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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Waiting for your arrival

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:38 pm

Hash never knew when he had been bested. He always wanted to fight until the end would be coming for him or the other person he chose to fight with. He was about to charge foolishly into the sunlight, when he heard his language in his head. It was the leader. Taking one last glance at the red head in front of him, he swore loudly at her and then disappeared, without a trace. He had not apparated, but yet was just summoned to his home. Where he was able to heal and prepare for their next encounter.

Hash stood in front of the place where he would be able to call home. Taking a moment to remember that one girls name, he grinned evilly. "Chase Moor will die by my hand," he said, almost promising it to himself. He walked into the entrance, feeling as if everything in his body had been stitched and repaired instantly. Now he was good again to fight...but would rather skip out on that point. She obviously knew his weaknesses now...which wasn't a good thing. So he stayed into the home, waiting patiently for the leaders words.

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:00 am

He was gone, he had just.. left. Chase collapsed onto the ground, pain from her stomach flooding her system for a moment. She sat there trembling, unable to raise herself up to get out of that horrible place. The gargoyle lay in pieces around her, and there was a large dent in the wall that he had slammed her into. Her hair lay around her face in a wild tangled mess, a small drop of blood leaking down her forehead from a cut she had gotten on a rock, but it was barely a pain compared to her stomach.

Why did she have to be so useless? The second she started to stand up for herself.. she lost all magical ability with the loss of her wand. She looked down at her stomach and carefully removed her hand, it was coated with blood the color of her hair, and she gasped and fell to her side, a rock poking her painfully in the back, but she was to exhausted, to worn to do anything about it. The light lay on her and warmed her body up as she lay there, her eyes closed slightly. The sun shone on her so that she looked more like a puddle of blood then an actual person. The wound now leaking around her hand and a gentle and slow drip falling onto the ground around her stomach.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:18 am

Andrew was furious. He had specifcally told Chase not to leave the apartment back in New York, due to the fact that Vito had almost killed her when they confronted each other. He had been in rage at that point and tried to make everything right again, especially hearing that Jack had managed to protect Chase. But he could not contact her by any means, since he had no idea where the hell she was. But at that point, he was mad at Chase, mad that she had managed to sneak out while he was asleep. Why would she do such a thing anyway...it wasn't like her. She had changed since the brawl back at London and even now, she had managed to succesfully elude Andrew.

He was scanning the city of London, looking left and right on every corner. A friend of his told him that she had left to go someplace and he immediatly thought of London. That was where the whole mess had begun anyway. Hopefully she was alright, and if she was, he would chew her head off. But even still, he loved her and that was pretty much the only reason why he was out there in the first place.

"Chase?" he questioned, looking around the area. Everything seemed to be too quiet at that moment...as if something had happened recently. What in the devils name happened there? Continuing his search, he found the ground split into man different directions, and large footsteps going away from it. Andrew's heart immediatly dropped. He toke off at a sprint, following the footsteps that were not easily concealable. After seeing many different pieces of rubble, he noticed that the building on his right had a large humanoid figure etched out blasted through a large buildingwall, the employees of the building shaking back and forth in shock.

He inched himself through the openings, until he reached the other alleyway. He looked right, then looked left to see Chase, lying on the ground and bleeding. "Oh my god!" he said and sprinted over to Chase, his body becoming cold blooded now. He slid to a stop on his knees, cutting the skin slightly as he slid through rubble. He lifted her up slightly, holding her in his arms, his heart rate beating frantically to a point where he litterally thought it would explode. "Chase!" he exclaimed, brushing some of her bangs out of the way to see blood dripping from it. He pulled out his wand from the left side pocket and aimed the tip to where the wound was shown. "Ekipsky!" he said, a bright flash of light going towards her. "Chase are you alright?!"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:28 am

Someone was saying her name.. Chase hadn't even realized it, but she had passed out on the ground, still holding onto the wound, she felt herself be lifted into a sitting position. "Andrew?" She groaned and felt the wound on her stomach starting to heal, but it was much to deep for the simple spell to work properly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Andrew, her vision blurred and she shook her head confused. Only to feel the pain in her head she groaned and moved closer to his heat. "Andrew.." She whispered, and she suddenly realized that she was alright. She had lived, and Andrew had found her! Of course he had found her, it was Andrew after all.

"I didn't mean to..." She whispered. "I was just walking, he attacked.." She groaned again and tried to sit up, glancing at her stomach, the bleeding had slowed down considerably, and now it was healing on it's own quickly, the blood clotting and her skin starting to stitch itself back together, still under effect of the spell. She moved her bloodied hand away from her stomach and looked up at him. She suddenly felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. He was furious at her, she could tell by the way he was looking at her. Sure he was concerned, and probably scared that she was hurt more then she was at the moment, but Chase knew that he was angry.

She had slipped out last night when he had been asleep. She didn't like being locked up, in fact it annoyed the crap out of her, she viewed herself as a bird, ready to take wing, but he had locked her in a cage for her own safety and she didn't want to be safe. She wanted to be free. "Andrew.. look." She said carefully but then stopped and rubbed her forehead, feeling the blood that had dripped their earlier wipe across it. She took a deep breath and then looked back up at him. "You can yell at me.. I don't mind.." She said wincing slightly when she tried to move again and felt her ribs protest. "But do you have anything to help my ribs?" She muttered rubbing her hand over her side. "I think I might of cracked a few.."
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:46 am

Andrews heart began to pump blood at a considerable rate, causing his hands to quiver at that. He had seen Chase like this a couple of times, but at that moment, he had no idea what had hurt her. Anger, sadness, and happiness swelled up inside him. On one hand, he was furious at the fact that she had deliberatly left the apartment and gotten herself into this. Sadness because he couldn't find the person responsible for this and murder the man. And happiness at the fact that she was alright. His eyes kept an angry stance, but his mouth formed into a smile that showed that he was at least happy.

He pressed his lips onto her gently, glad that she was able to pull through. As soon as he kissed her though, anger began to emerge, wiping away his smile almost instantly. "Chase!" he said softly, not wanting to raise his voice, yet still sounded angry "what in gods name were you trying to do?! I told you to stay at the apartment and just wait for a bit and look at you now!" His anger wanted to break though, wanted to tell her how he really felt about the entire mess. But he sighed it off, sparing her an hour long lecture until she bled out. Working silently, he casted a few spells, trying to repair her broken ribs.

He looked back at her, his eyes showing more concern and worry than anger anymore. He didn't want to see her down like that, and rather wished it would've happened to him. He pressed his lips onto hers once more and sighed, his face showing thought. "Let's just head home," he said softly
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:52 am

Chase winced when he spoke angrily at her. But for some odd reason, he seemed more sad then upset. She looked down at his wand as he worked on her ribs. And she felt small tears gathering in her eyes. She pulled out her broken and useless wand and held it up. "I'll need to get to Diagon Alley soon.." She said softly, before tucking away the handle again. "I'd fix myself up.. but yeah.." She said and looked at him carefully. "I'm sorry Andrew.." she said softly and kissed him back, hoping he wouldn't be.. well to upset with her.

Head home, yes, she wanted to sleep for days on end, and recount what had happened to her. Why had that pig thing attacked her of all people? Just because she had gone into the clearing.. she had found out his weakness though, so once she got a wand, she'd keep a hold of it wherever she went. "Yeah.. lets go home.." She said softly and gingerly got to her feet. "Thank you.. for.. healing me." She said glancing at him and then looking away quickly again. "I'm sorry.." She said and ran her hand through her hair, wincing again, but was otherwise unhurt as she stretched carefully, feeling the soreness of her newly repaired ribs.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:00 am

Andrew couldn't say that everything was alright at that moment. She had snuck out of the apartment and gotten herself into more trouble she didn't need. He sounded a lot like his father, but he figured that was just the feelings he had towards her. Not of anger or overprotective, but rather caring and love. He looked at her now destroyed wand and frowned a bit. Thats why. That's why she was like this. She had no magic to help her out, so he couldn't blame her for that much. Hopefully she at least tried something, anything.

He looked back at Chase, his eyes looking a little watery at that point. He was scared that he had almost lost her, and now he knew she was going to be alright...physically. He couldn't tell what her mental stability would be like afterwords. He sighed softly, rubbing his eyes to expell any liquid. "Yeah..." he said with a rather monotone sense "let's just go..." Yet for some reason, he couldn't seem to let it go. Something was just gnawing at the back of his head, something that he couldn't put his finger on.

He turned his body around, his face looking stern and strong. "Who did this to you?" he asked her, his voice showing no sense of humor or emotion. Well, maybe a little emotion, but it would've just been anger. He couldn't help but ask "why did he do this to you? Did anything happen?"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:11 am

Chase watched him carefully. He seemed to be really concerned, and she could just imagine, walking down the alley, and she being on the ground, probably looking dead, he probably thought she had died, and she couldn't even imagine putting Andrew through that. She took hold of his hand gingerly and bit her lip when he spun to face her. Who did it? Chase had to think for a moment. "Well.. erm.." She bit her lip and then shrugged. "I doubt you'll believe me, but he was like.. eight feet tall, and he looked like a very big, over fed pig.."

Chase glanced at him and then looked down at her feet. "My wand accidentally sparked in my jacket.. so I jumped into an alley to hide it from muggles ya know.." She said chewing on her bottom lip, her arms crossed over her chest like she was insecure. "And a giant stone gargoyle came out of the sky, and kept swooping down on me! So I'm dodging this thing, when suddenly it pins me to a wall, and this.. giant.. pig thing came up and kept demanding to know what I was.. well it didn't help that I lit my wand, his skin seemed to like, crack when the light hit him, and that's why he smashed my wand into pieces..." She looked up at Andrew again and then kicked the ground and looked back down.

"Well I got away! But.. well.. the gargoyle followed me, and pinned me to the ground.. I was stupid, and I kept taunting him I guess... he kept this gargoyle on me, and so I said that he wasn't even strong enough to take me on himself, well he killed the gargoyle.. well as you can see the pieces.." She said gesturing around them to the stone laying on the ground. "Threw me against the wall.." She pointed at the indent in the brick, and I got into the light, well he fled after that.. and I collapsed and you found me.." She said finishing lamely and looking at her feet. "Please lets go home, I feel so much safer there..." She said and moved towards him, putting her arms around his middle and pressing her cheek to his chest.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Andrew Thompson Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:35 am

Andrew felt himself raise his eyebrow once she said 'over fed pig'. He didn't believe it at first, but what else could have harmed Chase? Nothing seemed to make sense if it was just a mugger. She couldn't have done anything bad, since he knew that she was kind at heart. He would think about this pig later, but for now, he would focus only on Chase and her story.

The more and more she spoke, Andrew got a little irritated. That story sounded very far fetched, but knew something had to be true about it. Broken statue pieces had littered the ground below them, so she obviously had something happen to her. But that couldn't help his irritationin the slightest bit. What really made himself shocked, and probably Chase was his next move.

He pushed her away.

Well he didn't push push, but rather nudged her away from him. Anger began to flow through him as she said that she had insulted the creature that had nearly killed her. Rage sparked into his eyes, and his grew a stern face. "You what?!" he exclaimed, grinding his teeth "you insulted that thing that was going to KILL you?! Chase, this isn't you, what the hell happened?!"
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3818
Special Abilities : Invisibility
Occupation : Guitarist

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Waiting for your arrival - Page 3 Empty Re: Waiting for your arrival

Post by Chastity Moor Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:43 am

Chase gasped when he nudged her away. She stared at him and was surprised at how angry he was. She had never actually seen Andrew that angry before.. concerned yes, but angry? No.. not at all. Chase frowned and took a small step back, hitting a piece of the statue with her ankle she looked down at it and then sighed. It was the chunk of the gargoyle that was just it's face. He was yelling at her, he looked.. livid. And she couldn't meet his eye. "It kinda worked when I was against Vito!" She said turning to look at him. "I'm tired of being the one that needs to be saved Andrew!" She said and suddenly realized it was true.

"Every time I leave you're site, something attacks me, I don't know why, and I don't really care, but I'm sick and tired of having to be the one who's saved! Andrew you don't know what it feels like! To be nothing more then the one who needs saving.. the damsel in distress who needs her knight in shining armor! Even JACK came and saved me... I would have died had it not been for her, and I'm tired of it!" she held her hands out in front of her, staring at them like they were unclean or something, and they were too, her blood still stained them badly.

"I tried to be like you guys.. able to throw in sarcastic remarks, and laugh in the face of danger! I want to be more like you! I don't want to be saved every time I'm in trouble!" She shot at him and her eyes were blazing with a fury of her own. But not at him, more at herself, she was upset and angry at herself. "Just because I'm a Hufflepuff, I feel like people put me down, 'oh, she's just the one who has all the best friends! She can't stand up in a fight at all!' and it's true! But today.. I laughed in the face of danger, I taunted this beast.. and I won!" She said her hands shaking now.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
Occupation : Student

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