"Thank you," Kate said, "But the credit goes to Fi. Khaat and I gave Fi a few ideas and she ran with it herself. Oh, look. Isn't she lovely?" Kate looked up to see Fi coming in, in a lovely fushia colored gown, on Kieran's arm.
"Where's Dean?" Khaat frowned.
"Well, it seems they have sublet their home in Ireland so Fi could move here with the kids, and Dean has taken on espionage work with Lee," Kate said. "I'm not sure where Dean is right now actually. But, the kids are delighted to be here, and I know Fi is."
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Robert said, with a sonorus. "Take your places at the table please. Our chefs have dinner ready for us at last." Brian offered Khaat his arm and they went to the far end of the long table, while Kate and Robert took their places at the head of the table at the near end. The menu was prime rib with all the trimmings and a flaming cherry jubilee for dessert. The first course was a french onion soup followed by small grilled shriimp salads, then the main course, and then dessert. Then they would adjourn for dancing, where a table of finger foods and a large punch bowl awaited them, with live music for the rest of the evening.