"A worthwhile experiment," she said about his last venture with the insects. "I am not as familiar with the Native Asian as i would like to be. I do know a bit about what the Native American medicine men have used for years in similar fashions, though. Particularly the Anasazi nations and the Cherokee, and some of the Chippewa. Those tribes were clearly more advanced than we knew of when we explored America. I just ordered a number of volumes of magical spells and potions books, handwritten perhaps 300 years ago by a Native American medicine man. Those should prove to be interesting."
She looked over the lab and then looked at Zerek. "May I?" She stepped over to the ingredients, pulled several bottles from the shelves and a clean cauldron. She poured a bit of water into the cauldron, heated it, and added the ingredients. She simmered it. In mere minutes the strong offensive odor of Zerek's lab was neutralized almost completely. She smiled and looked at Zerek. "We do not need the Ministry coming to look for you, now do we? Your potions cause such a signature dark arts odor to them that the Ministry could find you much too easily. And I would prefer they not do that. Is that a bit better?"