"Morning," Angus said. "There's something really nice in waking up in the tropics. I could get used to this." Just as he spoke, Dakota got aggravated with something or another, and she hurled a piece of toast with a bit of a defiant little tone. "Now, now," Angus said. "We'll be having none of your lip today, Madam." He picked up the toast and tossed the piece out. "Breakfast is now over for you." He picked her up and put her on the floor. She began to have a tantrum, crying angrily. "I would suggest you not do that to your grandfather. He's liable not to put up with you," Angus said calmly. "We cannot have our own way all the time." He simply ignored the tantrumming and sent breakfast plates to the table. Sunnyside up eggs, crispy bacon, fried potatoes, toast from homemade Hawaiian sweet bread, fresh tropical fruit salad, fresh pineapple juice.
"Have a seat, all of you," he said. "I'll send Khaat's tray to her as soon as I get permission to do it." Max walked over to check out Dakota, and she was mad enough that she smacked the white cat. He actually looked like it had hurt his feelings. He turned and walked away from her, switching his tail back and forth as if to wipe her out of his thinking. Angus sighed. "And that just earned you a time out, Young Lady." He picked her up and put her in the play pen. Then the angry screaming began.
"And to think, we only have another 17 years of this to put up with from her," he laughed.