Broken Hearts - Page 2
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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Broken Hearts

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Zara Ellis Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:20 pm

Zara was getting sick of this thing. So not for sides, didn't want to talk, smelt and looked horrible, was scratching up her skin, and had now just pushed the entire cabinet of glass onto her. Zara zipped out from under them quickly, and at more speed then she could handle, and she kept on flying and flew right into the wall with a sickening crunch. She stood there for a moment the wind knocked out of her, when she heard a slow howl. Her blood seemed to chill in her veins, and she clamped her hands over her ears.

"Dammit.." She growled and looked up at this thing. "How could we have stolen anything from you? You saying you're going to blame humans for thousands of years of evolutionary traits?" She asked removing her hands from her ears. "This is stupid..." She glanced at the dog, and at the destroyed shop. But she wasn't about to leave yet, she needed something on this thing. She pretended to relax easily against the wall, even though she might has possibly cracked a rib in her collision.

"So what? You can't hit me with anything... I'm to fast for you in case you didn't notice love." She said with a purr, flicking her hair out of her face so that she wouldn't get blood in it. "So are you having fun?" She tilted her head and looked up at her with an evil grin. Smoke was starting to come out of her wand, dark dangerous smoke that rose up towards the ceiling, much more quickly then it should have. The fire was helping it along, making it go lower and lower towards the ground. Giving herself a bubble head charm, she dove towards the door, hoping the smoke would give her enough camouflage to get past the dog.
Zara Ellis
Zara Ellis

Number of posts : 228
Occupation : Charms Professor

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Guest Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:53 pm

Niov let out her pericing cackle again, a laugh of high strains that did not at all match her raspy voice. "Oh no, no, no... I'm just informing you that you are not above us. No, no, no. No, humans strive to be like us, they just don't know it...and they always seem to fall short."

At the woman's words, Niov's smile disappeared. She did not want this woman to be able to understand that this was just for fun. No, humans were supposed to desperately search for some sort of rational, not blindly accept the fact that she was evil for the sake of being evil, not a choice, not a decision.

Niov again seized an instrument and flung it through the smoke towards the woman. On the other side, Defres had just snapped out and his teeth had caught onto the woman's pants, teating the fabric and hopefully stopping her. Through the smoke, his dead eyes could see her, his nostrils could smell blood and fear...

Niov swept across the shop, rafters falling behind her as she stood framed in the doorway of the shop. "Yes, human, I was having fun, and I plan to continue, regardless of any other appointments you may have."

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Zara Ellis Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:14 am

Zara felt confusion slip across her face. She had insulted her clothes, not her power... she had never said she wasn't above her, but now was not the time to point this out to the crazy lady. She had chucked something else at her, and it had almost hit Zara had she not already been running towards the door. It probably would have smashed her nose. When the dog grabbed her pants, and they ripped she fell forward. "Dammit!" She growled and stumbled to her feet, feeling rain instead of heat and smoke. She was out of the burning building now!

But her pant leg was still caught in the mouth of that wolf thing. She tugged hard and felt it tear, and she sprang to her feet, but not before she saw the woman again. She turned and faced her, knowing she wouldn't get far running, now that she wasn't in as much danger of being hit with a glass object, she felt a bit more at ease, she even leaned against the wall, looking up at her. "So... you think, that I think, That I'm more powerful then you? No sir I don't think that, I'm sure you could pick me up and chuck me over that building if you wanted.. well, if you could catch me anyway, I just simply tried to state that you are an ugly animal..." She said shrugging.

"And your dog there hurts my ears, you shouldn't let it howl like that.." She said rubbing the goosebumps down on her arms. She was acting like it was nothing, like the fact that there was a giant demon thing standing in front of her was something that happened everyday. And in fact, it didn't scare her to much, she was now standing here for more of her own personal curiosity, nothing more, nothing less.
Zara Ellis
Zara Ellis

Number of posts : 228
Occupation : Charms Professor

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Guest Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:27 am

Niov cracked another one of her raggedy smiles, staring at the woman who was sprawled on the ground, trying to gather her composure. She stood and Defres released her but stood on point, ready to tackle the woman if he felt that it was Niov's will to do so. But the woman did not run. No, she turned and faced Niov.

The fun continued.

Niov briskly replied, "Oh I know you do not think you are more powerful than me. As a human, you are stupid by nature, but even you must understand that there is no way you best me in power." She shook her head; the thought was laughable. "And yet you continue on the beauty thing." She stepped down and strode over to the woman, reaching up to take a lock of her hair in her hands. "Hmm... Beauty. Vanity. All washed away in blood."

She elbowed the woman across the head and stepped away smoothly, hoping to see her crumple. Defres took up a stance next to Niov, as they both stared at the woman. She held out a hand and another ball of fire formed there. "Here are the rules. I'll play as long as you want to play. You run, I'll chase. You fight or defend, I'll respond in turn. You stay down, I'll leave you be. You break the rules, I'll kill you. And feed you to Defres." Defres did not, of course, need food, but he howled in anticipation nevertheless.

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Zara Ellis Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:48 am

She grabbed her hair, it was like something snapped inside Zara and she could feel the anger mounting. No one touched her hair, she always styled her hair differently. Something odd was with her hair, fluffed out and pulled up into an extremely high pony, or just crazy, she loved messing with her hair, and this dirty monster had put her hands all over it. It would take days to get it clean and she growled loudly, before she was almost knocked out. Falling to the ground, she lay there for a second, listening to the things demands.

Rubbing her head she looked up at the thing. It sort of sounded fun, fight this thing, she got to find out what her strengths and weaknesses are, maybe get a little more information on what these things were. Lay here, it would leave her alone, break the rules, she was killed and fed to the puppy. Sounded reasonable enough, but she wasn't about to run. "Okay.. so what happens if I get the better of you? Say, you're doggie there dies, and I take off your head?" She asked calmly, as she gingerly got to her feet, pain exploding in her head and in her ribs. She almost fell back over, but managed to twist her grimace of pain, into a scowl that she focused up at her.

"Hypothetically of course." She said grinning up at her, before collapsing slightly. Landing on one knee, she tried to collect herself. It was worse then she thought, and she knew she wouldn't last long in a chase. But what did it matter, she only had to apparate, of course that might be considered against the rules, but it wasn't like the beast could follow her if she was out of reach for her to be dragged along with her. She got back to her feet, and rubbed her head. "Of course, you will have to pay for touching my hair.. I'm a bit sensitive about that.. People don't. touch. my. hair." She growled out and pointed her wand at her. "Crucio!"
Zara Ellis
Zara Ellis

Number of posts : 228
Occupation : Charms Professor

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Guest Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:10 am

Niov felt her face contort in anger at the woman's words. Did she really think that she could ever best Defres, let alone her? And not only that she could beat either if them, but both of them? "You stupid human! You insult yourself and your race by asking such a foolish question! It is implausible!"

The woman said it was only hypothetical, and Niov stared at her, her expression frozen. Her face slowly relaxed back into that exhausted, haunting look and she chuckled a low, dark chuckle that matched her voice; raspy and forced. "Oh hypothetical is it? Then we would be in another dimension, another universe, and you would have won the game."

She smirked as the woman struggled to her feet. Suddenly, she was hit with a curse and she began to writhe and thrash with pain, and yet she screamed with laughter. Humans...did they not understood that as long as there was chaos and pain, the demons would thrive.

Defres had jumped into action however, and leaped on top of the girl to pin her to the ground. His eyes locked with hers to keep her immobile and he waited patiently.

Finally, Niov recovered and stood, panting and grinning. "Oh goody, you can play." She smirked, knowing it would be next to impossible for the woman to free herself from Defres.

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Zara Ellis Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:18 am

It was odd, the calm that flowed through Zara's body when the dog leaped on her. It was like the curse had steadied her emotions, made her think more clearly and she smiled slightly. Feeling the pain on the other end of her wand had relaxed her to such a state, that even though she was pinned to the ground, the giant wolf dog on top of her, she was smiling at him. "Good doggie." She said with a laugh.

"Play? Oh no, I just needed to feel pain being inflicted on the other end of my wand.. even if you enjoyed it." There had been no mistake of the laughter when the lady had been hit with the spell. So pain made her laugh... what was the opposite of pain? Joy... Soo... A tickling charm? Zara moved her hand so that her wand was positioned to just barely touch the dogs leg. "Rictusempra" She said smiling as the tickling charm hit the dog. Pain and anger was what fueled these things, so if she caused.. joy and happiness? Maybe it would weaken them. She wasn't sure, but it was worth a try.
Zara Ellis
Zara Ellis

Number of posts : 228
Occupation : Charms Professor

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Guest Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:28 am

Defres was not affected by magic in the ways that the demons or humans were. The spell hit him in the chest but the only thing that changed was his eyes darkened and strengthened onto hers. His muscles twitched wildly from the spell, but he continued to stare down at her.

Niov stared at the woman, her eyes narrowing in on her. What was going on in that head of hers. Niov rasped some words that the woman would not comprehend and Defres slowly backed off of her, eyes still locked threateningly on her.

"Interesting thought, magic on the dog," Niov said, feeling irritated that the woman would attack Defres, even though she very well knew he was fine. "But you are not thinking hard enough yet. Or are...and yet you can not get there." She croaked another chuckle and held out a hand. Fire appeared. She cupped her other hand over the flame, the smell of rotting flesh filling her nostrils before the flame was clenched, leaving only a very heavy rock. She hefted it at the woman, throwing it as easily as though it were a mere pebble.

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Zara Ellis Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:35 am

Zara sighed. Not on the dog then, she kept her eyes off of it's eyes though. It made her uneasy, that glare, it was like she could feel it itching her skin. She would have to try her magic on the woman then. She obviously wasn't to frightened for the dog though, because the way she had acted, she had been more bemused about Zara hitting it with a spell, then she had been worried about the dogs safety. Unforgivables wouldn't be working here and Zara knew she would have to try something else.

But there wasn't much time to try something else, because no sooner had the dog gotten off of her, then a rock the size of her had landed on her leg. Zara couldn't hold back a yell of pain as she sat straight up, her hand on her leg pushing it off and inspecting the damage. Broken was an understatement, and she was lucky she wasn't a muggle with an injury like this. She would never see her leg again if that was the case. But Zara knew it would be exceptionally hard to get up and apparate away with an injury like that. She glared up at the woman. "And what the hell was that for?" She asked pain coursing up her leg, but she ignored it.
Zara Ellis
Zara Ellis

Number of posts : 228
Occupation : Charms Professor

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Broken Hearts - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken Hearts

Post by Guest Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:48 am

Niov cackled and took another step closer. "Need there always be a reason, human? That is the flaw in your race. There always must be an excuse, must be a reason, a rational, because without it everything is too hard to understand. When will your race just accept that you are all weak and dispensable?"

She shook her head but did not make any more violent actions against the woman, feeling as though the game would not be nearly as fun if she exhausted her victim so quickly. Instead she paced in a small line a few times... She finally stopped. "Are you still going to play with me? Or are you ready to give up?" She raised her eyebrows.

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