Jess frowned then let out a grunt. "I didn't realise this was a meeting for friends, else I would have invited my housekeeper Michael," Jess spat, his eyes trained on the newcomer and his hands close to his wand. The Death Eaters, he knew, and had already decided they weren't a threat right now, this man was no one in particular, and Jess was rather quite cautious of him.
However he hushed and returned his attention to his opposite number, watching him carefully and nodding as the guidelines were set out.
He couldn't, however, help but grunt in surprise and cock an eyebrow as Ne'os mentioned the status of their alliance, a more permanent alliance was not on his cards, but he'd keep that to himself, he decided then and there.
"Exactly, if you all keep to your end of the bargain, we will too, and hopefully this agreement would allow us to prosper well into the future," he told them before deciding to launch into business.
"Now," he said, "I have been assessing the situation in the Ministry, and I believe that the core of Grindelwald's power, and his hold over the workers lies in one Zada Forbes. He inspires a fear which she does not, admittedly, but she seems to be running the administrative side of things, and without that end of a business, it'll fail. I propose, as... well, as unpleasant as it may seem, I propose that we aim to depose her, using any means possible, over the next three months. She leads a more public life than her boss, so there's a higher chance of victory, I think you'll find." He explained.
"I personally don't enjoy this business of violence and strongarming, however I think we can all agree that this is war, and as long as we keep our intentions, and our methods to a strict, honorable guideline, so basically no cursing whilst they sleep in their beds, then we will be able to live with ourselves as people." He told them, inwardly cursing himself for the moves he was making.
"Now, we can go for the more direct approach of an attack, we have more numbers than her, particularly if we can isolate her, however i was thinking that use of the imperius curse could get people into her trust and inner ranks, making the job cleaner and more precise. Anyone else have any plans?" He asked, looking around the group and wondering who would be next to speak.