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Welcome to Potter’s Army

Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

15 years later... - Page 2 Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

15 years later...

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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Emmanuelle Lestrange Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:17 am

Emmanuelle walked beside her husband she been married for many years as well as her loving daughter Sophia. Emmanuelle looked at James and Madison and couldn't help not try cry for the grown up way to fast for her! She turned towards James and Madison with a sharp look on her face. "You two behave this year, and I don't want any letter that you put dungbombs in moaning myrtle's bathroom you hear me?"Emmanuelle asked them softly. " Yes mom, but Sophia flodded the bathroom when she was young why can't we?"James asked giving her a smirk so much like his father's. "Oh lord...where did I go wrong raising them, and I'm going to kill Sophia for telling you two that story!"said Emmanuelle.

Madi rolled her eyes at her father. "Oh come on daddy, Sophia kissed plenty of boys when she was my age why not me?"Madi asked her father. "Yeah but your the youngest Madi and Sophia is the oldest there's a different."said Emmanuelle softly. "I never get to do anything fun!"said Madi as she salmmed the door and stomped into the train loudly. "God she's like a mini Sophia all over again right love?"Emmanuelle asked laughing. Emmanuelle hit him as she heard him say don't get caught burning the teacher desk down. "Matthew Lestrange! don't tell her that, she'll do it you know how they are!"said Emmanuelle shaking her head.

Emmanuelle nodded. "Yes it has, way to fast for my liking."said Emmanuelle sighing as she heard the whistle of the train blow. Emmanuelle smiled as she seen Noel hug Matt tightly and told him she will write him every day and promise she'll stay out of trouble. "God she reminds me more of Sophia when she was seventeen, but then again so does Madi."said Emmanuelle softly. "HEY!"we heard that said James and madison together as they smiled at there parents.
Emmanuelle Lestrange
Emmanuelle Lestrange

Number of posts : 101

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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nerissa Hatts Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:26 am

As soon as the Minister of Magic had arrived, Nerissa noticed; she had spotted him not too far from where she sat, standing in the crowd with a few children near him. Her eyes widened and a sudden feeling of panic and fear took over her, “No, no, no,” she hissed. She had known that it would be risky coming to watch the Hogwarts Express take off for the year, but she certainly hadn’t considered the possibility of running into the Minister. The redhead thought of standing and darting away from the place, but she knew that such an action would only draw attention to herself, and that was the last thing that she wanted to do at such a time.

"Hello Essa. How are you?" Nerissa jumped, clearly frightened out of her wits and turned her head around so that he could see who was standing behind her- though she had known as soon as she had been greeted by her old nickname; Andrew had made the name up for her, and she couldn’t remember anyone else calling her by that name. Nerissa parted her lips to speak, but she was still having trouble breathing because of how startled she had been to hear someone’s voice so close to her, and decided to wait a few seconds before attempting to speak.

The train whistled, signaling that it would only be so much longer before it started up and began its journey to Hogwarts with all the little children and a few of the professors on it. Nerissa took this as her cue to reply to the man before her, “Andrew, you look well…” she said in a quiet voice, though it had changed much since the years the two of them had spent the most time around each other. Nerissa’s eyes darted about Andrew’s face; he had changed much, but she could still recognize him as the boy she had met at Hogwarts so many years before.

Nerissa remembered that the Minister was near and quickly looked over in the direction where she had last spotted him, only to see that someone was blocking her view. She nodded, good, that meant that he couldn’t see her either. The women turned her attention once more to Andrew, “I’m sorry, you’ve caught me at a very bad time…” she added in the calmest voice she could muster.
Nerissa Hatts

Number of posts : 482

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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Sophia Granger Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:30 am

Sophia walked through the crowded platform of platfrom nine and three quarters with her father, mother, James, Madison and Noel. "God it seems like ages since I been on that train going to Hogwarts for another year."said Sophia softly smiling at the train. As memories came towards her she smiled and looked over at James and Madison. "Do what mom says for she not to happy when she's angry we all know that, but be careful around Professor Wilson and try not to get any detentions with them for there horrible!"said Sophia shuddering at the memories of detentions with him. "If you two need help with O.W.L.S. this year just owl me alright?"Sophia asked as they nodded.

"Oh and be careful about the dungbombs try not to let it get in your mouth or nose!"whispered Sophia winking at them. As she seen her mother gave her the look she muttered 'sorry mom' and hugged her brother and sister and walked towards her father. "God Madi and Noel are SO much like me it's scary!"said Sophia laughing her tinkling bell laugh. Sophia held back a laugh when she heard her father tell Madi if she blew up a teacher's desk try not to get caught. "Yeah if you do it'll be a month detention or more!"said Sophia loudly towards trhe twins. "Not that I would know... I never done it!"said Sophia lying out of her teeth as her mother looked at her again.

Sophia turned towards her daughter and hugged her. "Have a good year baby and try to stay out of trouble ok?"Sophia asked her softly. "Ok mom I'll try, but you know how I am I don't go looking for trouble it finds me."said Noel sighing. As she hugged her grandfather she looked at him and smiled. "Promise you'll all come to the Quidditch game alright?"Noel asked as she rushed into the tain and closed the door. "Bye mom, grandpa and grandma love you!"said Noel softly as the twins followed her lead.
Sophia Granger
Sophia Granger
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Andrew Thompson Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:54 am

Andrew looked at Nerissa quietly, knowing that she had always been very shy. From the looks of her, she had been down lately and could use someone to talk to, but that was just his first impression of her. He knew he would have to get back to his wife and the others, but also wanted to talk to Nerissa some more. To see how she had been or what job she had. From first glance, he couldn't tell, but she had to be at least somewhere. "It's good to see you too Nerissa," he said softly

"I have to get back to my kids," he said softly to her "come and chat with us if you want to." And with that, he turned around and approached the others. Walkly slowly, he had some flashbacks about him and Nerissa. Some good, some bad, most others he couldn't describe. He sighed and mushed forward.

He put back on his smile and from behind grabbed Chase from the waist. "Gotcha!" he said, the little kid in his being released once more. He could be more adult if he wanted to, but it was more fun being a kid. He kissed her quickly on the neck and let go of her to notice some more people around them. "Hello," he said.
Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Chastity Moor Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:04 am

Chase frowned when Andrew walked off to talk to someone. Her gaze drifted to where he was looking and saw Nerissa. "Oh.." She whispered softly, a frown making a crease between her eyes. She didn't look so good, and she was staring at someone. Chase followed her gaze and saw.. "MATT!" She cried out and practically bounced over to her. Selene giggling happily on her hip as she was bounced along with. "Sophia! Emmy!" She said laughing happily, hugging her friend first before turning to Matt and Emmy. Selene started to giggle and clap and reached out to Sophia. "Auntie!" She cried out, and Chase set her down to let her go hug Sophia.

"Matt! Emmy! How are you?" She asked happily, hugging her, almost adoptive parents. Sure Matt was the minister of magic, and Emmy his wife, but Chase had called them her parents ever since hers had died and Sophia had taken her in when she was 17. She smiled happily and looked over at Selene. "How are you doing? I haven't seen you guys all summer!" She said smiling at them, and looking around for their kids. They must have all ran off or something, ready to get on the train, which was nearly about to leave. Chase started to look around frantically for her own kid, when suddenly she felt someone grab her waist. She laughed and was pulled back by Andrew. "Haha, Hi Andrew.." She grinned when he kissed her neck and then let go of her.

"You know Matt, Emmy, and Sophia!" She said pointing at them. Selene was begging to be lifted up by Sophia, and Chase grinned, lacing her arm around Andrew's waist carefully. She glanced behind her and then whispered in Andrew's ear. "Everything alright darling?" She glanced back at Nerissa. Wondering if she was going to come over or not. She had been rather good friends with her, not knowing that it was HER who Andrew had been dating before he had dated her all of those years ago.
Chastity Moor
Chastity Moor

Number of posts : 2008
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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nick Potter Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:59 pm

Nick walked over with Chase to go see Matt and Emmuanule and Sophia "Hi Sophia Hi Matt Hi Emmaunle Long time no see" Nick said as he saw the train about to leave and his kids stuff all packed up "So how is every body" Nick asked as he watched the train start to pull of he didnt know what he whould do for the summer after all his wife had died in child birth and this whould be the last time he see his kids untill christmas he could write them but it whouldent be the same to him
Nick Potter
Nick Potter
Sixth Year Ravenclaw
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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Matthew Lestrange Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:22 am

OoC:Who's post is it?

15 years later... - Page 2 Tumblr_oyip5qmUoz1sj8jevo1_500
Matthew Lestrange
Matthew Lestrange
Seventh Year Slytherin
Seventh Year Slytherin

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15 years later... - Page 2 Empty Re: 15 years later...

Post by Nick Potter Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:23 am

Nick Potter
Nick Potter
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Sixth Year Ravenclaw

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