpkin clafoutis. Thought we deserved a bit of a fancy breakfast this morning."

"Sounds great," Andrew said, coming in. "Morning, All. I'll go straight up and get Elwood ready. He made sure I knew he was going if it ended up being the very last thing he did in his life. Frankly, I'm glad to see that he is that determined to go along. And, yes. he is going to wear blue. I found a winter wool cloak for him, changed the color to Beauxbatons blue and had the Beauxbaton's name and crest embroidered in Gold and Silver and white in the same spot where a breast pocket would be on a man's suitcoat. It'll keep him warm, and the extra long wool fabric will drape over his legs in his wheelchair. It should keep him warm all day." He went straight up to help Elwood dress.

"Is Sam going to be allowed to go?" Victor asked.

"I don't know. That's entirely up to Jess and Jack to decide. I suppose it depends on if he's been decent since he was let out of St. Mungos. Can you and Ginger deliver the tickets to everyone? I took everyone's tickets and put them in envelopes by households. For example, Robert and Kate's tickets are in one envelope. Jessie and Yu's and Cris are in another. Mind walking them around? Oh, and Ginger, I have your dad's tickets. I'll give them to him when he gets here."

"Tickets? As in more than one? Is he bringing someone?"

"He is," Angus smiled. "Fix your plate." Anise made it upstairs then, wearing the brand new blue dress slacks, the blue Beauxbatons's blouse and the Beauxbatons blazer, with a pair of light blue Beaubaton's sneakers. She had her hat and her wand with her.

"There's my champ," Angus smiled. "You look like a winner to me."

"I don't know about that," she said.

"How's the knee?"

"Fine, I think," she said.

"Come fix your plate," he told her.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:29 pm

Aria chuckled and nodded to Angus when he spoke of the scrap book with her " oh I have one already for Anise." she said smiling Ruby had heard him talk about Nicky and Zoe and she nodded.

"that's good, I'll fetch the babies and get them ready to head over." she said heading up the stairs to the nursery and picked up Caprice and changed her and dressed her , then with Caprice back in her crib for a moment she changed and dressed Amari, grabbing both she walked down with them and smiled as Aria took Amari and place her into the high chair. " okay, lets eat breakfast" Ruby said " then I'll take them over." she said placing two small bowls in front of the babies while Aria walked over to Anise and did her hair for her just as they had discussed , soon it was braided down her back.

"you look good Anise" she said smiling " remember just do your best " she smiled to her as she went to grab a plate for herself and sit down at the table.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:55 pm

"Thanks," Anise said

Andrew brought Elwood downstairs to the breakfast table and fixed him a breakfast plate and a mug of coffee. Edward and Simone arrived and came in, greeted everyone and fixed their plates.

"I should probably tell you," Simone said, "that we ordered some more tickets last night. My son and my daughter, their spouses and my grandchildren are all coming. Lena's children will all be going to Beauxbaton's someday, so they all really wanted to go. Guy loves sports of all kinds, so they've apparently taken down the wall between our box of seats and added another box to include more people. Madame Maxim says they've also had more requests for tickets. It sounds like she's going to have her own private cheering section."

"More?" Angus asked, not sure who he had forgotten to buy tickets for, and Simone just nodded. Simone nodded.

"No pressure," Ginger told Anise quietly. "They're coming, not because they expect you to win. They're coming because they're family, and that's just what this family does. You just do what you do, and it'll work out however it's supposed to work."

"Right. No pressure," Anise said, slightly nervous now.

Angus heard apparating sounds, but it sounded like quite a little bit of apparating. He got up and went to the kitchen window. He went to the front door.

"Anise, its for you," Angus said, motioning to her. She frowned, got up and went to the door. Angus opened the door, and Anise looked up, expecting someone there but instead, she saw, out in the yard, Fenrir, her dad, and the entire pack dressed and ready to go to Dartmoor.

"It's the pack! The whole pack came! And Fenrir. They all came," she fought back happy tears, overwhelmed. Dennis walked up to her and folded her in a close, strong hug. Angus walked inside and closed the door, giving her a moment with her pack. Ginger, though, got up and dashed outside to greet them.

"It isn't just Fenrir and Dennis. The whole pack came to go with us," Angus told the others at the breakfast table.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:00 pm

Ruby heard the aperating and smiled as Angus called to Anise, smiling she stood up and picked up Caprice as Anise picked up Amari and walked to the door " good to see you all, Fenrir and you too Denise" she said smiling as he hugged Anise. Aria looked out and smiled seeing Anise with Denise.

"shes been nervous" Aria said to Denise " so we're glad you came, might calm her down a little." she spoke softly as she placed her hand on Anise shoulder as Ruby nodded her agreement.

"Breakfast is ready if you want to come in for a bit" Ruby offered " you too Fenrir, your welcome too."
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:22 pm

"We've eaten, but thank you," Fenrir said. "We appreciate the offer. Take your time. We are content to wait out here."

Once Ginger and Anise had greeted everyone, Dennis sent the girls back into finish their breakfasts. The minute that Ginger and Victor were finished eating, they took the envelopes of tickets to go deliver them to the rightful ticket holders. Dennis chose to walk with them to be able to have some time to talk with Victor and Ginger.

Anise started to get anxious that she was forgetting something, so she went through the bag that was packed for her, and she saw that it was very complete. As Angus finished his breakfast, he got up and started to put the leftovers away and he heard more porting sounds. He looked outside and saw Evan, Tara, Evie, Faith, Rosaria and Carlo.

"The Tuscany crew is here," Angus said. He was going to invite them in, but Evan and Tara and the girls went right over to the werewolf pack and introduced themselves, without hesitation.

"You two ought to take the babies next door," Angus told Ruby and Aria. "We're going to have to leave really soon--as soon as Ginger and Victor get back. Oh, and would you please take Finn with you? He's going to stay over there today too. I've got some Finn things in the baby bag. Hopefully they don't give the dog kibbles and the dog toys to the babies. I did put the dog stuff in a sealed plastic bag, so hopefully there isn't confusion."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:27 pm

Ruby and Aria returned and fin8shed giving the babies their breakfast, hearing Angus Ruby nodded " we will" she said and called Finn to go with her as they walked next door to shannon and nicky. Once they had put them girls in their travel pen and the bag next to it Ruby told Finn to stay while Aria returned to the other side of the house. Ruby kissed each girl on their cheek and smiled " be back soon" she said smiling a she stood up and walked to where Aria stood. " all settled" she said to Angus.

it was now that a note flew threw the open door to Angus from Jess and Jack saying they were bringing Sam but he was to stay beside Jack and would not be allowed to leave their side." looks like they got that sorted." Ruby said seeing the note.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5344

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:56 pm

"Good. I'm glad he gets to go," Angus said. He saw Marcus unzip a pocket in Anise's bag and pull something out that was light blue, and he tucked it in his pocket instead.

"What was that?" Angus asked.

"Sports tape. Not something that anyone easily applies by themselves. I have two rolls. You want one, just in case?" Marcus asked. "I mean, since she's allowed one support person, I figured that might be you."

"Yeah. Good thought," Angus nodded. Marcus tossed one of the two rolls to him, and Angus shrank the roll and tucked it in his jeans pocket.

"Did you notice that the pack has several picnic hampers with them?" Marcus asked.

"No, I didn't," Angus said.

"I recognize those hampers. Their design is so stylized that I can tell you exactly what's probably in them. They come from a muggle gourmet deli and catering company in London that specializes in five star take out dishes. One of their signature dishes is a new spin on a Nicoise salad. It uses beef tartare as the base and not tuna."

"Perfect for a gourmet lunch for a werewolf," Angus nodded.

"Precisely. Someone has paid big bucks to make sure the werewolves eat very well today indeed," Marcus said.

"Good for them," Angus said. "As I understand it, Anise has the choice of eating with us or Beauxbatons will making sure that Anise gets lunch today. It's her choice, I believe. As for us, I ordered lunch for all of us from one of the best restaurants I could find in Dartmoor."

"Really? What's on the menu?" Marcus asked, curious.

"Everyone's getting a cornish hen with a brandied cherry glaze, with a warm quinoa and vegetable salad, sweet potato mash with a cinnamon butter sauce, and a warm apple dumpling with fresh vanilla bean ice cream, some cold bottles of water or some thermoses of hot coffee," Angus said.

"Well, very clearly, their beef Nicoise has nothing on your idea of a nice lunch," Marcus laughed. "There ought to be a six star lunch category."

"It sounds like we're going to have a great day. Is someone taking a camera?" ELwood asked.

"Well, it won't be Angus. He doesn't own a camera," Marcus laughed.

"What?" Elwood frowned. "Well, someone needs to get some good pictures today."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23814
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 57 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:02 pm

Aria looked at them and chuckled at the tossing of sports tape to Angus then heard Elwood " I have one, I'll get it" she said accioing the camera to her and shrinking it into her pocket as she slipped on a sweatshirt with Beauxbaton crest on it and she smiled. " you said it would get cold out there." she said as Ruby slipped on one herself and zipped it up.

" don't worry I'm sure Aria will get some good photos" Ruby said and smiled " I am glad there not going to be hungry while there even if there is that special thing for after" she said softly Aria chuckled and nodded. Now with the camera checked and new film added Aria was happy with it and looked to Elwood.

"I'm going to make a scarp book of the tournament for Anise and the others to look back on" she told him then looked to Angus.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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