A Birth day - Page 79
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A Birth day - Page 79 Li9olo10

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A Birth day

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 29, 2024 12:01 am

"Well, it's clear to me that she's gone entirely mad. Let's go ruin Jeffrey's Sunday supper, shall we?" Robert asked. 

"Wait," Marcus said. He was standing beside Angus who was reading a document. 

"This is the deed to the Tyler house," Angus said in a rather flat, tired voice. "I had forgotten this whole section of it. It explains the history behind the Tyler house and the fishing cabin properties. Suzanne actually owned the property before she married Reginald. She gave it to him, lock, stock and barrel as a wedding gift. Reginald made an unusual arrangement. The fishing cabin was a property he won in a poker contest on a night when, as the deed says, he and Suzanne had not had a civil word for each other for night onto a week. When he won the property, she told him in no uncertain terms she didn't want anything to do with either property if he died before her. So, he said if he died first, the properties were to be sold, and the money was to go to whoever was taking care of the youngest children. It did not say who had legal custody of the youngest children, but he specifically said that all his assets should go to whoever was caring for the youngest children because the adult age children should be fending for themselves."

"Oh, yes. I remember that now," Robert said. "That's why the court awarded you the property and anything she left behind in it, because they figured you could use the money for taking care of the boys."

"Which means that you owned the house, and you've owned that damned cabin since the court gave you all his remaining assets," Marcus said. 

"That's exactly right," Robert said. "My recommendation is that you do nothing with it at all for the next 24 to 48 hours. I think you need to take your time and take care of yourself first. In the meantime, Jessie and I are going to go have a talk with Jeffrey."

"And Suzanne," Angus said, quick to pick up on things. "You'll need me to go." Robert walked back over to Angus.

"Sit. Rest yourself," Robert said. "I don't want you to come with us. This is not going to be pretty, and you've seen enough ugly things today. Stay here and take care of your family. Jessie's her son. this is something he's very capable of doing. I invited him on purpose."

"Fill me in when you get back," Angus said.

"Or tomorrow. I will. You have my word. Marcus..."

"We'll be just fine," Marcus reassured Robert, mostly to reassure Angus that things were under control. 

"Shall we?" Robert asked Jessie, getting out his portkey to Switzerland.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 29, 2024 12:12 am

Ruby and Jessie watched and listened as Angus explained the wording of the deed to the house and cabin. Jessie and Ruby were both happy they could get rid of the cabin permanently with out any recourse. Jessie looked at Angus who said to Robert he wanted to come with them and was about to say to let them deal with her but Robert told him first and he nodded to Angus " if he doesn't I will" Jessie said .

Ruby looked at both men and nodded " please , and Jessie don't spare anything" she said making Jessie nod as he moved to stand with Robert as they both ported to Switzerland right into the foyer of Jefferies clinic. Jessie looked around and shook his head " this is too good for her" he said softly but understood she was not there willing ly but ordered by the courts.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 29, 2024 12:34 am

Robert walked up to the front desk and showed them his identification.

"Good evening. My name is Robert Lupin, Deputy Minister of Magic for England, and I am a personal friend of Dr. Burnstein's. I'm here with my associate, Jessie Tyler, on a ministry matter of some urgency..."

"If you are a friend of Dr. Burnstein's, then you know most healers don't work on Sunday evenings..."

"I do know. I am a healer as well. I happen to know Jeffrey leads a therapy group on Sunday evenings that should have ended four minutes ago, and I also know he's most likely in his office, documenting the session for those who attended. Now, would you please notify him that I'm here and I'd like to have a moment of his very valuable time?" She bristled, not liking Robert's authoritative tone, but she did use an enchanted intercom system that looked like a muggle phone and she called Jeffrey's office. 

It wasn't two minutes later when Jeffrey came down the hallway to the lobby. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a cream colored turtleneck. Jeffrey's Sunday evening wardrobe was very casual and warm and made sense to Robert since it was cold in the Swiss mountains at night. 

"Robert," Jeffrey shook hands with Robert and then extended his hand to shake hands with Jessie too. "And Jessie. You look good. I didn't expect to see you this soon. Come down to my office with me where we can talk. Can I offer you both some coffee? I have a pot of a mocha flavored coffee on tonight."

"Sounds lovely," Robert said, as they walked down the hallway. Jeffrey stopped at his newest addition to his outer office--a couple sections of countertop that had been installed against a wall and made into a coffee bar with a pot brewer, a pod brewer, an electric tea pot, several hooks mounted on the wall with some of Kate's bright colorful potter mugs, and a fancy pottery tier server, clearly made by Kate so it coordinated with the cups, and it held pods of various flavors of tea and coffee and cocoa, little individual portions of creamer, sugar, sugar substitute, napkins, and stir sticks. The coffee pot was on, and it had half a pot of mocha coffee at the ready. Robert could smell the coffee and the chocolate flavoring. Jeffrey took down two mugs and filled them with coffee and handed one to Robert and one to Jessie. 

"I'll let you add your own cream and sugar," Jeffrey said.

"Black is fine for me," Robert said. 

"You here to visit Suzanne?" 

"We need to talk first. Things have gotten extremely serious where she is concerned," Robert said.

"Then, we'll go into my office and talk there where its private," Jeffrey said, gesturing them to go in and make themselves comfortable.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 29, 2024 12:44 am

Jessie stood behind Robert as he spoke to the receptionist who was to him very bristly towards Robert for being put in her place , he stood with his arms behind his back trying to be formal. Seeing Jeffery he gave a smiled and shook his hand " yep all thanks to Robert and Yu " he said and then followed behind him towards Jefferies office.

Entering he looked around the room and then stood with Robert taking the coffee that was offered he pored creamer but no sugar as Robert explained to Jeffery why they were here. He followed them again to Jeffery's office and sat in on of the chairs placing down his cup to cool a little as he let Robert do the talking to him. Looking around Jessie remembered the days he had spent just talking in that very room and smiled knowing how relaxed he had been walking out of it afterwards.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 29, 2024 1:02 am

"So what's up?" Jeffrey asked, sitting down with them.

Robert did a brief review for Jeffrey, reminding him of the Tyler family history and of Reginald's death and the crimes Suzanne had created, including the fact that they knew that, in addition to burying Angus alive, she had also taken Angus on two different occasions and had actually tortured him. 

"Let me ask," Jeffrey said. "I know Ruby and Jessie, but how is Angus dealing with these three horrendous things she's done to him?"

"Angus is a very tightly closed book on some things. I know exactly what some of those things were because I treated the injuries that she caused him. But some things don't leave visible marks or bruises that are distinct enough for me to know what all she did. He refuses to talk about it with anyone. He shoves it to the back of his mind and goes forward with taking care of Ruby and his kids. He's fiercely protective of them."

"I wondered why I hadn't ever gotten to talk to him," Jeffrey said.

"He wouldn't agree to it. I think disclosing it to anyone would mean him needing to be willing to humiliate himself in horrendous ways, and I think it would cause him no end of additional suffering. For now, I'm managing it for him with calming potions and dreamless sleep potions when things become too real again. And things became entirely too real for all of us today." 

Robert explained in depth about how they had come to believe they needed to check out the cabin, and he explained what they had found there. Jeffrey was appauled. 

"So you can tie the potions to Suzanne, the collection of torture devices, and the caskets," Jeffrey said. "Right now, though, you don't know if she committed the murders or if she put the weapons there or if she put the money there."

"I can guarantee she didn't put the money there because she was hunting it," Robert said. "I believe Reginald did the murders and owned the weapons. And it clearly was his money."

"So what is it that brings you here?"

"I want to talk to her. She needs to know that Diamond is gone forever, and that we found the money and it doesn't belong to her. And we need to tell her we know about the cabin and the cave in the woods. She needs..."

"You'll risk putting her over any little bit of an edge she has left."

"She damned near killed Angus, and she was not planning on stopping. She needs to know this ends here and now. She needs to know her reign of terror over Angus is done right this very minute because if she manages to somehow attempt one more shenanigan, I will rip her out of here and put her right back on death row and send her across the veil myself if I have to. Would I actually do that? Try me, Jeffrey. I've watched finer people than her cross the veil."

"Jessie? What's your take on all this?" Jeffrey asked him.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 29, 2024 1:17 am

Jessie sat and let Robert talk to Jeffery as he sipped his coffee then placed the cup down as he was asked his opinion " I'm of the same mind as Robert, my sister saw what was down there and what was done to her husband, shes using every technique you taught her to keep it together for her family." he said " I've come to terms with what they made me ,but this, nope this is beyond insane" he said simply and composed.

" I say let Robert talk to her , at this point shes not a mother but a woman already twisted into her own mad world." he stopped and looked at Robert " and I will help put her across the veil should it come to that." he then looked back at Jeffery calmly waiting to see if he would let them see her.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 29, 2024 1:33 am

"Very well, but on one condition. No bullying.  If either of you blow your top at her, I'll have to end the interview at once," Jeffrey said. 

"Fair enough," Robert nodded. 

"Come with me, then," Jeffrey said. He led them down the hallway, unlocked a set of steel doors and took them into the locked unit. It looked almost the same as a standard muggle hospital wing with private and semi private rooms on both sides of the hallway. He took them to one of the private rooms closest to the nurses station, and he went in. 

"Hello, Suzanne," Jeffrey said, using a calm voice. "You have a couple visitors. Would you like to meet with them here, or would you like to use one of the small group rooms?"

"I think we should meet outside in the courtyard," she said in almost a slippery dark voice.

"Sorry, but its cold out there. No one's going out there tonight," Jeffrey said. "Let's just meet in here, then." He looked behind him to Jessie and Robert. "Come in." 

"Hello again, Suzanne," Robert said.

"You again," she sighed, sounding tired of him already. "You just keep coming, don't you?"

"Now be nice. I could have left you in Azkaban," Robert said.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 29, 2024 1:38 am

Jessie stood up when Robert did and followed Jeffery to the ward Suzzanne was kept on. He stayed beside Robert as he watched Jeffery enter the room where she was kept. He took several deep breaths as he entered behind Robert into the room saying nothing to her as Robert greeted her. He already could sense the coldness emanating from her by her tone as she spoke to Robert. " Hello Mother" he said as he looked at her from where he stood..

He glanced at Jeffery and took another deep breath calming the beast inside him that was wanting to rip her limb from limb being so close to the person who hurt his family, but he also knew that if he did anything it would only be bad for him. He stood , his hands clasped behind his back his stance one of formal business as he watched Suzzanne closely for any sign she would harm Robert.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed May 29, 2024 1:56 am

"So are you a Donohue too like the rest of them?" Suzanne asked Jessie, unable to hide her bitterness at the thought of the Donohue name.

"I thought you'd like some news," Robert told her. "It's over, Suzanne. Just so you know. All that money that you and Tom have been hunting?..."

"He found it????" Suzanne was nearly uncontrollable in that moment. Robert could see the immense madness within her now.

"No. Better. I found it," Robert smiled calmly, deliberately not telling her the truth. "And, I found the shelves of poison, and the woodshop...."

"You had no business being there! Its mine, do you hear me? Mine, All mine. You can't have it.

"Well, now there's one little thing. You don't own the property, do you? I have Reginald's will and the deed to the house that Angus bought. You know damned well that Reginald didn't want you to have so much as a blade of grass from either property. The deed says the land and all the assets go to the caretaker of the youngest children...."

"That was me! I was...."

"No," Robert said steadily and quietly but his voice was getting stronger on purpose to try to quiet her. "Not the mother of, but the caretaker. And the boys, at the time of Reginald's death were legally in Angus's care...." She began to scream and screech in complete rage, screaming she was going to kill Angus. "Suzanne, you might want to stop a moment. I brought you a copy of a document that Tom filed with the ministry yesterday." He got out a copy of the custody agreement that clearly had Tom's signature and showed it to Suzanne. "If you look, you'll see the signature is clearly in Tom's own hand." She looked at the paperwork, read it, and began just loud incoherent screaming.

Robert let her scream for a moment and then fired a wandless calming spell at her. He waited for a few minutes to let her calm down.

"Suzanne, this ends today. Right this minute. I have it all. I have the money, the poison, the weapons, the casket, the children, every little bit of the things that you didn't take with you. You have Tom. That's what you have. And you're not in Azkaban. But I want you to hear me clearly. If you ever, ever have one thing to do with Priscilla or Dominic again, if you ever attempt to make any contact with any of the Donohues ever again, I will return you to death row again so fast you won't know what hit you. So you really should think twice."

"I don't care," she said in a deep, dark, evil tone a tone that if Robert hadn't already seen so much evil in his lifetime that he wasnt' intimidated anymore by much. Jeffrey seemed almost surprised to hear how dark and evil she could actually be. "If I want him dead, I'll see him dead, you arrogant old man."
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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A Birth day - Page 79 Empty Re: A Birth day

Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Wed May 29, 2024 2:09 am

Jessie listened to Suzanne but did not respond to her question to him leaving it to her own twisted mind. He stood resolute when Robert spoke to her telling her she had lost everything. He glanced at Jeffery as she began throwing a fit at Roberts words but quickly looked back when she suddenly calmed and saw Robert with his wand drawn.

He stepped beside Robert and looked at Suzzanne as she spoke about Angus. " you'll be the one who ends up dead if you try" he said then looked at Robert as he spoke again " this woman isn't my mother any more." he said " oh and to answer you No I'm not a Donohue, but I will be Jessie Long soon, the surname Tyler is dead." he told her and walked back out the room to stand waiting at the door way for Robert.

Jessie looked at Jeffery " Yu asked me two weeks ago and I said yes, but with everything going on we're holding off." he added feeling it was for the best. " right now getting Angus back in top form comes first, especially what with Marcus having a fuzzy head after his injury and this will help him a lot." He looked to Robert and smiled " first stringers, come first" Jessie looked at the woman in the padded room and shook his head. " how low she ahs fallen" he said softly and shook his head again.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

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