[Kace has no power as veela, see harry potter wiki, only pureblood veelas have power. Sorry I did not fit the long, trying to come up with the perfect answer]
She laughed when she heard his words. Honestly, she had never been more proud of their children. If so soon discovered their power, the faster they will learn to control that and be great metamorphagus as their mother.
"Oh yes, their mother is really one of the best," she said, completely oblivious to the opinion taht other think she is dead, for that reason she had forgotten to use the past tense.
"If you want, I can get to know them and used to practice with them. The sooner they learn to control their powers they will be better at it," she shrugged.
On his next words she looked at him and smiled, "Oh no, dear, you are charming by yourself, it has nothing to do with what you are part veela. Only pureblood veela has power, though other part veel have their charm," she said frankly. She was always fascinated by veelas and a lot of reading about them.
He is simply charming by hisself, there is no need to modestly attributed some powers.
"Not really, I do not like physical activity at all. All what involves fatigue authorities consider unnecessary," she laughed, looking at him. For one brief moment, managed to switch off and forget the fact that they are so close to each other now, just enjoyed talking to him.
"Hey, I'm serious! I could even show you my thoughts, I am good at it, but do not want to, it would be too dangerous!" for him, of course. He could see the truth. She's can show him the truth.
Maybe she should?
She shook her head at her thoughts, it would be too dangerous.
"Oh, I hope your daughter is all right," she frowned anxiously looking at him.
"Okay, see you. If you want, you can call me. I went through training as a healer and preparing excellent potions, can certainly make something for her," she said casually, not wanting to impose herself. If he so requests, in the minute she will left everything and rushed to help the girl, her little girl, but does not want him to put pressure because he does not suspect anything.