Zara stared at the thing for another long moment, realizing she wasn't going to get healed up any time soon, she racked her brain of all it's knowledge for a way out of this one. Finally she settled on the one solution that might work, but would be horribly painful. Pulling herself, and dragging her limp leg along, she found the wall, and managed to stand up carefully. Wincing hard until she was up all the way, her leg completely useless to her.
She stood there for a long moment, teetering on her good leg before leaning back against the wall and gritting her teeth from the pain. "Listen... I'd love to play in your little game right now, you know, the whole fight to the death fun house type thing.. but I've got important business that I need to attend to." She said glancing at her watch. "My trip to St. Mungo's is already pushing me back a seriously large amount of time, and although I'd love to be yet another source of entertainment in your game.." She sighed and crossed her arms again. "Unless my leg is fixed, I'm going to have to call forfeit." She smiled calmly at the lady, knowing she was getting tired of her, and knowing she was either going to die now, or be let go easily.